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Everything posted by WinKE55

  1. I was thinking about the seats.. but they don't recline. So long distance trips will be a little annoying with them. So I am just getting racing recliner ones you see now a days. Looks like a great project, hopefully I will be doing very similiar too ^_^ Keep up the good work and probably be expecting some messages from me in the future.. hehe.
  2. Pin holes such as something is on the paint, or pin holes down through the paint? If it's on the paint - Silicone/dirt/etc In the paint - Not sure lol. Maybe use a better paint? Or mix it better? You might have to ask someone at a paint store if no one is qualified here type of thing, but pictures would help a lot.
  3. WinKE55


    Park Ridge Auto Wreckers. They sometimes have KE stuff. 3805 5999
  4. Or if you want performance get 4A-GE and CA18DET out of your head and put in an S14 SR20DE or even SR20DET into it. =]
  5. I want to see the colourrrr. Soon as it has been painted, get some pictures up. Merry Christmas to you too my dear.
  6. Hahahaha I wonder where it is going Jip :/ Possibly into her car hehe. This may be one stupid question. But I noticed with the back vents in the KE55. They actually had a purpose, I found out when I was looking my own boot. What are they actually used for? Sorry for the dumb question :/ Thanks.
  7. Haha insane. Keep up the good work with your car buddy. It has potential.
  8. http://www.rollaclub.com/faq/index.php?tit...a_tough_K_motor There is a list that might help.
  9. Yeah. New laws suck a bit. I was planning on buying Kangaroosa's 5K. Though QLD Transport ended up telling me I can do it. Though I need a blue plate. Though I can't get one until I am on my Opens, which will be around 21. I am only 16 and have to age a lot between now and then.
  10. They reckon it needs to be blue plated and upgraded brakes. Thus me being on the new law I can not get a Engine Mod that I need a blue plate for.
  11. Haha. But if I give them my engine number, the engine number will say 5K instead of 4K. They might get a little bit weird on that or something wont they? And if I get pulled over and I'm in my mechanic uniform I can't exactly lie and say I have no knowledge about cars.
  12. QLD Transport said I am not aloud to put a 5k in legally either. Far out they piss me off. Mates told me to grind off the engine numbers and put on my old one from my 4k. Or get a piece of aluminum and put it over the number and punch in the 4k. QLD Transport = Wankers.
  13. Lol. They are crazy. Keep up the good machines! Can't wait to see more!
  14. Don't underestimate the members here. They have helped me A LOT with my stuff. I owe a fair bit to them. Since I am only new to mechanics and owning a rolla ^_^ Hope all goes well with your clutch!
  15. Pretty much. You need to either Rotate and Balance your wheels. Or buy new ones? Though I'd stick with the Rotate and Balance idea.
  16. WinKE55

    Spotted Qld

    Saw a KE series Corolla cruising in a built up area near Mansfield area, driving along a main road etc last week. His license plate was 840-JYN Was a mustard colour coupe I think.
  17. Strange. I have a similiar problem too. But I am pretty sure it's my battery. I put a racing 700cc battery into me ke55 just to start it up. I had to jumpstart it first to get it going, finally it went after a few goes. I drove around for around 10 minutes and then I stalled it coming out of reverse and it would not start up again, trying jump starting etc. All I would hear is a weird clicking noise over by the carbie area, I'm pretty sure mine just needs a new battery.. though I will test it out when I get a new battery =]
  18. I'm not trying to make it sound like an arguement, though I know my last post seemed. I never said the new laws wouldn't work, because I know that it would have a less chance of killing yourself. If you wanted to know why I want to transplant an engine is to take it to Willowbank for a while untill I am legally able to drive it and so I have 3-4 years under my belt of driving and lessons. I never thought or think I am untouchable. Seems to be one of the most used sentance I've always heard when parents are trying to get through to there kids etc. I also understand there is a high increase of crashes with P platers, though not all of P platers are hoons. I can also see the point where you are coming from Redwarf, though there going to try and stop/decrease hoons they maybe should of added safety features as well in there list of the new laws. Also, I've even heard people grinding off engine numbers and putting there old ones on the new engine? Such as the K series engine for a good example. Some peoples thoughts are "More rules, the more I rebel against them" attitude etc As I said, I'm not here to create an arguement.
  19. It's coming along nicely hehe. Keep up the hardwork. I'm in the process of looking for another hardtop :/ It's a little harder finding one than I thought. Hope the service and the dint removal comes along nicely. Maybe polish it up and take a few pictures.
  20. Seems like you are trying to sterotype me, though you really mistaken. Other members on here as well see the new law being stupid. Why not make the law that we have to buy with 2 air bags? Or ABS brakes? People can't even buy the new nice cars that come with a turbo and probably 7 airbags plus ABS? The new law has too many faults in it. It may stop rev heads from putting bigger engines in there cars, but there is too many people who will do what they want anyway. Doesn't matter what engine you have, if you speed, you can crash, you can die. New laws may as well make people drive around on mopeds? You can even buy the older cars which have almost greater chance of killing yourself in an accident since there is no new technology on the vehicle. As I said, the new law has too many faults. Also, I agree that I am inexperienced, doesn't mean I'm the one that will go side ways around every single corner I come across? Doesn't mean that I will constantly speed?
  21. Well if you are running on gas it wouldn't use fuel now would it =] Well, since you aren't fussed on the laws, you can put whichever engine you want to put in it I suppose. Easiest conversion would be a 5k engine, Pretty sure it would fit. Another as I've been told is a pretty easy conversion is a Hilux motor. If you search for the member Curly, and look at a few of his posts, I think it's in Rides and Project it will tell you what Hilux engine he has in his Corolla Wagon. Other than being easy, it depends how much knowledge you know about cars and how handy you are with tools I suppose. I'll be putting an SR20DE motor and/or a Hilux engine like Curly has into my KE55 coupe. Hopefully I'll have another KE55 soon =] Hope this helped.
  22. It also depends p_schrapel if you are under the new laws as well. That is if you are in Brisbane and if you got your P's or rather after 1st of July this year. If you are under the new laws you will not be able to legally drive your car around because we are not aloud to do engine modifications like an engine transplant. Though if you aren't in the new laws then I suppose you are in luck. Common engine swaps here I've noticed is CA18's, SR20's, 4A-GE and the off Hilux motor that Curly has done and the 302 that 302Rolla has done and the V6 Commodore motor I think it is? From another member. The only thing that limits you is your imagination hehe. It costs a fair bit of money though, but money isn't an issue to some people. Maybe make a sleeper? Keep it all stock on the outside, maybe even the exhaust as well? Hide the intercooler if you are putting a turbo on it etc. And just don't go crazy all the time on the road =] Hope this helped.
  23. WinKE55


    Also seen it in person, very amazing lol. That's all I can say. I didn't think it woudl shut either, nor did my father. But it did haha. Keep up the good work.
  24. Mm not 100% sure on this, but I think either it attaches onto the brake pad as a brake pad wear indicator or it will attach on top of the caliper, or even where the brake pad slides into the caliper. I've done a few brakes on Fords, though not on this model. Hope you have a brief idea on my not so good information. Hope it all goes well.
  25. This might sound pretty dumb. Though I'm pretty sure you can get a bigger K block? or something? Would that still be legal if I put it in my KE55?
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