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First Memorable Experience With A 'rolla!


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After seeing the last thread... it got me thinking, what was the first memorable experience in a Corolla that you have ever had... mine isn't neccesarily a good one though...


First experience with a Rolla? A prick tried to run me down with his bright white KE70, after my friends brother had a dispute with his brother.. he saw us, must have saw me as the biggest one there and presumed i was the 'ringleader' or the instigator, aimed straight square for me... anyway, he missed me back tyre on the pushy by about a rulers length, proceeded to turn around to have another go at me (knocked over his letterbox in the process, stupid f@$k :P). Let me say I've never ridden that f@$king fast in my life before, don't think me mates have either... being young and really mature we ran to his place and proceeded to get weapons... anywho, thats a great experience...


What was yours?

Edited by Tiger
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well mine was my learners my sister and brother had had there turns (hand me down) and then it was my turn on my L's with it. the first ever drive i took in it was about 100 km it just felt awesome to drive. i loved it, i have lover T-18's ever since


Cheers Sean

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My memorble rolla experience...well I have two...


I had just got my P plates and my friends and I were going out clubbing, I was designated driver and had my car for about 3 months...we were driving through the hills and my girlfriends were in the back seat drinking red wine. A rabbit hopped out onto the road and I hit the brakes and the interior was covered in red wine, the bunny was dead and I was in shock, my new sheep skin seat covers had red wine stains in them....


2nd memorable experience...


I was driving around the glenelg strip, and doing burn-outs *tee hee* and my friend and I decided to have a few drags, we beat a guy and he wasn't too happy about being whooped by chicks and he started to chase us. We were speeding in and out of the side streets of Glenelg and he was hot on our tail (we were now shitting our selves, we were so scared) we flew down a couple of streets and there was a bit of distance so we flew around a corner (felt like on two wheels) and lost him momentarily, I sped into someones driveway, we turned off the lights and hid, he went screaming down the road, I reversed out of the drive way to head off in the other direction and half ripped my bumper bar off. We went home, quite relieved. The next morning my dad said "hey what happened to your bumper?" and I said "I don't know, it must have happened in the supermarket car park" Later that day, my Dad replaced my bumper :P


Ahhh mewmories of being young and stupid.


Lesley :P

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The next morning my dad said "hey what happened to your bumper?" and I said "I don't know, it must have happened in the supermarket car park" Later that day, my Dad replaced my bumper

Couldn't picture my dad doing that... lol, score!!!

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Goin for a cruise in a mates GZE ae82, some dick in a lancer lines us up and has a massive shocked look on his faced as he gets owned by a "shitty looking rolla"


Driving personally, was trying to kill something on the white rolla. Foot flat to floor and dump clutch over and over again, after about 20 attempts nothing broke left a few nice marks on the road though!

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back in '99, out cruising around 9pm coming down the hill between mooloolaba and alex hds and my gearstick comes out in my hand...


that was fun. not.


plus lots of other fun rolla moments... oh yeah 185 on bruce hwy between bli-bli rd and maroochydore rd exits... with 4 people in car.. it was 4spd too. mmm, 4K screaming for mercy :P

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on the way from picking up the wags, into my street i thought 'i wonder if i can get this puppy sideways (in the dry)' so under the imprasion that i would'nt have a chance in hell i throw the mighty wagon around the 90 degree corner as hard as a could. it throw the tail right out and put nose heading strate at the medum strip and the sign that says 'keep left'. shat my pants and hit the brakes stoped before i hit anything but i was facing a family of about 30 people all shacking there heads at me, backed up and drove home shaking my tits off

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i think the first memorable exerience with a rolla for me is, back when i first got delores as a rust heap. i had it stripped down,been doing some repair work. had no drivers doors. 1 seat. no seat belt

no boot

and i decided to go do some paddock bashing...they were some awesome fumes :P

and yeah, hanging the arse end out around trees with no door or seat belt. u learn very quick how to keep your arse in a seat :y:

god bless corollas :P

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