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Everything posted by WinKE55

  1. It has it's ups and downs I must say. Good point: No teacher. The live feed is over the TV and we see and hear him. Though he cannot see us! We get away with eating in class, mucking around, anything haha. Bad point: Still in the Ford building and when there is technical difficulties you loose education and time I suppose.
  2. First year apprentice mechanic. I work at Bryan Byrt Ford in Mansfield. I do not go to Tafe as we do our special Ford training through a live feed satalite to Melbourne!
  3. WinKE55

    New Member

    Hope you are okay there mister! Just leave the women and take the cars hehe. *Edit* Or I suppose put the women in the cars, and save the car at the same time :/
  4. You sure it's a wagon? Maybe KE50? Buy a Gregorys book about your rolla. Has a lot of specs and stuff in it.
  5. Maybe get new seats? Or rip off the seats, re-weld the metal back to the frame. May as well inspect the seat while you have already cut into the upholstery and make sure no other damage is there. Then get someone to re-upholster the seats again? If you have the money of course.. If not then I am a little stumped how you can fix it without cutting into the back of the seat there. *Edit* Plus also if you do decide to buy new seats. Keep in mind if you have a coupe, get coupe seats. As the coupe seats don't have the same seat adjuster as the sedans do. Though I am sure you would know that already buddy.
  6. Bahahaha. I agree with most of the stuff on there. Except one. Teenagers. Not all teenagers type like that. I know most do but not all. I'm still a young teenager and I use to type like that, though I grew a brain hehe.
  7. I KNEW IT! Same problem with mine. :D Though I am doing my upholstery so I got busy with my knife :wink: Drivers seat left support rips away from the spot weld thing down the bottom area, and the right side of the front passenger seats frame at the bottom breaks away at the spot weld too. Weird problem I can say. Though only way I've been able to get into it is with my trusty knife :hmm: But then you will need someone to reupholster the seats again and it will cost a bit of money I suppose. Hope it helps.
  8. Yes, we have one of them too. Though I do not think we have.. Acid.. in ours. Though I am not too sure you maybe right. Though it gets very hot and steams up, using hot water spining it around to clean stuff. Though I don't think putting thermostats in the parts washer would be a good idea.. To be honest I haven't cleaned any yet.. but I would imagine water? Or buy new ones? Our Ford Dealership just buys new ones..
  9. I don't even know what the fascination is with 20" rims? Or even higher? 18" would probably be my border line..
  10. It makes them look older I think. I am not much of a fan of those wheel cover things. Though I think the old school KE10's would look decent with them.
  11. Lol wow. I am getting some very good different paint replies.. I am a little wondered why people haven't done it to there own cars?
  12. Choosing paint is probably a bit.. tricky in a way. Well for me it is anyway. As it can tell a bit about the car and how it looks and everything. What do you all think would be better paint option for a KE55 coupe out of these three choices. Also to help, either a 4agze or an sr20det may be going into it.. I am also sorry if it annoys anyone about maybe copying paint.. I just like the colours too.. First up, Demuires KE35 Second, Montanas KE35 Lucky third, It isn't a Corolla.. Though it is the Camaro off Transformers.
  13. Toothpaste is used to polish acrylic and plastics, hence why it worked pretty decently. May as well brush your teeth as well while your at it I suppose hehe.
  14. Try Powder Coating. Might work a little better, though depends if you want the head one colour, or to have a design on it like some show cars do.
  15. Yes, she is beautiful. Though not really my type. It is getting the attention he wants for the car so I guess it's probably worth it =]
  16. Yepp. JiP said he would pick me up so count me in too =]
  17. Yeah agreed. I've looked it up after receiving this email a long long time ago. Msn won't change. Even if it does, it will most likely be on the news, and MSN will actually notify you. Not some nub with nothing better to do.
  18. Yeah I can't wait to see it too. Hope it all runs smoothly now.
  19. I am pretty sure I know what you are talking about and yeah, it has been done. Look around in Rides/Projects threads. I'm sure you will find one in there somewhere :P
  20. Owieee. Poor Corolla. I bet the cops showed up or did you get away quick enough before they rocked up? And the safety rail were the Skyline had the accident is all repaired now ^_^
  21. Yeah the person above me is right. ALSO you need to tell us how old you are, or whether or not you are under the new P plate laws. NO engine conversions allowed if it needs a blue plate. NO engine is allowed an out put of 200kW Not allowed turbo or supercharger Not allowed an engine above a V6 - Inline 6 In Queensland my KE55 hardtop has a 4k in it from factory and I can't even go to 5k. BUT I am on new law restrictions as because of my age. So really you need to be more.. specific.
  22. Yeah. The day after I felt a few things I didn't feel the day that it happened. Also, How did the accident happen Queen20v? I have been meaning to put some pictures on here again. A friend started his first day at my work a few weeks ago as a bus driver to deliver customers back home.. and well yeah.. this is how it went out I was too lazy to take a picture of the front of the car lol. Story goes he was sitting at the lights, some pick up truck was coming behind him a little fast, the pick up truck smashed into his rear and pushed him forward into another car. So he got a little sandwiched. Lucky there was no passengers and I don't like the chances of something to try and sandwich a Ford Transit van :P Hah
  23. R.I.P to your friend and I am sorry to hear about it. I'm sure he would be proud of you when it is complete.
  24. Lol. That is funny. Brown Hornet aye. I'll search that up sometime.
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