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Everything posted by Nitephyre

  1. Heh thanks guys... that damn effort bug always seems to crop up :D Helpful info though :P
  2. oOo that looks spiffy, I want some hehe :D Hey, dang.... you've also got a seat in the back there :P
  3. Nice work... I've always thought one of these would be a weapon :P
  4. Did anything actually come of this, or was it just a feed-up?
  5. hmm that GT4 driveline would go nice in my shaggin wagon ;D
  6. I had to do this. Get yourself a proper pulley puller to pull the poofter off perfectly... Say that 10 times fast :P
  7. Oh well... seems it's too much effort :) There's nothing wrong with the carby, it's just being a pain to get running nicely ;)
  8. Haven't actually LOOKED at anything yet, just mulling over some thoughts essentially because my brakes are spongy and it's likely the booster is shagged, plus the carby is giving me the shits at the moment so I was wondering if it was straightforward to nick the efi gear off a 4AFE and chuck it on my 4AC with minimal arseing about. BUT if it's is indeed as easy as changing the water plumbing to replace a 4AC with a later 4AFE and relatively cheap then I might entertain the idea. Or there is the 7AFE... :)
  9. Q1:- a) Bitch. b) Problem with the whole 4AFE is that it's a conversion, since they're FWD. So mainly I was thinking about ripping the E stuff off the 4AF... Q2:- Refer Q1 Part a) Q3:- Refer Q2 Q4:- The hydraulic clutch reservoir thingymajig Q5:- Life, The Universe and Everything :)
  10. Q1:- Convert 4A-C to EFI: I've done some searching and can't seem to find definitive answers, so... How hard/easy should it be to convert a 4AC to EFI, which engine should I get the bits off, approximate cost etc. This isn't an engine conversion thread so I don't want to hear the whole "don't bother, chuck a 4AG* in it" bollocks. I simply want to know what I asked. Q2:- Does anyone around Brissy got a T50 they don't have a use for, in decent enough condition and *cough* cheap :) Q3:- Does anyone have a Ram-Flo filter to fit the standard 4A-C carby they don't want? Q4:- Should I be able to swap the brake booster from my KE panelvan to my AE panelvan easily? Q5:- Is it easy to fix a very slow leak from the clutch booster? Q6:- How long is a piece of string not?
  11. It was an awesome day. I'm presently uploading my close to 400 pictures of the day. In an hour or so, click my signature and follow the save lakeside cruise 12/08/07 link and enjoy. Cheers, Matt :y:
  12. I meant to post this earlier but forgot. I'm mainly going as it's a nice way to spend Sunday morning, but I do believe it's a worthwhile cause. :y: Details Here, on main page I'll be there with a few stickers I found, plus I'll make up some spiffy handouts and representing in my Rollaclub polo :) Cheers, Matt :)
  13. Nice work Ben, i went OMGWTFBBQ when it came up as GoDaddy yesterday :y:
  14. WOFT... wanker. (creating stupid fake ads that is)
  15. That should just be the next Corolla in all shapes :o
  16. I got a Brand New radiator for my AE71 pano from Red Devil at Virginia for $450 installed, so I highly recommend them :D
  17. So, what's the problems? Prolly won't make it as I think Andrea will be dragging us to the Ekka... :n:
  18. WOW, that is frigging amazing work you've done there mate... can't believe it :n:
  19. Nice, even with the dirty neesarn heart :y:
  20. Nice work with the 'rona lights. Much hard work?
  21. Bingo. Also, I believe this has been covered numerous times on the intarweb :y:
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