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What Grinds My Gears.

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spent yesterday at the local westfield.


Arrived at 9.20, out by 12pm.


Christmas shopping (food and gifts) all finished and not a single christmas carol played by the centre (shop to shop there were some, I actually enjoyed it...)


WGMG is the ʞ©$ɟing morons that come out this time of year. People that think they are the most important person ina shop, block aisles, push over your arms to grab stuff off shelves like its 99% off and the last one left etc etc.


I hate crowds, so that + ʞ©$ɟwits = me ready to push people down the escalators.

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WGMG: Trying to work out whats wrong with Peanut.


I am sick of diagnostic manuals and wiring diagrams. If I do fix it it'll be the best feeling ever but months and months of this shit is getting to me. It was pretty awesome getting it running the other day though (albeit not very well).


Psyching myself up for the next shed sesh, gonna take the lappy with the TRD 4AGE diagnostic manuals I found online, and buy a decent volt/ohm/meter. Time to get serious and go full diagnostic. I even shelled out for a new coil to see if it stops the arcing issue.

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Yeah can live in hope but I was still getting that VSV/Map sensor code on the diagnostic. I bought a voltmeter so I can test it properly, hopefully its just a vacuum leak and not the sensor.


I couldnt see any cracks on the coil when I checked it but it really shouldnt be arcing like it does. Makes me wonder if there is an igniter issue too. I have a spare but not sure if its any better. Gonna get a new timing belt as well as I wasnt happy with how the timing marks line up. Seem off a wee bit. Saturday is gonna be irritating I can feel it in my bones.

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