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ʞ©$ɟ humans, ʞ©$ɟ the military industrial complex, ʞ©$ɟ greed. Seriously.


The only reason they want to explore other planets is to explore resource sources. Its all part of the military industrial complex anyhow. It all is. If there were no potential economic payoffs at the end of the line, then the US wouldnt be party to it.


If they were noble and wanted the world to be a better place they would have invaded Cuba properly sometime in the last 40 years and sorted Castro out. Hes been living a few miles away from the US and causing problems for 40 years. But Cuba has nothing the US wants so they leave it alone.


Also, those men that got in their boats a few hundred years ago, same thing. They weren't looking to help the world out and create scientific information, its just them trying to secure the next continent full of resources.

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I just wanted to pop this up while they're still doing the 7hr drive home! AMSAG Orange rally yesterday, 5 stages all 20-35Km long in brilliant sunny weather, the youngsters did well in what is basically a completely un-prepared rally car while his Dad & I serviced. Still you have to start somewhere and the car can only get faster!


They came 20th & won the rookie award. Oh to be young & rallying again!


insanity at work-



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I don't necessarily hate ke70's, I just don't really like them. There's only about 5 i actually like and only about 1 or 2 i'd actually own..


I've only had one, and i doubt i'll ever get another one. Unless it was an ae71 for $1k or less and was flat front.. (What the kind of pricing was when i bought mine 2 years ago)

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