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Motorsports Sayings/Quotes

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Best quotes and sayings about car racing

"Gotta work on the nut behind the wheel before you start fixing bolts on the car".


"Racing makes Heroin addiction look like a vague wish for something salty." -- Peter Egan


Colin Chapman: Simplify, then add lightness


Roger Penske: the harder you work, the luckier you become


Jackie Stewart: It is not always possible to be the best, but it is always possible to improve your own performance


When you think you know it all, it's a sure sign you don't


The best way to make a small fortune in racing is to start with a large one and work down from there


On racers that favored implementation of restrictor plates:

"If they don't want to go that fast, all they have to do is lift...and somebody better tie a kerosene soaked wrag around their legs to keep the ants from eating their candy a$$!"


As an instructor getting into a car for the first session with a student:

"don't try and impres me, you won't." "don't try and scare me, I already am."


"Straight roads are for fast cars, turns are for fast drivers." -Colin McRae


"It's not a throttle-it's a detonator." -Jeremy Clarkson


"Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines." -Enzo Ferrari


"Racing is the best way to convert money into noise" - unknown


"To finish first, you must first finish" – unknown


Oversteer is hitting the wall with the back of the car,

understeer is hitting the wall with the front...


Newman's first law: It is useless to put on your brakes when you're upside down. -Paul Newman


If the car feels like it is on rails, you are probably driving too slow. -Ross Bentley


Horsepower is how fast you hit the wall.

Torque is how far you take the wall with you.


"Cheap, fast and reliable. Pick two."


"Racing ... because golf, football, and baseball only require one ball." – Anonymous


Racing costs today exactly the same as it did twenty years ago.. it takes every penny you have.

- Unknown


I was doing fine until about mid-corner when I ran out of talent

- Unknown


Juan Manuel Fangio:

"Driving fast on the track does not scare me. What scares me is when I drive on the highway I get passed by some idiot who thinks he is Fangio."


Mario Andretti

“If everything seems under control, you're just not going fast enough.”

"If you don't come walking back to the pits every once in a while holding a steering wheel in your hands, you're not trying hard enough"

"It is amazing how may drivers, even at the Formula One Level, think that the brakes are for slowing the car down."


....it would have been cheaper to spend our money on cocaine and hookers....... ( at a bar, name unavailable)


You'll know you've made it.....when you wear out your rear tires.....before your front tires..... ( Former IP Champ and all around great fellow)


I KNOW I'm the slowest part on the car..... ( B. Wright, repeated too often....)


"Never run out of real estate, ideas and traction at the same time." - seen on a Track Daze T-shirt


"Oh yes. It's not when you brake but when you take them off that counts. Most people don't understand that." - Jackie Stewart


"Cornering perfectly is like bringing a woman to climax.” - Jackie Stewart


"He who turns least wins." Ross Bentley


Poverty is owning a racecar. (bumper sticker)


Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in one pretty and well-preserved piece...but to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, worn out, and defiantly shouting "wow, what a ride." (On the back of a race car trailer somewhere).


"Here, hold my beer" - anybody before doing something arguably awesome


Wide open until you see God, then brake – unknown


Speed costs, how fast do you want to go?


Friend of mine used to say: "Hang on, saw this in a cartoon, I think I can pull it off."

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"Ran out of brakes, ran out of road, ran out of talent." Neal Bates.


"So your telling me you turned up to the ATM of talent and were told you had insufficent funds?" Bean, legendary service crew from NSW. Said to me. And I did.


"If you look really closely, you can see the greenish hue of the electro-tree magnet" Stated about an infamous ARC driver who spent more time in the trees than on the road.


"we came around the corner and had a bit of a moment." Ari Vatenen with a smoke wreck of an Escort in the background.


"The difference between a shrub and a tree is that you can drive through shrubs." Anon.

Edited by Redwarf
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