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Stunt Flying.

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There was a similar show to that one at the Avalon Airshow. Those pilots can pull +11G's and -6G's (in short bursts). Thats pretty impressive considering the elite RAAF and USAF pilots regularly pull 7-8G's in combat.

A normal person off the street generally blacks out after 4-5G's.

Theres a bit of useless info for the aviation buffs out there like myself.


The plane:

weighs 1200 pounds

has 11.5:1 compression


and the plane is capable of taking more punishment and stress than the pilot could ever withstand himself/herself. The thing i find most amazing, is that the plane can roll through 420 degrees in just 1 second.

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i want one of those motors in my corolla LOL !


Thats Awesome. Just look how relaxed / expirenced the piolets are.


It would feel like nogravity-drifting in the sky. Controlling an Un-controled situation; In the sky!



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It would feel like nogravity-drifting in the sky. Controlling an Un-controled situation; In the sky!

Kinda the opposite actually.

5G's means the equivilent of 5 times your body weight pushing you into your seat. The pilots have to wear special anti G suits which basically go around your abdomen and thighs. The suit then constricts to slow the blood flow to your lower body. When the G's come on, you get pressed into your seat and the blood drains from your brain and is forced into your lower extremeties. If you hold high G's too long you can blackout or (G Lock). This will leave you unconscious until you back off the G's and blood can return to your brain.


On the other hand, if you put the plane in a dive the blood rushes to your head and can cause a Stroke - either way its not as graceful as it looks.


At most airshows they broadcast on loudspeakers what the pilot is saying through his headset. As he puts the plane through the manouvres, you can hear him groaning and panting like he's constipated.

Edited by kangaroosa
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