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Everything posted by Ruts

  1. if you don't want to be tight fisted and are prepared to part with a few $$ to cover nicks costs, then click the shop link in my signature if you expect them for nothing, then you will need to hunt down the region leader on your own.
  2. good luck - to me the colour looks black - i am guessing there might be some purple in there too - hard to tell from those pics.
  3. I was thinking something that looked like it had a giant W wrapped over the back ove the body. The centre of the W would be the middle of the roofline stopping at the windscreen The outside edges of the W would be at the door sill. Add a edge colour to hightlight its shape and bingo
  4. Matt - email me the pics and let me see what I can do for you. And yup like Nite said ... piss off that crappy windows stuff - use Photoshop. I might even know where you can get a copy :lmao:
  5. oh crap - tell me its not a remake of NetsCRAP oops i mean .. Netscape I just noticed that this thing is Navigator and the 'edit' option is Composer - sounds very Netscape and even has the crap Netscape ships wheel icon !!!
  6. my 2a to 4a conversion I used all the same points - in fact i took my 2a brackets and bolted them to the 4a
  7. Yup thats the one CS2 and V9 are the same - its just Adobe's way of making it sound special instead of just a v7 to v9 upgrade CS2 (Creative Suite 2) is the name given to the full bundle of Adobe Software - price at almost $3k
  8. Coloured the shorty too My fave colour and the aussie spirit
  9. well jasc isnt photoshop really is it ?? I am using Photoshop CS2, Also have Photoshop 7.0 installed but am using it less now that I am feeling my way around CS2
  10. I PM'd early in the day but had no response
  11. really fast hack job - didnt get a clean body to start with so there is some old colour showing in places seriously this is a less than 5 minute job
  12. I created a layer that is just the body of the car - no windows or wheels or backgrounds I desaturated that layer (so its greyscale only) Copy that layer again but colourise it - it blue or green and set it to be a hue layer tweak the colour and brightness a little and presto.
  13. We work on one month without violation = -10% However that's one month from your last violation before any start coming off and if you screw up in that one month period the 'clean' period starts again. That being said we need to adjust yours by -10% :dance: Done - now you just have to behave a little longer to get rid of the others :D
  14. fast and rough - probably not quite the shade you had in mind but here is a blue version or maybe horrible ford green ok maybe this is closer to the blue you showed - hard to tell in that image
  15. when (if) you screw up you will see that bar increase in 10% increments. if you get up too high (for repeat offences) you will be limited in what you can do on the board - or even be suspended for a period of time.
  16. did an 11.2 over the 1/4 as well - on street tyres and detuned - and did i mention its for sale !!!
  17. Shortys are great - and extreme shortys are even better this makes the original image look like it has been stretched hmmm maybe now i see where the capri body shape came from ... and for reference - the original Loooooooooooong image
  18. Right - so I did the simple stuff just to show how easy it really is and how 'natural' it can look So I took my old man's Mustang (which is for sale btw) Swapped out the bonnet Shaved the door handles and locks then illegally tinted the front screen now if you what to talk about paint jobs I did Xany's Grover a while back here they are
  19. I'll have a crack at anything shorty's were a piece of cake - the carbon fibre option looks fairly simple - problem with yours is you have lost definition of the bonnet so it looks almost sunken
  20. Advice from the old man is that it is a poor connection between the stem and the contact - needs the steering wheel pulled off - strip down the mechanism and clean all the gunge off - bit like the way points get dirty and plugs get dirty - all that spark builds up the crap.
  21. hmmm I sent one - want me to send another ??? (just so you feel the love)
  22. Done and sorted - if a post gets moved to Randoms - you are up for a 10% increase in your warn level. There is no discussion here - if a Mod or Admin moves it here then it stays and you get smaked down. ps. the no discussion thing - feel free to comment here but each post is a 10% infringement!
  23. Now - the slow process of testing - gotta make sure the panel will hold up to the beating its copping at the moment. Then some decent timber work - the rest of the cabinet !! woot woot
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