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What Grinds My Gears.

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Hello to all of you in P-plate land. This one is for you.


Now that the community is considering you to be adults, and have given you a drivers license, here's a few tips from what I've been seeing on a sorrowfully regular basis.


DO NOT weave in and out of traffic. It doesn't get you anywhere faster.


DO NOT consider the speed limit to be a hinderence. It's there for a reason, and society expects you to be driving fairly close to it.


You DO NOT have the experience to know better than your fellow drivers.


DO NOT interact with the people in the car with you (all 16 of your mates on the way to a party,) to the detriment of taking notice of what's happening around you.


Driving like a tool around myself and my family is only going to end up very poorly for you if anything happens.


DO NOT do burn-outs or hand brake turns in populated areas, lest a half full Corona bottle will enter your car through the closed passenger side window.


DO be considerate, let people in if they're changing lanes, and acknowledge others if they've done the right thing.


DO try to at least acknowledge that there are road rules, and please try to obey the larger potion of them.


DO have a good hard look at yourself. In the grand scheme of things YOU are at the most dangerous time of your driving career. The big three killers on the road are fatigue (not a biggy for you guys) inattention (If I see another P-plater on a mobile, or talking/ looking at their mate in the back seat.... you get the picture....) and inexperience. Does this last one ring a bell? 18 year old drivers have double the risk of DYING on the road than someone who is 25. (Ref V-facts)


Pull your collective craniums in, and make it to your 21st birthday. Please.




F#*ING P Platers

You wouldn't think that you would have to go through these things would you. But there are people out there who do not realise that they are idiots.


I do admit that when i first had my Ps I drove like a bit of a dick. I still had consideration of other people, just when there was no one else around i was a compleat dick.

I have had my licence nearly 3 years and I now drive alot more sencible, I wont say i do not drive with 'enthusiasm', but hay we can't all drive like grannys. (BTW i still am on P plates just coz stupid fines)

But people who are just dicks ALL the time should have to walk still.


my 2c


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Were Like Rabbits haha!!!


i think its more the coomodore p platers than the lil 4 cylinder drivers, and i do agreee that NO P Plater should be aloud a turbo, even if they have an exemption. a kid at my school drives a twin turbo soarer and definately should not be aloud, its a twin turbo 2jz engine!! i mean wtf who let him drive that??


i hate p plate commodores cause they think there driving the mmost powerful car on the planet.


I'm the one who's doing up my lil 4 cylinder and I'm THE ONLY kid at school who has never had an accident!! (touch wood)


but yeah nice wording Redwarf



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Mind you some people with fast, expensive car's and are on their P's actually treat them with respect. Such as someone I know with a 300Z. He has spent the last year and a bit paying it all off and refuses to do anything dangerous to it incase he damages it in any way.

Same as at my school, couple of the yr 12's drive turboed or supercharged Torana's and Kingswoods, they don't drive madly in them either.


Also on the no P plater driving a turboed car, does that mean you would say someone can't drive a Suzuki Mighty Boy?


What Grind's My Gears is the roadwork's happening in Gawler, making everything held up and behind schedule.

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There seems to be no consistency to who it is. Male or female. Big or small. It's like they're not on the same roads as the rest of us.


Oh, and DO NOT talk/ text on your mobile. It's illegal and dangerous. Unless you have "punters eyes" (one each way) you can't text and watch the road at the same time. No, before you say anything, you have to look at the screen at some point.

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Hello to all of you in P-plate land. This one is for you, as Uncle Dwarf would like to have a friendly word with you.


Now that the community is considering you to be adults, and have given you a drivers license, here's a few tips from what I've been seeing on a sorrowfully regular basis.


DO NOT weave in and out of traffic. It doesn't get you anywhere faster.


DO NOT consider the speed limit to be a hinderence. It's there for a reason, and society expects you to be driving fairly close to it.


You DO NOT have the experience to know better than your fellow drivers.


DO NOT interact with the people in the car with you (all 16 of your mates on the way to a party,) to the detriment of taking notice of what's happening around you.


Driving like a tool around myself and my family is only going to end up very poorly for you if anything happens.


