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I can't believe the idiocy of some people, the driver should have had their licence disqualified, no seatbelt, speeding, and texting, and the mother as the supervising driver should have been fined and issued demerit points....


boo hoo, she had a headache and "couldn't do anything" what a load of bullshit, and I bet you she'll be surprised when her daughter has an accident and hurts others or even herself....


man that makes me angry.....

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Wrong wrong wrong on so many levels. The parent should have been fined as well in my opinion. Its almost in the same league as handing a kid a loaded gun and telling them to go play out in the front yard.


A "terrible headache" my arse..... At least her comment of "How can I do anything" would be more closer to the truth with the daughters thumb stuck to the top of her mums bald spot.


Just can hear it now -

"Mummy i can't pay for my fine.... why should i have to pay it.... i'm not paying it.... it was your fault....you pay it"

"Yes dear, thats ok <enter brats name> i'll pay for it"

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This story can't be right, I'm sure the instructor gets hit with the points??


Yeh, the learner drivers can get them too. I got done for driving with the fog lights on when it wasn't foggy (only had them on because there was a head light out but I didn't actually know it was illegal) last year in NSW on my L's and the guy gave me a demerit point.

Edited by BReNt
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