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Medical system.


Hospitals treat you like a selfish ʇ~~ɔ unless you have life threatening injuries.


So you decide to pay so you can take control of the situation.


You sell something youd rather have kept for a cheap price, hurriedly so you can meet the first possible booking and pay for the surgery.


Then you get a call 4 hours after parting with a big stack of hard earned cash saying a made up excuse about how the theatre isn't magically available any more so they need to reschedule 2 weeks later. Pain in the arse when you already know the doctor is on holidays and the weather is so good he might just stay another week in Noosa.


And of course they don't care about their clients, this delay has meant now that the surgery falls right in the middle of a work project, and derails my entire life. Not to mention you cannot get any money back from medicare until the surgery is complete, so I'm expected to be out of pocket for a a stack of money for whatever indefinate period it takes to get the doctor to show up to the surgery.


Welcome to the real world, doctors.


Where time is money, promises matter and people expect you to keep your word. What a change from Doctor land where you can sustain 13 mortgages at once and send your kids to 30k a year private schools. Where dates and times are someone elses problems and money rains from the pockets of all those people you meet.



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“You see, this i hate to say it, is what is killing the scene that you guys play in now.

Go look at the way the old school car clubs work and the attitudes involved.

Elitist attitudes that you guys all have around wheels (in this instance) and what cars can attend what places, who has a shit looking ride because it doesn’t meet your “standards” re offset / stance / etc. Stickers like “i <3 haters" etc etc. Its the shit like that making you guys look like a bunch of kids who should still be in school.

Walk into and old school meet. Talk to anyone and you see appreciation not bickering because xx type of wheel looks like xx wheel that some knob jockey paid more than the car is worth to begin with.

When you all grasp that concept it will be a good day. And yes ill use JDMST as an example of the shit that brews in there. The elitist attitudes that are rampant is nothing short of sickening. I love going to those events and admiring the cars but start talking to the faggotory that own / drive them and you understand why you guys have the rep you do.

This whole wheel debate is a ʞ©$ɟing joke and singles out what is wrong. Using vehicles as a social standing rather than appreciation of the car that is in front of you."



Yes! someone else who dislikes jdmst/downshift


Hi! :yes: Although I must confess I have NFI what Downshift is.


The first JDMST meet I thought I'd go along & take a look at reminded me of my old days of late-night supermarket car-park 'meets', mainly Commodores. Same thing, different cars, the word 'Police' was mentioned & people couldn't get out fast enough.


This is what I love 'ish' about Darwin. All my good mates are Toyota owners, from AE's to Supra's, Soarers and Chasers.


Half of the group even owns cars that aren't Toyota or even import, bikes and everything else and appreciates them for what they are. Most of them even lend out a helping hand to those up here who don't know much about the Nissan or the Subaru that they purchased.


Just seems to be a different mindset between the majority of Toyota owners and other owners from what I've noticed young or old.


In my experience, Toyota-thusiasts have always sorta been the 'nerds' of the car scene.


(JZA80 owners notwithstanding... Sorry, but they're a 'look at me' car)


So by nature, I think we have less time and tolerance for douchebaggery.


Ain't nobody got time fo' dat.


Medical system.


Hospitals treat you like a selfish ʇ~~ɔ unless you have life threatening injuries.


So you decide to pay so you can take control of the situation.


You sell something youd rather have kept for a cheap price, hurriedly so you can meet the first possible booking and pay for the surgery.


Then you get a call 4 hours after parting with a big stack of hard earned cash saying a made up excuse about how the theatre isn't magically available any more so they need to reschedule 2 weeks later. Pain in the arse when you already know the doctor is on holidays and the weather is so good he might just stay another week in Noosa.


And of course they don't care about their clients, this delay has meant now that the surgery falls right in the middle of a work project, and derails my entire life. Not to mention you cannot get any money back from medicare until the surgery is complete, so I'm expected to be out of pocket for a a stack of money for whatever indefinate period it takes to get the doctor to show up to the surgery.


Welcome to the real world, doctors.


Where time is money, promises matter and people expect you to keep your word. What a change from Doctor land where you can sustain 13 mortgages at once and send your kids to 30k a year private schools. Where dates and times are someone elses problems and money rains from the pockets of all those people you meet.




Feel you dude. Missus was scheduled for a procedure later this month, so race up to see the inlaws in Canberra. Get a call, can you come in early, we've rescheduled you. So instead of a nice relaxing time with the family, we need to rush around doing pre admission stuff over phones and coping abuse why the paper work isn't in yet. It isnt in as we had over a week after we got back to do it.


You change the dates forcing us to cut our time short, then you deal with the fact that nothing is done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


WGMG's: Projects, I have a few too many but I am not willing to sell a single one but right now all I want is the 4x4 on the road and I keep wishing that I spent the 71 money on a 4x4. *head - wall*


:bash: :bash: :bash: :bash: :bash:

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