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Suspected Terrorist Attacks In London

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Yeah its pretty f@$ked up, just got confirmation that my mate over there is ok, what they prove by doing this shit has got me...

prove that they can do it. they don't care that it simply strengthens the resolve of the government and the people in their anger. it's pathetic and cowardly run and hide tactics. I'm still waiting to hear from my mates over there, though I'm sure (hoping) they're ok.


I'm so tired of watching people die like this.

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didnt know anything about it until about 11ish tonight....one of my workmates came over to me and said.."hey man you heard whats happening over in london".....i went..."yeah yeah i heard they got the olympics".....he goes "nah man if you got friends over there give them a call right now".....he says "they've had another 911 over there....subways and buses being the target".....


i was just shocked.....although i don't have anyone over there that i know of....i hope all of your loved ones are safe and sound.

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I heard from my friend in London. He and his fam are all ok, but he was on the tube at Edgware station when it got evacuated. Way too close a call... He talked to me on msn from his Dad's office in central London (since he couldn't get to his own work) and was telling me how they were told it was a power failure... so he went to catch a bus when his mum rang him (very intelligent and wonderful woman, by the way) and said whatever you do, don't get on a bus. So he got a cab. But that was part of the problem - the citizens knew nothing and weren't being told anything and couldn't, in the early stages, make fully informed decisions about what they could do. I knew more about it than he did watching ABC news over here so I was telling him what was going on. It was very strange...


To echo Xany - hope anyone with friends/fam hears they are all safe.

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yeah... was a worrying we time for me. my cousin ans sister are both there at the moment. cuz lives very close to that area, and at least 2 of the stations are on the line she takes..... found out they were ok at 1am our time.


bastard terrorists :n:

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My g/f and i found out about half an hour before it came on the news, my g/f's sister works in london as a pathologist (right next to the Big Ben), she got off the Tube 20 minutes before it all happened. She rang us to tell us that when we hear about it not to panic and she was ok. We have all told her not to stay there and just come back to aus... i think she's considering it too.




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yeh my couz works in the area that was targated, he also catchs public transport, even tho we arn't on talking terms I was a bit worried and made some calls to find out he was ok ... which is good.


Personally I think Londan is very lucky not to have worse results... sure one deceased is one to many 52 is terrible.. but it could of been much worse..


I was very curious this morning when mobile communication towers were activited if more bombs would of exploded... hopefully the video footage from the trains and street cams will shed some light which cell is responsible.

Edited by TOMsGPTurbo
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