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New Licences For 4WD Owners

do u thing that there should be a new licence inforced for 4WD owners???  

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4WD's and vans such as Tarago's etc are just as dangerous around schools, car parks and intersections. You can not see around both of them and if diving thenm you can not see small kids behind them when reversing, I also own a Falcon wagan with a 3rd row rear seat and it also stops me from seeing small kids or low objects when reversing so as far as I can see that driver education is the key as well as a means test when buying a 4WD or van.


EG: You can only buy a 4WD if you are a active member of a 4WD club or have a farm, need to tow heavy trailers (caravans, boats, Car trailers etc...) or travel on dirt roads often, most tradesman do not need them. This must be proven before you can buy one and if you want one just cos you have 4 plus kids then buy a Van.


You can only buy a van if you need the seats like you have heaps of kids or run a day care or something.


As for needing a licence I say no due to the fact you can drive a truck up to 4.5 tonnes GVM on a car licence in the ACT, but you should need to show that you have done a course before you can buy a 4WD or Van or light truck under 4.5 tonnes GVM.


As for Bull bars again you should need to have to prove the need for it first before you can buy one and if you sell the car with it then the new owner must prove the need for it or have it removed by the seller before they buy it.


That's my 2c worth any ways.

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There is no possible way to enforce any of these suggestions that people have made in this thread. Shamefully, we have to put up with dickhead drivers in no matter what car they are in.


If you go along the lines of licensing as suggested in this thread, that would basically determine you need a special license for every car! Think about it; I find our old hiace van was a MUCH more dangerous car than our FJ62 Landcruiser! In the van you couldnt see on either side of you, and there was a massive blank spot in the rear, as most people on this forum would probably know.

How about the shitbox falcons and commodores? Eg VN or EA... these cars are 15 yr old shitboxes with flogged out everything. They are as dangerous to drive, if not more, than a large 4wd!


I learned to drive in a landcruiser, and practiced in a van. I feel that that was the best way to learn, as I have learned in the most extreme of cars.


My suggestion is this. If someone has a crash, regardless of car, they cannot return to the road till they pass a defensive driving course for the type of vehicle that they crashed in. At least that way, we can prevent further damage.

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How about the shitbox falcons and commodores? Eg VN or EA... these cars are 15 yr old shitboxes with flogged out everything. They are as dangerous to drive, if not more, than a large 4wd!

how about old corollas? there's absolutely f@$kall side impact protection in a ke10, ke20 or ke30. i reckon if you put the drivers' side door of one into a tree/pole/wall much over 60km/h, you sure wouldn't be around to talk about it on forums. old corollas are ALOT more unsafer than 4x4s. you should need a special license to drive a 1077cc two-speed auto ke10 which puts out probably 20hp at the treads


but you're right, the world is a crap place and we just have to deal with it. if enough people feel strongly about enough things, they hassle politicians and things get done. it's a slow process, but the world is becoming aware of it. in the next 10 years, i think govt-endorsed, if not compulsory, driver training will become commonplace

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i think that in cities/suburbia they should double the rego on 4wd's to curb their popularity, unless:


you are a member of a 4wd club,

you are a tradesman and use it for business,

you are a member of a car club and own a car trailer,

you have some other good reason for needing one. (like owning a caravan/boat). although there are cars that can cope these days.


in the country there is really no problem with them, except for idiots leaving on their spotties at night and blinding you.


as for reversing and not being able to see a kid/whatever behind you, well 90% of new cars have a high bootlid or bad visability behind them. most also have bonnets that sweep away so it is hard to tell exactly where the corners of the cars are.


as for special licensing, well.... i believe that any younger person who wants to own a modified car should have to take a defensive and advanced driver training course before being allowed to drive a high powered car. not 4wd related, but i think if you look at the stats more younger people off themselves through overconfidence, than people getting run over/into by 4wds.

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What annoys me is the attitudes of some 4wd owners, cos they are in a bigger car they feel the need to force me off the road due to being in a smaller car. I was driving my mr2 one day and the 4wd didn't want to move off to the side of the road (country road) due to me being in a smaller car, i could see the grin on this guys face, he soon changed his face when he realised he couldnt' intimidate me and then got off the road. Another thing is the fact that I could have a 4wd and put a massive bar on and drive infront of police without a worry, but the second i put an aftermarket bar on an import/domestic car I'd get defected for not driving a safe vehicle or atleast attract more attention, seriously, whats more dangerous!


That being said, the whole system needs to be changed, I see stupid people everyday I drive, i saw a proton satria FLY out of a round-a-bout and procced to almost spin infront of me, any faster and he would have spun and i would have slamed his car. Its to easy to get your licence and to easy of keeping it in terms of testing!. Want to drive a 4wd, get a 4wd licence, drive a truck, get a truck licence, drive a car over a certin power to weight, get a "hi performance" or similar licence.

