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Trds Rally Car

TRD ke70

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Well done mate looks good as :dance:


Good to see uve built a motor and hope to see a incar soon :wink:


Hers a link to my effort the other weekend :happy: we blew a diff in the end :bash: But loads of fun






Good luck and keep up good work :cool:



See ya



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I know they look big those tyres, they are only 195's on a 13 x 6 rim.


Nice Vid jimi.

I'm hoping to get some in car in a couple of weeks if all goes well.



hahahah Cheers mate wasnt to bad of a ride :happy: Will be in a big rally soon in another v8 lol :lolcry:




See ya



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well off to a rally tomorrow with the Corolla, hopefully all will go well this time.

Even with this new engine we have had big problems, it nipped a bearing while running it in, lucky Tony caught it in time.

He stripped the engine again and cleaned it, measured it and found everything on size, so a new set of bearings and we ran it in last weekend.

We think it was caused by to much load on the engine with running in oil and shit quality bearings.

Both of us are still a little concerned, but an oil change mid week showed nothing in the oil, so at least that's a good sign.

Tony found the rear wheel bearing seals leaking last night when he was doing the final spanner check's, so I found some new seals today and we fit them before the start tomorrow.

We're hoping we've also fixed the blow-by problem it had as well, have made a full return system that is yet to be tested.

Also this week a new set of HID 100w kits went into the pencil beams, it's like turning the sun on at night.


Won't have any incar footage this time around, but i'll try and get some short video of it in action.


Hopefully this little beast will complete it's first rally, fingers crossed.

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Well not a very good weekend for us again.

We seam to had a small problem with the bottom end, we did however manage to complete 4 stages before the engine cried enough.

The car feels fast, Tony tells me, and he was running 5th outright before the engine problems.


Here's a little bit of video, thanks to Annette Ross, and a photo, again thanks to Annette.





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