DO NOT do burn-outs or hand brake turns in populated areas, lest a half full Corona bottle will enter your car through the closed passenger side window.


DO be considerate, let people in if they're changing lanes, and acknowledge others if they've done the right thing.


DO try to at least acknowledge that there are road rules, and please try to obey the larger potion of them.


DO have a good hard look at yourself. In the grand scheme of things YOU are at the most dangerous time of your driving career. The big three killers on the road are fatigue (not a biggy for you guys) inattention (If I see another P-plater on a mobile, or talking/ looking at their mate in the back seat.... you get the picture....) and inexperience. Does this last one ring a bell? 18 year old drivers have double the risk of DYING on the road than someone who is 25. (Ref V-facts)


Pull your collective craniums in, and make it to your 21st birthday. Please.



Its a good thing most of use aren't scared of heights... up there on our high hourses. :y:


As much as we like to believe we are infailable drivers, the fact is we are guilty of poor driving every now and then.


Sure P platers can be stupid BUT they are just learners that are alowed to drive without a fully licenced pasenger. They make mistakes, They make STUPID mistakes... thats a part of learning.


The worst thing is, the majority of idiots on the road hold a full licence... these are the people that should know better.


Thats the end of my cerveza induced rant :o

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Hello to all of you in P-plate land. This one is for you, as Uncle Dwarf would like to have a friendly word with you.


Now that the community is considering you to be adults, and have given you a drivers license, here's a few tips from what I've been seeing on a sorrowfully regular basis.


DO NOT weave in and out of traffic. It doesn't get you anywhere faster.


DO NOT consider the speed limit to be a hinderence. It's there for a reason, and society expects you to be driving fairly close to it.


You DO NOT have the experience to know better than your fellow drivers.


DO NOT interact with the people in the car with you (all 16 of your mates on the way to a party,) to the detriment of taking notice of what's happening around you.


Driving like a tool around myself and my family is only going to end up very poorly for you if anything happens.


DO NOT do burn-outs or hand brake turns in populated areas, lest a half full Corona bottle will enter your car through the closed passenger side window.


DO be considerate, let people in if they're changing lanes, and acknowledge others if they've done the right thing.


DO try to at least acknowledge that there are road rules, and please try to obey the larger potion of them.


DO have a good hard look at yourself. In the grand scheme of things YOU are at the most dangerous time of your driving career. The big three killers on the road are fatigue (not a biggy for you guys) inattention (If I see another P-plater on a mobile, or talking/ looking at their mate in the back seat.... you get the picture....) and inexperience. Does this last one ring a bell? 18 year old drivers have double the risk of DYING on the road than someone who is 25. (Ref V-facts)


Pull your collective craniums in, and make it to your 21st birthday. Please.


first off this is not a go at you redwarf.


what grinds my gears is when people acting like complete tools wreck it for the rest of us. i'm on my p plates and have been on them for 4 months now. i get all these shitty looks from people i don't even know when pull up anywhere. i have never weaved in and out of traffic, i have never sped, i have never used my phone whilst driving. i always give a thank you wave if someone lets me in, i always make room if someone wants to merge. it is the small minority of tools that get us all labeled hoons. it really drives my up the wall.


i just want people to see it from my side. i have been brought up on the idea that your license is a privilege not a right. it may just be that my up-bringing (father owning 2 Rolls-Royce's) has made me an anomaly of of a p plater (ie. not a cock). please know there are good ones out there and we don't like being associated with the others.


just my 2c

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first off this is not a go at you redwarf.


what grinds my gears is when people acting like complete tools wreck it for the rest of us. i'm on my p plates and have been on them for 4 months now. i get all these shitty looks from people i don't even know when pull up anywhere. i have never weaved in and out of traffic, i have never sped, i have never used my phone whilst driving. i always give a thank you wave if someone lets me in, i always make room if someone wants to merge. it is the small minority of tools that get us all labeled hoons. it really drives my up the wall.


i just want people to see it from my side. i have been brought up on the idea that your license is a privilege not a right. it may just be that my up-bringing (father owning 2 Rolls-Royce's) has made me an anomaly of of a p plater (ie. not a cock). please know there are good ones out there and we don't like being associated with the others.


just my 2c



Amen to that...


