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Car Accidents


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Lol a bug that big to bend the wiper arm? Sure it was a bug man?



I am also a bike rider, though I ride my bmx through streets to get to places etc. I push limits on the roads around here with no helmets and I admit, if the bike rider chooses to do those things, then he must pay the consequence if he/she gets hit.


I've almost been hit about.. 3-4 times. And cops have tryed to catch me twice. One time caught me, one time I got away =]

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yeah, it was a bug, it got jammed in the wirer and wasnt dead, it was like a terminator bug or some shit, ive never seen anything like it. then i turned the wiper on to get rid of it and it put green guts shit all across the windscreen.


then like 10kms down the road the guts stuff sort of went into strands in the wind and made the window worse


stupid bug

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I thought I might say this one, as Daniel can't say it for himself now as he has passed away.


ABC News or something tonight said that a 17 year old boy in Logan Reserve had a car accident and died last night at 12:00am. His name was Daniel Woodgate, Him and I knew each other a little, but never really spoke.


His 17 year old passenger has been sent to hospital.


Ahh.. So I guess.. R.I.P..

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yeah a guy died just a couple of weeks ago round the corner from my joint. was at an intersection were the road comes down a hill, levels out for the intersection and contiues down hill. he was flyin down the road, leveled out on the intersection and got air off the other side, hit the road, ran off the road and died instantly.

he was coming home from getting his dog a t-bone.

he was just 17 only a bit older than me so it is sorta a reality hit but he was alone and noone was makin him do it.




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yeah a guy died just a couple of weeks ago round the corner from my joint. was at an intersection were the road comes down a hill, levels out for the intersection and contiues down hill. he was flyin down the road, leveled out on the intersection and got air off the other side, hit the road, ran off the road and died instantly.

he was coming home from getting his dog a t-bone.

he was just 17 only a bit older than me so it is sorta a reality hit but he was alone and noone was makin him do it.







Getting his dog a t-bone?


That is sort of cute in a way. Argh.



It does sorta scare me a little too. As I was in this Skyline accident and I walked away with hardly no harm.. I can only imagine if the Skyline hugged a tree..

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  • 1 month later...

I'll throw one in,

and yes it's another Commodore, a VL that was one of the cleanest around.


Before -->





Then after a great Saturday drive on an enjoyable but notorious mountain road a downhill, off camber sweeping corner with a bump in it found my ending up here -->





4 rolls off a rock wall, bent chassis and bent every panel. A trip to hospital for a sore neck and arm and a whole lot of grief for the loss of my beloved car.


Needless to say that I am a wiser and safer driver for the experience. 7 years this last week and haven't seen a ticket, accident or anything since. And I'm happier for it. This accident forced my best friend out of his loved and very worked 300zx TT for something a little less likely to kill him. We all live and learn.

Edited by skibum
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Ah yes another Commodore!


You are quite lucky to walk away from it. Even to see you weren't seriously injured. I know what you mean that it has changed your views and feelings on things later on. I sort of shit myself and hang on really tight if a mate it braking really hard in there car. I feel as if I will go through the same thing I did on the mountains in a mates car.

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That is a pretty crazy crash.....i have a little story of my own but unfortunatley not quite as good as that one. Me and 2 mates were cruisin round in his little hyundai excel and the driver decided to stop round at his gf's place for some quality time and said we could borrow his car so 1 hr later and a case of grog between us it started raining and unfortunatly as it was a weak little hyundai only way to get a decent drift was the old hand break needless to say he was quite pissed off when he were standing out front his missus place quite pissed saying that we had hit a gutter sideways and bent both wheels under the car and snapped an axle hah. Total right off. The story doesnt end there my mate for some stupid reason got it over hauled and fixed luckily i didnt have to pay for it and then a couple weeks later he fell asleep at the wheel and crashed it himself...this one i have pics of.


hope u enjoy


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Thats funny as, I have a similar story. A mate of mine was reversing my car out of my driveway and side swiped the the front fence and f@$ked my front passenger door. He said he would pay for it and about a week later i wrapped the car around a pole, total write off so i said don't worry about it. The pole hit exactly where he damaged it first.

Edited by Johno
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well its a sad day for ke20 lovers as another one is looking like its life has been tragicaly cut short. yes my 20 looks to be written off as a retarded drunk indian f*** T-boned me today as i was turning onto the m5. the stupid f*** pulls through a give way sign and spins me around. ill try put pics up later.

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Well i have a story to tell..


Recently, a mate of mine by the name of Cameron was having a night out with mates. He is recently 18 and works at Safeway. Well.. his mates decided to go for a cruise as you do. Funnily enough this was a driver error, no alcohol involved. Lost control through a turn and went passenger side first into a tree, Cameron was sitting front passenger seat. He is now in the Alfred Hospital with two broken arms, two broken legs, broken pelvis, cracked skull, broken ribs, and a ruined next few years.


Thinking of you Cam, get better mate ;)


P.S: The car was a write off, not surprised. Not sure what type of car though.

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