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Another Apollo Disaster

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So I'm outside having a late night chat (read: Smoko) with the next door neighbor in between matches of CS, and hear that unmistakable sound of tires locked up on wet asphalt, turn around and there is a *BANG*, closely followed by a blue Apollo partially airborne across the Kmart intersection, mounts the gutter, through the log fence thingy, and comes to a rest (mostly) in the car park.......


We've locked the houses up, grabbed keys, phones etc. and done the bolt to make sure no-one was seriously injured, made a quick call to the authorities on the way there......


Get to the scene and the bloody thing is still running(!), the driver is very obviously trying to leave, this becomes apparent from the grinding and clunking coming from what's left of his drive train........


Ask the bloke if he's ok, and he hops out and asks us to help push the thing into the carpark, it's pretty plain to see it isn't going anywhere in a hurry, but he doesn't want to give up just yet..... And he's slurring his words pretty badly too..... :D


By this stage the police have arrived, (under 2 mins response time, impressed) the bloke has seen them, turns to us and says, and I quote "ah f@$k, the pigs, you boys better get to walking, I don't have a licence" ;) at which point he locks the car and starts walking off...... ;)


The police jump out of their squad car and ask me if I was the driver, I just point at the guy walking away and say "him", after a bit of fuss, they get him back to the squad car, breatho him (well and truly over the limit too), struggle to get a name off him, has no licence on him, in the car he goes.......


We got asked a few questions, nice easy ones, "were we involved?" No "what did you see?" All of it "could you guys make a statement for us?" Sure, why not......


Stopped on the way there to have a chat with the friendly Kmart security lady and take a few happy snaps....... Enjoy the carnage...... The blokes likely gonna get reamed for this one.......

Bloody oath he must have been moving though, the skids marks are about 40 meters long, and that's just before he hit the first traffic island....... And there is sump/transmission fluid from the traffic island all the way to the car, I amazed the thing could still run........











Sometimes, just sometimes, the right side of the law is a fun place to be........ :lol:

Edited by Toy-Yoda
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