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Crazy D-car I Seen Today


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haha actually yea one night i was driving with my dad on one of the freeways in melbourne and it was bumper to bumper traphic and then this road bike flew past (lane splitting) then next thing i no this vy SS commodore went screaming down the emergency stopping lane looked to be 140km/h easy. Then we got like 5km up the road and there sure enough is the SS and the bike parked next too it i laughed for the next 5min!

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Yeah, then we could live in a land of Rapists, Muderers and Paedophiles, with them free to roam the country as they please. Sounds like a great idea not having Cops to put them behind bars doesn't it?

But that doesnt matter, because cops don't do that kind of work anyway. All they do is drive around and defect poor innocent people like yourself.



ok... I'll rephrase.


TRAFFIC police, and the drug squad. Instead, inject the phenomenal amount of funding these two pointless departments receive into the regular service, and we would have significantly less of the aforementioned unsavoury characters. I don't desire to live in an anarchic society but nor do I want to live in a bubble wrapped over-legislated lockdown of a country where the option of making decisions pertaining to the risks you take with your own life is taken out of your control and placed in the hands of some self-serving shiny arsed beauracrat.


I've never been defected. My cars are safe and legal and I only test the extent of their capabilities when and where I am sure I will not endanger the lives of others.

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I despise police. All of them. Every single last one should be euthanised.


The photo is aptly named, as it's hypocritical taking a photo (on a mobile I'm guessing) while driving of a cop on a mobile while driving.


Cops are humans too. That means that there are bad ones and there are good ones.


Example: Last Saturday night, I had just left a work friends birthday party and in a rare lapse of concentration I hadn't put my lights on, which I did after say 2 seconds. In that time a police car had just left the station, was heading towards me and put the discos on and turned around.


I pulled over, got my licence out and and explained myself, polite, as always. They did an RBT and I was clean, (only having had one XXXX Gold with a nice huge BBQ) and they sent me on my merry way.




Mind you, I had no rear bumper (as I'd taken it off to do some repairs) plus my new spoiler and large exhaust...


None of which was even mentioned. Now, If I'd been a cock about it, then they could have easily thrown the book at me.





Moral really is be nice to them, and 98% of the time that will be returned (aside from the one from Cleveland CIB (now transit cop) who was an arsehole weasely cockmuncher, but that's another story :D)


Cheers, Matt :P

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Yeah i was being a cock to cop in the ute that pulled me over and thats when he gave me the defect but still missed the 7 parking cones sitting on my back seat i knocked off 30 mins before hand.


*shakes head in shame*

Edited by AE70
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hehe... I didn't take the photo... found it on the intahweb


here comes the rant. make a cuppa.


I'm not so much talking about the induviduals... more the system really. Although the induvidual officers should hold themselves at least partially responsible. Metaphor: Parking Officers. I take time out of my day every time I see one just to berate them. Why? Because these people at the bottom echelons of society are indicative of the bigger problem. The standard response from a parking nazi, (and police, generally speaking) when confronted, is "oh I'm just doing my job" f@$k off. What... someone held a gun to your head this morning and forced you to go to work? I don't think so. You CHOSE to do this job. If you BELIEVE that what you do is beneficial to society, then stick up for yourself. Don't be so f@$king weak and tell me you're just doing your job because thats just passing the responsibility to someone else. Believe in what you do, or don't do it.


This metaphor applies very aptly to police. A traffic cop who truly believes he is benefitting society by doing what he does each day is either ignorant or stupid or varying measures of both. He is in fact nothing more than a glorified parking officer, serving someone elses interests under the guise of providing a service. Its a very well produced pantomine, being played out in many aspects of daily life and most people fall for it, as the propaganda they use strikes at the heart of human nature... we are made to feel guilty, ashamed and afraid before we even get behind the wheel. If we somehow manage to muster up the courage to actually venture out on to the blacktop, we are intimidated, harrassed and monitored the whole time. No wonder we blindly accept whatever punishment we are given... we've been morally weakened and made to feel completely useless.


I really do not believe the system we have truly serves the needs of the general populace as it should.


