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What Grinds My Gears.

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Well the power went out in the storm last night....like normal for us....it goes out in almost every storm. BUT! this time I was prepared. All the computers in the house (except the HTPC) are all hooked up the UPS (batteries basically) so I got about half an hour of use out of my main machines before the battery got low (not out, just low). So then I decided to switch over to my laptop and use the wireless because the UPS for the network infrastructure is way more powerful than it needs to be. So I got almost 2 hours use out of that.... then that UPS ran out.


So I roamed around the house for a while (for about an hour after the network UPS ran out) being bored then cracked the shits. I called energex and the only place listed was OUR STREET. Now I've know the infrastructure (which is underground) in our street has been pretty *** crap for a while now. The past two summers we've lost power on completely clear days just because the mains can keep up with the air conditioners in the suburb. Pathetic. Its gotten to the stage now that in the past month or two we've had around 48 hours power outage. Its really starting to irritate the piss out of me. The other week the power was flashing on and off because the wind was blowing (obviously high voltage feed lines arcing nearby) then it dropped out all together. I think it was the following weekend that I decided to go buy UPS' (last weekend). Ironically I get back from the computer store annddd THE *** POWERS OUT!


Last night I'd had enough of this BS so I decided no more darkness, grabbed the generator off the back deck where it had been lying in wait, fueled and ready to go. I hooked one of the UPS' up to the home theater PC (to smooth the power out, they have an over voltage/under voltage correction), stuck the little 1.2kVA generator out in the back yard and watched TV until the power came on. Don't know what the neighbors thought of it but hopefully it gets them to complain to energex to get this bullshit sorted out.


When the power did finally come back on the UPS on my computer (which is the only one with monitoring software at the moment) was reporting 196 volts!! Sure I can understand that it would be down because all the refrigerators in the area would be running their little hearts out. But even so that's pretty pathetic for a grid with its own high voltage supply and transformer for around 50-100 houses. Most nights it will drop below 210 volts around 8:30-9:30.


Starting to really annoy me!

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that drop will be the hot water systems running.

good luck getting energex to do anything, just another worthless pleb :y:


buy a big diesel generator, park it on the kerb, and run your house off it, then ring today tonight.


see how far you get then :no2:

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that drop will be the hot water systems running.

good luck getting energex to do anything, just another worthless pleb :y:


buy a big diesel generator, park it on the kerb, and run your house off it, then ring today tonight.


see how far you get then :no2:


Ah yea suppose it'd be them too probably more so I would imagine. We've got a Bosch continuous flow so I wouldn't know. I do know my brothers air conditioners pump kicking in is enough for my UPS to click into voltage boost mode (so its dropping below 220v).


I'm totally with you though, I don't expect energex to do anything aside from bandaid fixing it every time the power goes out. Especially considering its all underground and they'd probably have to dig up the street to do anything serious about it.


My brothers been trying to convince me to get an 8kVA Dunlite for a mere 2 grand. If it keeps getting worse I could weaken... but then I'd need a sparky to put a generator plug in. Ehh f@$kit I'll just get another UPS for the HTPC and just run it off the little generator every time the power goes out. Just need to try and silence it a bit more I think.

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It's like a 1-3 day course, there is no Learners for a forklift!

It was about the only way i could think of putting it.

He's working by a log book or something for a minimum number of hours before he can go for his ticket.



Kinda bugs me that i can't afford to go for mine. Work is pretty happy with having only one guy going for his ticket, after he gets his i'll be able to ask again.

When i was on the dole, i asked them about the ticket and was told no cause it's not worth their trouble since i haven't been on the dole for long enough and yet they'll turn around and tell you if you can get or have any tickets (eg: fork lift) it'll help with getting work......





And if it's not the crickets raiding the house at night

And if its not the huntsman spiders chasing after the crickets and laying up roost



Its the PHUCKIN crows swarming the street during the day

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People who when they turn 18 start trying to brag to you about how they are 'so cool' because they can now drink legally. Then pretty much get completely off their face by 2 light beers!


Plus, can't shave, can't brush their teeth! Attempts to do burnout's in the local BP as soon as a coppa pulls in....In a Magna (that he can't drive)! Thank goodness its the end of school now forever with this person.

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Hahaha, so very true.


Had a mate, turned 18 start of september. me and 2 other mates went round for drinks. he started out on vodka. was paro by 8pm and slumped over in the chair by 8:30. i swear he puked up like 200 litres. his parents were standing there pissing themselves laughing. now hes so cool cus he can drink and goes out and gets all these "chicks". God it shits me off.

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towe, most employment agencies up here will put you through your ticket course if you need it, dunno about centrelink or whoever though.


and ben, is 8KVA enough to run a house? probably would be, the amount of gear we run off a 2kva on a jobsite is ridiculous :no2:

split the cost with ur brother and don't look back haha

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hahaha hate people like that


I'm mnow a solid sober kid ahaha


I drink but Phuck all. never been drunk before, Still got 1 of the 2 left over woodstock and cola's sitting in the fridge from said mates birthday.



Oh and WGMG lately,


Women...nuff said

Edited by SLO-030
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well....I don't have to worry about this guy picking up chicks or anything. He has deffinately got a couple of things wrong with him. Mind you he just got a job at mitre 10 and even his parents can't believe it, so maybe anything is possible.


Anyway, voka is a bit different compared to LIGHT beers. WGMG is also him mentioning non stop that my corolla sucks and his Magna is so much better. Mind you at one point he had speakers in shoe boxes underneath his feet. Dero.

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i Think we may be talking bout the same guy. I don't think he could actually pic up a chick. i mean the kid breathes like darth vader fro christ sake. Although he doenst drive a magna, he rides a scooter and has done since he got his L's over 2yrs ago (now on P's, unbeleivable). He hasnt had a job since getting fired from GO-LO about 2yrs ago also.


Also, as soon as i got a corolla he was like, "yea i always liked the shape and curves late 60's and 70's corolla coupes" (had my 25 at that time). Also pretends to know most things car related as hs dad is a mechanic

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Nah, wouldn't be the same guy. This one can't speak properly, writes 50 cent on his shoes (with wrong spelling). Did a Automotive course with me which he only just passed with all verbal tests and help from everyone else. Is doing an engineering course with me at the moment which he will fail no doubt, if it wasn't for an apprentice helping him make a toolbox he would still be doing it, and his welding looks like bird droppings.


Want's to work up in the mines, If he manages to then it will mean another decrease in the economy as we know it. Getting off topic though.


WGYG's about women this time?

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This kid wants to work in the mines aswel, heard the mining companies were walking into high schools and hiring yr12 students. He's told me his grand plan, Goto the mines for 5yrs earn a shitload of money, come back to adelaide, do an apprenticeship as a plumber and use the money he earnt in the mines to buy tools as he'll be working on other peoples stuff and only wants the best tools and after that go back to the mines as a plumber and earn a motsa. I tell ya, some people don't have a clue.


Maybe the two said people can work in the mines and get buried haha.


WGMG about women.


Hot and cold man, one minute they're all over you, next minute you find out they're still screwing their ex.


I know there's one person on here that may think its directed at them but its not.

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