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Scary Experiences In Wet And Windy Conditions!!

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My scariest experience ever:


Back several years ago when I was so much younger and more stupid than I am today.........


I owned an Mi16 Peugeot back in the day which was fairly quick. I had a little drag race with a Liberty from the lights on South Rd and Chandler's Hill Rd back toward the city. We flew down towards the top of South Rd Hill at 3am and it had just started to rain very lightly. He was about two car lengths in front of me by the time we hit the top of the twisties. Anyone that knows anything about Peugeots and especially the Mi16 would know they are very very sure of themselves on winding roads. So I got this big smile on my face because I knew I could push harder through the corners than him.


Well......... on the 2nd bend down I had a brake lock at 160km/h. On one side there is rock cliff face and the other has a big fall to your death if you punch through the armco. I was the luckiest person in the world to just keep spinning and manage somehow not to hit anything. I was just a passenger. There was no-one else on the road and the Liberty kept on going. He would have just seen headlights-taillights-headlights-taillights-headlights in his rear view mirror. So the car came to rest after I had been nothing more than a passenger just wrenching the wheel around in total hope. I couldn't believe I hadn't hit anything. I drove to the bottom of the hill shaking at like 20km/h. I parked on the side at the bottom and got out and chucked up on the footpath, sat there in the rain for a half hour before I had the guts to get in the car and drive it home. I had flat spotted the tyres pretty bad too on inspection the next day. I made a mate come get me to take me up to have a look at the place it happened the next day as I was still not willing to drive the car. There was incredible skid marks that made seemingly no sense at all cos the car had been spinning. Wanted to take a photo of them but in daylight that is a busy spot and not the sort of place you can just pull over and get out and take a photo of the road.


Moral of the story:-


- Don't drag race

- Don't drive over the speed limit

- Take even more care than usual in the rain

- Don't assume you are the best driver in the world

- Don't assume that your car is not going to fail on you in some way or other


Simply...... Don't do stupid sh!t on public roads kids! :bash:

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about 3 years ago, i drove the crapbird to victoria (arrarat) then to I think it was shepparton with a car trailer on the back by myself...it took me about 3.5 or 4 hours to get to shepparton, I was picking up a half cut for hubby, on the way back to arrarat, there were the worst storms victoria had ever seen, I was aquaplaning (car and trailer) couldn't see a thing in front, couldn't stop, and I remember my mum telling me if you stick close to a truck all their wheels will disperse the water, so i slowed down till a truck came along....then tailgated it for about 200 meters! I was no longer aqua-planing but i was nervous because I felt i was going too fast, remember my eyes were glued to the road/back of the truck and trying to keep speed with it, I couldn't see the middle lines, couldn't see the side lines, there were no street lights, it was pouring with rain, flashing lightning, and at one point, hailing...I was basically following the back of the truck....I looked at the speedo and we were doing 110, i totally freaked out and slowed down to about 40, there was debris all over the road, fallen trees, flooding....it took me 6 1/2 hours to get back to arrarat, my eyes hurt, I had a headache from trying to concentrate on the road and the road signs, (this was before GPS was invented) and it didn't stop raining (that heavy, pelting type) the entire time!!!


That was the worst wet weather driving experience EVER!

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That reminds me of a similar situation happening to me!, I was about 12 and the family was driving back from Port Augusta down Pt Wakefield Highway(i think) into Adelaide. We were cruising along in the old 88' Hilux, dad was driving, the windscreen wipers were barely doing anything, the wind was shaking the car around, and every time a car passed on the other side of the road it was as if a thick wall of water just hit the car!, I was scared shitless that every time a car passed us the front window was going to break it was that hard!, all at about midnight mind you.


So glad i was too young to drive ^_^

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My incident happened a few months ago. I was giving a friend a demo of my KE70 as he was looking around the market for one.

It had just stopped raining and the roads were quite wet. was racing along chapel hill road (at the speed limit i might add), coming out of a sweeping left hander when i encountered a small dog in the centre of the road, instinct just told me to keep my line and hit it, but i stupidly veered right to miss it, causing the car to fish tail, right, left, right, and then spin anti-clockwise twice, just missing a a KE55 parked on the side of the road, came to a stop about a metre from it.

Decided to replace my tyres (as they were rock hard and about 8 years old) and stop giving demos in the rain after that. I'm also quite scared of small dogs now...

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When I first got my P's my mate rang me up (he has a ke70) when it was raining and asked if I wanted to go out and do some skids. So of course I agreed. On my way to his place it had only just stopped raining so the road was pretty wet. I had stockies on with tyres that were 7 years old, rock hard with not too much grip. I stopped at a T intersection and decided to gun it to warm up the tyres abit. Little did I know how much this thing would slide out. I was very close to spining out while trying to correct it so I was doing snakies over 3 lanes, cutting off a 4x4 trying to gain control. I didn't realise that my foot was still flat to the floor and as soon as I did I took my foot off the accelerator after goin back and forth over the 3 lanes about 5 times. Once I finally got the control of the car back I was shitting myself and I looked up the road and all I saw was a cop car looking right at me. Me: OH SH!T!!!

The cop pulled me over and two fairly young guys stepped out.

Cop #1: "You wanna explain what just happened?"

Me: "Yes, sorry officer, um... ahhh... I've only been on my P's for about 6 weeks and it hasn't rained since I got them. I think I just went a bit too quick around the corner and I lost control."

Cop #2: "You do realise you could have killed someone right?"

Me: "Yes I do officer, very sorry, I'll definitely go slower next time."

Cop #1: "Well you better make damn sure you go slower next time mate. We'll just give you a warning but just slow down."

So yea, lesson learnt. Don't go and do stupid stuff in the wet with 7 year old stockies on the back. And also, release the accelerator if you start goin sideways or else you'll find yourself in a whole mess of strife. I still can't believe how lucky I was to get away without a fine, loss of licence, or a defect!

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i got 9 year old tyres all round on my ke55? they smoke up like whores


god i hate getting thrown around by the wind doing 120kph, :lol:


trying to hang the ass out and under steering straight into a gutter :osama: and bending the lower control arm :abuse: 1 hour later and a huge bolard infront of the goodguys and some chain, was all fixed

Edited by Evan G
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And also, release the accelerator if you start goin sideways or else you'll find yourself in a whole mess of strife.


not always the best advice ... what i do recommend however is get down to your local skid pan and get some advanced driver training ... they will run through with you ways to control a vehicle in unexpected circumstances.


If i ever just jumped off the gas when i was in my supra when i was sideways i could almost gaurantee the tyres would grip, the car would throw the other way and you would end up facing backwards ... so yeah ...


but again ... a JZA80 with 320 RWHP isn't a KE70 with a 3K and open wheel diff ... haha - but none the less look into some advanced driver training ... highly recommend it ...

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