People don't need "protection" from themselves. Assuming an induvidual does not have the intellegence to make his own decisions is insulting and fundamentally wrong. If old mate in his S13 wants to play takumi in an industrial estate at 3am and he wraps his car around a pole at writes himself off, that was his decision to do so and he suffers the consequences of it. Its called darwinian selection and I have no sympathy for those who make stupid decisions. These are the people that make life more difficult for everyone else because we all get tarred with the same brush. If you want to be a dickhead, go right ahead. Just don't kill anyone else in the process. And if you die, I won't mourn you.


Scrape away the thin veneer and look a bit closer. You will find more solace in a cruel truth than a comfortable delusion.


End rant.

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hehe... I didn't take the photo... found it on the intahweb


here comes the rant. make a cuppa.


I'm not so much talking about the induviduals... more the system really. Although the induvidual officers should hold themselves at least partially responsible. Metaphor: Parking Officers. I take time out of my day every time I see one just to berate them. Why? Because these people at the bottom echelons of society are indicative of the bigger problem. The standard response from a parking nazi, (and police, generally speaking) when confronted, is "oh I'm just doing my job" f@$k off. What... someone held a gun to your head this morning and forced you to go to work? I don't think so. You CHOSE to do this job. If you BELIEVE that what you do is beneficial to society, then stick up for yourself. Don't be so f@$king weak and tell me you're just doing your job because thats just passing the responsibility to someone else. Believe in what you do, or don't do it.


This metaphor applies very aptly to police. A traffic cop who truly believes he is benefitting society by doing what he does each day is either ignorant or stupid or varying measures of both. He is in fact nothing more than a glorified parking officer, serving someone elses interests under the guise of providing a service. Its a very well produced pantomine, being played out in many aspects of daily life and most people fall for it, as the propaganda they use strikes at the heart of human nature... we are made to feel guilty, ashamed and afraid before we even get behind the wheel. If we somehow manage to muster up the courage to actually venture out on to the blacktop, we are intimidated, harrassed and monitored the whole time. No wonder we blindly accept whatever punishment we are given... we've been morally weakened and made to feel completely useless.


I really do not believe the system we have truly serves the needs of the general populace as it should.


People don't need "protection" from themselves. Assuming an induvidual does not have the intellegence to make his own decisions is insulting and fundamentally wrong. If old mate in his S13 wants to play takumi in an industrial estate at 3am and he wraps his car around a pole at writes himself off, that was his decision to do so and he suffers the consequences of it. Its called darwinian selection and I have no sympathy for those who make stupid decisions. These are the people that make life more difficult for everyone else because we all get tarred with the same brush. If you want to be a dickhead, go right ahead. Just don't kill anyone else in the process. And if you die, I won't mourn you.


Scrape away the thin veneer and look a bit closer. You will find more solace in a cruel truth than a comfortable delusion.


End rant.



You should be a Lawyer, because that was the biggest load of crap ever put forward in a discussion. We have laws for a reason, and people are expected to abide by them. Doesnt matter if its as simple as parking in a no parking zone or doing burnouts in an Industrial area. They are both illegal, both you and I know that. So the Police / Parking Officers are well within their rights to book you for it. I cannot stand whingers that constantly berate professions that they deem to be useless.

Accept the facts and move on.

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ok dude let me just plug you back into the matrix and we'll pretend nothing ever happened.


You completely missed my point. I'm well aware of what is illegal and what isn't. I know we have laws for a reason, its those very reasons I am drawing into question.

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I'm not looking to turn this thread into a slagging match. My entire point is that we know how things happens these days. We have Police and we have Parking Inspectors. We all play a role in life, and sometimes we don't always agree with certain professions or the way they conduct themselves.

Having a rant on an internet forum will change nothing about that. Accept the fact that they are here to stay, and move on.

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I'm not keen on a slagging match either dude.


And I'm aware of how little impact ranting on a corolla forum can achieve.


But I choose not to simply accept the "facts of life" as it were. If everyone just blindly accepts everything we're told, and does everything we're instructed to do, without question, we accept the fact that we are nothing more than sheep. Eventually we'll be left with no civil liberties or freedom whatsoever.


