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Do You Lane Hop??


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Okay, my question to you all...


When driving in traffic, do you lane hop to move to the faster moving lane with hope that you advance further into the traffic??


I myself admit I do cause I hate sitting in traffic.


Although I do it does anyone agree that changing lanes to the faster moving lanes causes the traffic and therefore slows the lanes down?





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lol, that's a common one. Lane hopping can help you get to the destination faster, unless you're a twit who does it every 30 seconds. All you see is one lane come to a halt, then the idiots all pile in the other lane and it comes to a halt. I've noticed a few times seeing car disappear into the distance, only to over take them 6 minutes later when not swapping lanes.

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generally i won't, because all the roads i use have designated 'fast' and 'slow' lanes. everyday they don't change. each stretch of road, whether it be 2, 3 or 4 lanes, each bit has it's own 'fast' and 'slow' lanes.


if i see a possible road block or potential hazard, i'll lane hop to avoid it, but that's just common sense driving...

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After driving 2 - 3 hours a day in Sydney traffic for a few years I've developed a bit of sense of which lanes gonna flow the best.



I'm the same but i only spend about an hour a day. there are certain spots where i know i should change regardless of how the traffic looks because i know one lane always stops at that spot, it might be a place where lots of people turn right or lots of people stop for some reason. I also steer clear of lanes that merge into another lane because that lane is gonna have twice as many cars soon and you always get arseholes who don't merge 1 for 1, they have to squeeze two cars through cause they are stinkin cockholders with no patience.


the thing that really pisses me off on the roads is when you get two slow cars who sit next to each other and noone else can get past them to the clear roads ahead. i call it the Flying V and i f@$king hate it.

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