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Rolla Club Magazine


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isnt this site kind'of like a magazine but it doesnt get ripped, covered in ashed beer, have the best pictures ripped out and put on toilet walls, front cover used for tokers, propping up wonky tables, glossy paper for funnels, swatting flies, ripping of the corner of pages to pick your teeth, snorting crack etc etc etc.

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maybe instead of doing it monthly try qaurterly or every six months to start with you could do a projects bit in the back tech section ect ect just some ideas i no some guys on here are handy with cameras and computers just an idea i do agree with the point it is like a online magazine but having a copy to spread the word and show mates at work or bbqs or something you never know it might catch on i just think montly you will do two months and thatd be it every six months give time to do show coverage and time for more show cars and projects to pop up

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Mag sounds good tho I agree to sending online if it ever were to take off. I wouldn't post as I've seen how rough the post machines are. You have to remember that its all volunteer work from all the admins and done in their spare time. I would recommend that if your keen for news and updates you check the news forum. Admin are trying to do things like COTY to reward its members too.


As for the calendar I cancelled it as one person sent me pictures. 3 people placed orders. It was a massive drop in interest compared to last years 130 orders. I will try to do what I did last year next year. Tho some states are pretty dead now a days.


Oh and FYI I've got 30 x 2009 calendars sitting here that I will be binning by the new year. Free just pay postage. I will have new sticker designs in the new year...


Some sneak peaks...








Tho they might be windowless...



I'll try to have all shapes and models...





Oh and if you have good side on pics please send me them




Edited by JiP
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Mag sounds good tho I agree to sending online if it ever were to take off. I wouldn't post as I've seen how rough the post machines are. You have to remember that its all volunteer work from all the admins and done in their spare time. I would recommend that if your keen for news and updates you check the news forum. Admin are trying to do things like COTY to reward its members too.


As for the calendar I cancelled it as one person sent me pictures. 3 people placed orders. It was a massive drop in interest compared to last years 130 orders. I will try to do what I did last year next year. Tho some states are pretty dead now a days.


Oh and FYI I've got 30 x 2009 calendars sitting here that I will be binning by the new year. Free just pay postage. I will have new sticker designs in the new year...


Some sneak peaks...



I'll send you a KE30 2-door sedan pic soon and I'll buy some :lol:

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I would just do it as an online mag... forget the money side, try and do it for free and distribute it for free.

thats a good idea, if they email it to members that sign up for it and maybe feature one tech article plus members news and comp results and upcoming events etc, even feature a project every edition i would definitely pay a few bucks, then if your selling something they could charge you a couple of bucks and feature it in the mag and everyone would see it and give the mods a bit of revenue for running the site etc, i think it would be great

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Love the idea but I'm not sure how much material you'll be able to come up with. I struggle just finding enough time and interesting stuff to post much news on the front page. If you think you can get some good news going I'm happy for you to have a go as a news moderator (Rollaclub journo). I would absolutely love it if someone with an interest in journalism could do some car feature articles etc.

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