Its not the P plate that make these people dicks, its just that our first experience with them is when they get their P's.


They usually stay dicks after they get their full licence.


Most P platers have a good head on their sholders like Khendo here.



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Mind you some people with fast, expensive car's and are on their P's actually treat them with respect. Such as someone I know with a 300Z. He has spent the last year and a bit paying it all off and refuses to do anything dangerous to it incase he damages it in any way.

Same as at my school, couple of the yr 12's drive turboed or supercharged Torana's and Kingswoods, they don't drive madly in them either.

They might have heard of this saying, "Don't shit where you sleep" meaning don't do stupid things where you are known. That's probably why you haven't seen them acting like tools around your school/local area.

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Well said Redwarf :o :y:





*begin rant*


Tonight a group of friends went out to the movies, we passed a couple of cruises the "holden boys" (being stupid) and some rotors, *nice* cars - they were just sitting there checking out the rides.... :bash:


Anyhoo... movie finished and we were heading home, there are some traffic lights and you turn right to go to the city...I was behind my friend (we took two cars) and he took off quickly, but didn't lose traction, didn't breach the speed limit, just zipped around the corner, with me right behind him...out of nowhere (well from behind us) came a police car with his lights flashing, we both pulled into the left hand lane to let him pass and he didn't, so I slowed down, thinking he was pulling me over, he pulled in front of me and CUT ME OFF!!! and then sat right up the bumper of my friend, there were "no stopping" signs all along the left lane, and as he's on his P's he thought he shouldn't stop there and was looking for a side street to pull into...there wasn't one, and he was doing about 40 with the police right behind him with lights and siren going...THEN the policeman changed lanes, sped up, pulled in front of him and locked it up, my friend had to stop quickly...THEN the policeman reamed him out for not stopping sooner!!!


my gripe is this: first he cut me off, then he tailgated, then he pulled in front of my friend and made him do an emergency stop and THEN yelled at him for not stopping in a clearly marked "NO STOPPING" zone....


He ended up letting my friend off as there were numerous calls in about people doing donuts in the car park...



*end rant*

Edited by SoulSearcher
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DO NOT do burn-outs or hand brake turns in populated areas, lest a half full Corona bottle will enter your car through the closed passenger side window.


This is the only part I disagree with, it's a waste of perfectly good beer........ Throw a (full) tinny of XXXX or VB........


*should state for the record that I'm fully licensed, but have done some stupid stuff before, and learned from it.* (plus I remember being a P plater, and the below still applied)


As for myself, I try to be sensible on the roads, and for the most part I am, but every now and again I get the itch, and I drive like a mad bastard, I generally avoid built up areas and only drive alone, once I catch myself doing it, I take the beater car (ORB) somewhere where the only thing I can hit is a tree and I get it out of my system, I like my license too much to risk losing it, and I'd rather not kill myself (or anyone else for that matter) due to my own idiocy. I keep it off the road, I don't die, I'm happy with that.


1985 Daihatsu charade hatchback, brilliant P platers car, you can belt it relentlessly and hardly ever actually break the law....... Good on fuel too....... :y:


Overall, well spoken (written) Redwarf, nice to see a well thought out statement instead of "F**KING P PLATERS!!!!", I salute you.

Edited by Toy-Yoda
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They might have heard of this saying, "Don't shit where you sleep" meaning don't do stupid things where you are known. That's probably why you haven't seen them acting like tools around your school/local area.


Just going to state as you deffinately wouldn't know, my school has people from over 3 hours in any direction go to it, from The Adelaide Hill's around Gumeracha and Birdwood (about 40 min to the school on a good day), to past Saddleworth and some other middle of nowhere towns on the other side that are about 3 hours away. All the P platers that do stupid things as far as everyone knows about is from the Public high school and drop outs from my school.


Mind you some people think that they are above what they are legally allowed to do like some 'wanna be racers'. For example a couple weeks back a Learner driver almost rear ending me while I was doing 100 in a 100 zone, he even tried to brag about it to me the next day :y: .

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