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What Grinds My Gears.

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OMG I was driving up my sisters street and some little brat threw a lemon at my car. I stopped and rolled backwards onto their lawn. The little shit ran away but I spoke to a man that was standing on the other side of their fence watching. He started rambling on about the weather or some shit. Then all I asked is if he could just speak to the kids about the dangers of throwing objects at cars.

Then when I got home I vented to my parents and my dad was laying his wisdom on me telling me that I should be careful cause I could apparently get my head smashed in. Like WTF I don't gob off at people and its their kids that threw something at my car!! Then he was saying there is nothing I could do, I should just accept it cause its a kid and they know no better. I just couldn't convince him that their parents are responsible for them and to teach them right from wrong, so their parents would have to pay. But hey, my dad is older and "wiser".


Oh then later he was having a go at me cause I don't go to church anymore. I was forced to go all my childhood and now that I'm old enough I choose not to. I still do go tho on the occasions that mum lays the guilt on thickly. Plus he can't speak, he never went until he met mum.

He uses the comment that its only 1 hour out of my week but doesn't realise how they like to get their 2 hours beforehand, then there is the hour inside, then there is another hr by the time you get home, so thats half my day. And when you only get 2 days off a week, I want to spend it elsewhere!!! GRRR

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OMG I was driving up my sisters street and some little brat threw a lemon at my car. I stopped and rolled backwards onto their lawn. The little shit ran away but I spoke to a man that was standing on the other side of their fence watching. He started rambling on about the weather or some shit. Then all I asked is if he could just speak to the kids about the dangers of throwing objects at cars.

Then when I got home I vented to my parents and my dad was laying his wisdom on me telling me that I should be careful cause I could apparently get my head smashed in. Like WTF I don't gob off at people and its their kids that threw something at my car!! Then he was saying there is nothing I could do, I should just accept it cause its a kid and they know no better. I just couldn't convince him that their parents are responsible for them and to teach them right from wrong, so their parents would have to pay. But hey, my dad is older and "wiser".


Oh then later he was having a go at me cause I don't go to church anymore. I was forced to go all my childhood and now that I'm old enough I choose not to. I still do go tho on the occasions that mum lays the guilt on thickly. Plus he can't speak, he never went until he met mum.

He uses the comment that its only 1 hour out of my week but doesn't realise how they like to get their 2 hours beforehand, then there is the hour inside, then there is another hr by the time you get home, so thats half my day. And when you only get 2 days off a week, I want to spend it

elsewhere!!! GRRR


I'm pretty sure the church wont mind if you don't go as long as you give a seventh of your wage, at least thats the impression i get looking as an outsider.

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Oh then later he was having a go at me cause I don't go to church anymore. I was forced to go all my childhood and now that I'm old enough I choose not to. I still do go tho on the occasions that mum lays the guilt on thickly. Plus he can't speak, he never went until he met mum.

He uses the comment that its only 1 hour out of my week but doesn't realise how they like to get their 2 hours beforehand, then there is the hour inside, then there is another hr by the time you get home, so thats half my day. And when you only get 2 days off a week, I want to spend it elsewhere!!! GRRR

Use to go to church years ago but got fed up with it cause you'd start talking to someone and then they'd turn around and "Oh, i've got to see such and such before they leave...", like social butterflies. Get there around 8:30-9 in the morning and didn't leave till way after 12 "Oh, you just have to stay back for lunch." and if you didn't stay back and social butterfly you'd be cut from the groupies till your lesson was learnt.

As i was told once - there's more to believing in god then going to church....

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As i was told once - there's more to believing in god then going to church....


Hit the nail on the head with that comment in my opinion. Haven't been for about 5 years now although I go to a private school thats religious so I'm not sure if that counts.

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And for my next bitch

On the way back home between Moree and Goondiwindi just sitting the cruise control a little above the speed limit of 110 and this late model falcon came racing up behind us and sat on our arse till they got the idea of passing

and talk about phucking slow at doing it. A really great passing area - straight section of road, all clear around, no dips, no rises

Now just imagine - falcon pulls out just far enough to check, pulls back in, pulls back out, pulls back in, blinker comes on, pulls out, pulls back in......

like wtf - at the end of the stretch they finely pass us and race on up the road to suck on the arse of a road train. I come up behind them sit a good few seconds back from them and the truck, see a good straight section, two looks blinker on and pass with heaps of room left.... Like just how hard is it to pass some one.


Oh, yeah and the falcon did finely get past the truck. Raced up behind us again, but didn't bother passing again just sat on our arse for a bit then backed off raced up again backed off again like a broken record. But never tried to pass.

I guess the falcon didn't have cruise control... wankers

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My stupid internet connection keeps resetting. Its giving me the shits. When it does that means I'm logged out of RC and even worse my computer keeps telling me that it can't find the server. Everything else works but rollaclub doesn't. Well not for about half an hour. GRRRRR

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My stupid internet connection keeps resetting. Its giving me the shits. When it does that means I'm logged out of RC and even worse my computer keeps telling me that it can't find the server. Everything else works but rollaclub doesn't. Well not for about half an hour. GRRRRR



That's strange, my internet is broadband and almost everytime i'm on RC the dial up connection window pops up for some reason... :)

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Oh, and what grinds my gears....

Paypal, bunch of moneygrabbing cocksuckers who tell you your credit card is linked to another account and it's not your credit card. wtf? Of course it's my bloody card! And it's been linked to that account ever since i had a stupid paypal account.


And i don't get it, I thought you weren't supposed to offer PayPal as the sole method of payment? I think I'm going to have a spack at ebay now... :)

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