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Have You Ever Had...

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Hey guys, I hope you can help me. I've had I rough 5 days now and finally yesterday the doctors diagnosed me with the correct illness. Mum's all worried and I looked it up on the net to find a little information about it. I've spoken to a few people that know someone that had it and they tell me that I'm going to lose all my strength and an extreme amount of weight.


I want to know if anyones had it and how long its taken for them to get back to normal. The reason I ask is cause I work crazy shift hours and my sister tells me That I wont be able to work those hrs for a while.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.




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Yep... you'll be on your arse for a couple of weeks and be flat out lifting up a mobile phone.


Try to stay away from anyone with the flu or anything else contagious cos your immune system is basically shut down and you're liable to catch anything and everything floating around.


Get some sunlight too. Your skin produces vitamin D when sun hits it, and it helps. So does sweating profusely so muster up the energy to go for a brisk walk until you're sweatin like a whore in church, hot shower, then pass out.


Load up on B group vitamins until your piss is flourescent.

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Thanks, i'll give some of that a go. I'm finding it hard to be around people anyway. If i lock myself in my room and watch tv then the sharp pains in my ears don't effect me as much. I'm even eating in my room. The kids are so loud these days. Hopefully that will go away soon and i'll be able to go outside.

Edited by JiP_01
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Yeah, i have to admit i haven't been sleeping at all. Its too painful. The doc gave me some new painkillers and i don't feel they are helping much/they wear out early.

I haven't been eating either. Its too painful cause my tonsils have swollen up leaving like 1 cam for the food to go through. Plus my glands on me neck have gotten so big. On Saturday it looked like I swallowed a Golf Ball. Not looking forward to losing weight. I find it hard enough to put it on.

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I had it too. Knocked me out of work for 7 weeks when i was a first year apprentice. I didn't realize i was sick till i bent over to pick up a dishwasher and passed out. I was walking aound at 80kg in those days, and i weighed myself and i was 67.5!! So then I went to the doctor. Anyhow, don't do anything at all. Eat well, sleep lots. I have hundreds of hours of mma fights if your keen for something to pass the time. Otherwise, just keep getting the blood tests and youll end up fine. PS, no pashy pashy!!

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lOl Thats whats shocks me. I can't say that i would have gotten it that way cause i've been doing 2 months of overnight shifts. I'd be assuming that it was the coughing/sneezing customers at Goodna that don't cover their face.

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Yeah, i have to admit i haven't been sleeping at all. Its too painful. The doc gave me some new painkillers and i don't feel they are helping much/they wear out early.

I haven't been eating either. Its too painful cause my tonsils have swollen up leaving like 1 cam for the food to go through. Plus my glands on me neck have gotten so big. On Saturday it looked like I swallowed a Golf Ball. Not looking forward to losing weight. I find it hard enough to put it on.


I have had (and still have) Glandular Fever. I came close to being hospitalised. I also have recurrences of it if I'm not careful with my sleep patterns. Now I just know that I need to get eight hours sleep a night or I'm stuffed again.

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I heard that a friend of the family had to get vitamin shots every few weeks afterwards. Anyone had to do that??


I weighed myself this morning and I've already lost 7 kgs, mum didn't like the way I was looking cause I was too yellow and both last night and this morning both my parents offered me if I wanted them to take me to the hospital. I'd prefer to stick it out at home, the pain is getting pretty bad in my head but i know I'll hate it in hospital since I've spent most of my childhood in there.

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Thats not good news mate. My friend contracted it about a week before easter and he was in hospital 3 times over a 2 week period. He is only just getting back on his feet now (some 3 months later). Probly not what you want to hear but your going to have to stick this one out.


Best of luck mate, ill health is just crap.


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Yeah dude, i'd kick me heels up, watch movies, keep it light with the food and see about getting someone to get me a deck chair or something and, while the days are nice and warm, get a sun tan.


But most of all take it easy, keep the food and liquids up and don't stress

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Yep... you'll be on your arse for a couple of weeks and be flat out lifting up a mobile phone.


Try to stay away from anyone with the flu or anything else contagious cos your immune system is basically shut down and you're liable to catch anything and everything floating around.


Get some sunlight too. Your skin produces vitamin D when sun hits it, and it helps. So does sweating profusely so muster up the energy to go for a brisk walk until you're sweatin like a whore in church, hot shower, then pass out.


Load up on B group vitamins until your piss is flourescent.


Gold. On the money.


Technically you never get rid of it, it lies dormant, but of course it's supressed. Also don't be suprised if you're out of it for a longer period (my ex was bedridden for 7 months and had to defer from uni because of it). Everyone is different though.


Speaking of Vitamin B, I can't have too much of that now as I have Haemachromotosis (liver produces too much iron etc). God my body sucks :n:

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