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i own a lida nava and am afraid to drive the bloody thing. i always thought the brakes on my ke70 were bad til i drove that bloody thing. I'm convinced the pistons are jammed. and if there not. well shit, it shouldnt be on the road.


clown the suggestions you make are good, however no one is goin to like them. take me for example, i would be all for a 4wd license seeings as i don't drive one.

but i have a 1ggte in a ke70, therefore i don't want a high performance license. and every section of the community will be in uproar about one of the new licences you suggest.

and lets think about it, they all got their drivers license...so whats to stop them passing one of these licenses.

it all has to come down to vehicle design and law enforcement.

less speed camera's on highways or main roads, and a greater police presence in school districts or suburbia where it matters if I'm doin 40 k over the limit.

my friend got booked doing 142 in a 100km zone and she isnt a hoon, it was late night. no traffic and 3 lane highway. she shouldnt have got booked.

ive done 150 in the ke70 in an 80 limit though backroads. i didnt get caught and if i had i don't believe i should get booked because it was late at night and again no traffic.

if i got pulled over doin 70 down a narrow suburban street with housing close to the road, then yes i should get booked because its dangerous to other people. i think this is the problem. the law is followed to the letter, not the spirit. good drivers getting caught 15k over on the motorway and then there are awful drivers running into things and endangering pedestrians and road users get away scott free.

its all about enforcing the right sections of the law. not just enforcing the law.

and yes 4wd's are big and scary, and no they shouldnt be on small city streets. but you will never get them off there so we have to make them drive safely by enforcing laws.

i really do doubt there is a realistic/feasable solution to the problem...

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Yeah i don't think there is anyway of using special licenses but i have only had my license for about 6 months and ive already been caught speeding but it was at night i was the only car on the road lol (apart from the cop car a long way back with its dodgy headlight.) I got booked for 110 in an 80 zone when i was doing at least 30 more than that but i have felt unsafer driving through peak hour traffic in the city doing 50 k's an hour. Speed cameras to me seem to be awfully pointless in keeping the road toll down but i guess they bring in plenty of revenue for the government so they aren't going anywhere soon.


Anyway my 2c worth

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I could do more damage with the V8 ute I have parked out the front than I would do with my 4WD. Why? Because I drive the Pajero far more often, and know exactly what it's going to do. I think I'd be able to see more, and stop better in that thing, than alot of other cars on the road.


They're here to stay people. Build a bridge.

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I think they'll end up pricing themselves off the road. The tide is already turning with so many more smaller cars. Unfortunatly I live near the 4x4 capital of Australia (Chappel Hill, Kenmore and Brookfield/Pinjarra Hills).


Take this for example. I drive dump trucks at work occasionally and I'm supposed to get a ticket for that (lol but I don't). Theyre much the same as a car, with two axels and an automatic gearbox just theyre much much bigger. I'm sure a soccer mum could get in one and drive even if its a bit daunting. I'm also sure she'd smash into stuff and probably roll it over. Is a 4x4 all that much different.


I understand that the majority are being punished because of a minority who can't drive for shit (although its probably the other way round). Aviation is no different. I have to get an AVID or an ASIC because a couple of dumb f@$ks flew a couple of planes into a couple of buildings *grumble*. Now I'm not happy about it, but thats what I have to do to get my licence so thats what I do. If you were a keen 4x4 enthusiast, I'm sure youd be pissed about it, but you'd get over it and move on.


You could also see it as a "green" solution. Its more difficult to buy a 4x4 than just buying the thing, now you have to get a licence. So sales drop and theres less greenhouse emissions but I guess the large familys will still buy 4x4s or MPVs.


Rob: I understand that your a 4x4 driver and you don't like the idea, but until you drive around kenmore in a celica whos roof line doesnt even make it up to their windows you wont understand just how scary it is. Licences might not fix this, but it should help weed out the soccer mums who couldnt drive for shit in the first place.

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Instead of a 4x4 license maybe low cars should be made to show a flag - like some bike riders use........


This debate is bullshit - if I owned a 4wd Territiry or a 4wd Rodeo/Hilux/etc I WOULD BE PISSED that I would have to have a special license when my mate/relative doesnt in the 2wd version. Same size, takes up as much space. 4wds might weigh more but they are engineered for that with better brakes etc. They may not handle as well as a Porsche - but neither does my wagon so you adapt to what you have.


Ive said this before, Commodore wagon is the same size or bigger than a Patrol. My old HZ ute was also bigger than a Patrol (LWB).


Does a Porchse GT4 owner need a special 4WD license? How about an owner of big Merc, they weigh up to 3 tonne and are friggin huge but by your arguement they wont need a special license.


Personally this arguement is bullshit.

Edited by coln72
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