I choose to look a bit deeper into things so I make a more educated decision about the way I live my life and who I vote for rather than fluffing my way through life pretending everything's peachy. Its not, I'm not happy about it, and if more people opened their eyes and voiced an opinion we could actually influence some of the decisions that are made on our behalf.


A few people have viewed this thread... If I make one person think about things a bit more I'll consider my time not wasted.

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I despise police. All of them. Every single last one should be euthanised.
TRAFFIC police, and the drug squad.

Couldn't have said it better myself, that and the 'bikie squad' here in WA... bunch of f@$khead wankers


I've had two coppers push me around with alot of force, with no f@$king reason to, I was sober, in my f@$king school uniform for christs sakes, throw me up against their cop car, cuff me, put me in the back, take me to the cop shop and then 'charge' me with refusal to give personal details. Thats f@$ked... I felt like smacking the f@$ker straight in the head, especially when the chief dude of the cop shop came and angrily told me its the wrong thing to do, pushing coppers around... f@$k off, I didn't touch that c**t


Yeah cops don't have to wear a seat belt and can talk on there phones while driveing so long as it relates to police work! It's bullshit and then they come into work and wont there 1/2 price meal! (get F#cked) but meh i don't really care who else is going to help me get my car back when some scum bag steals it? (legally speaking)
Lol, I guess you work at maccas.. poor c**t, coppers came into my work about a month or so ago, right before we closed, and had the nerve to ask whether they get discount there or not (I work at hj's).. they didn't like it when we said no :P


Ha, tell that to the vic cops. They'll pull out of a chase when you've it a tree at 200 km/h

Same with WA cops


up here in darwin they got some crazy jacked up 4x4's for wen people hit the back tracks.

No shit, I was just about to go into the pines once for a bit of 4wding fun (with old man, i drive when where in there but its still classed as public roads) and there was 14 coppers on XR250 road/trails - all the same helmets, pants, bikes... just with police vests on. Lucky... I also passed a copper in a 4wd patrol when I was driving the bathurst track... he was decent though, he seen me, took a good look, and must have thought 'f@$k it, its a young bloke fulfilling his dream'.. which I was, more or less...




Your last comment, 7shades, I whoely agree with and as I just wrote before.. couldn't have said it better myself. Congratulations mate.. that was bloody well said

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Sorry to bring this back on topic but there is another sus-as-can be D car getting around brisbane. A red 2.6 Sigma sedan. And i heard that he tails you until you go faster, then books your gullible ass.


Having beaten a bent copper in court i can give you this advice. BRAKE CHECK! If he hits you, you could advertise your car with Paint Job by Queensland police as a feature. If he hits you its his fault. In any case,!as long as his lights arent on (don't forget the witnesses). No matter what claims are made you only have to convince the magistrate, and don't speak to police unless you have a clever, legally valid point to make. Take a sincere tone too (mask your hatred as respect). This goes for roadside stops too, as they all wear personal voice recorders while on donut duty.


As you can imagine, they will try everything to discredit you, bluff you, or at least scare you out of fighting your citations. The guy who tried to screw me did me for 135 kay an hour, having radared me at only 112. Scumbag indeed. Was driving a lowered commodoore ute and he must have thought he could lump me into a category with all hoons everywhere. He even falsified evidence (phoney transcript of our convo). He tried to make me sound like i dropped out of school at age 7. Like turning a sentence like "is that one of the new sports magnas, you know the 4wd ones?" to "eh bro, is dat wun of dem sporty magnas?'. Complete Bullshit. Ultimately the police prosecutor gave me an apology. You also need to understand that the freedom of information legislation is fantastic. I applied for and received the audio tape, the transcription (always ask for the tape and transcribe it yourself!), and the video of the stoppage (which ultimately saved me thanks to some speed = distance/time). Remember it is not too much work if you can embarrass the traffic police. My only regret is not having him publicly shamed and thrown out.


So if youre out there SENIOR ʇ~~ɔSTABLE WHITTETT you are an asshole and id love to shag your mother.


And my 2c worth, police are like all mortals. There are good ones and some real pricks.



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