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Everything posted by Xany

  1. yes.....this is a spare one that i got with the other block....the other one i got sent down to NSW has the second pulley for the air con.... Also this page confirms it..... Precision Parts search for a 5k engine on that page... theres only 2 on there man this weekend is gunna ROCK!!!! :D :P
  2. yes my 5K had a harmonic balancer.....currently getting reconditioned...should have it back tomorrow.....
  3. okies......last sunday me and my brother didnt get a chance to start putting the engine together, so hopefully it will be this weekend that i start to build "THE MIGHTY 5K" as teddy and i call it......my harmonic balancer has been sent down to Wagga Wagga...of all places to get reconditioned......Repco couldnt find anywhere in brisbane that do them.....so hopefully this weekend.....if anyone wants to come over...(i don't know what day it is yet cuase my brother may be working on saturday). i give more info when it comes to hand....... although it prolly wont be at the same time as nicks rebuild on his weber...don't want to clash with that
  4. my fuel gauge is like that......kinda.....its soooo bloody slow in getting to its right point.....i have to drive at least for 5 -10mins before i get a proper reading.....i'm thinking about changing the gauge.....or trying to find the fuel sender unit
  5. i have hit 150 in mine.......that was near towoomba though.....dead straight road about 7 km long......:D it was sitting on about 5500rpm......screaming its tits off can't wait for the 5K to run in......:D just to see myself zoom past nick :P
  6. nick: yeah it seems to be the same with my car......5th gear at 130 no vibrations......nothing.....just crrrrusing.....:P.....
  7. whoa.......bit more damage than it looks like in the picture.....how did it happen?
  8. Man......you are having a bad luck streak..... on a lighter note.....i had to replace the left hand rear tail light on my mums KE 70 corolla after my brother backed into the car with his nissan patrol.... kellys wreckers $25 for the whole assembly......cheap as chips.....i think thats what she paid
  9. Xany

    Go Karts

    oh yeah........absolutely awesome.....Worth every penny......although on the way home i had to remember not to use the other side of the road......damn two way roads......
  10. Xany

    Go Karts

    see yas all out there....
  11. today i had to go down to mansfield to pick up my engine bits and peices......i hadnt seen my inlet manifold since i gave it to him as a dirty peice of metal here is the result...... then i had my flywheel machined......mmmmmm......clean metal..... hoping to start putting it back together this weekend....sometime..... :)
  12. Xany

    Go Karts

    ummm......he was only a maybe......and he talked to me today and said that he forgot that he had a 21st to go to on saturday night......so hes a no go
  13. Xany

    Go Karts

    is it too late to add another (maybe) person to the list......one of my mates from work would like to come (if he has enough money). if its not ok its alright
  14. Xany

    Go Karts

    sure......sounds like a plan.....
  15. i think i found the answer for $27......an adapter plate to fit the weber....:).......my flywheel is getting machined finally this week :o ......and i should have everything back on friday so i can start putting it back together......FINALLY
  16. Xany

    Go Karts

    hey teddy how you getting out there? i'll be by myself if you (and your friends) need a ride.... :)
  17. i have a good "oh f@$k" story to tell yas..... one night after a storm (the road was still wet) and i decided to go for a bit of a spin and to show my mate my car......the first couple of corners we went around were fine.....drifting sideways and then coming back perfect. we came to a left hand corner that kinda sloped upwards, it was one of those corners you think "cool i can do that". however (theres always an "however") i started to put my foot down to kick the arse end out. it was all going well until i realised that theres an Excel (dark green one) parked up from the corner a bit facing down the hill towards the corner. i then decided "oh f@$k" i'm going to hit that if i don't do anything......i took my foot off the gas a bit and hoped like f@$k that the back wheels would stop spinning......they did......eventually......about say this far | | away from hitting the green excel........ my friend was like.........cool :devil: ..........i was like :o :) then after a while :fuzz: needless to say i check now to see if there are any cars around (parked or driving) we all learn the hard way. :D
  18. holy........beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep........... no words can decribe that........ *drools over keyboard*.........ZAP!!!!.....ow......
  19. Xany

    Go Karts

    and i'll prolly be lapped about 100 times.......:)
  20. hey hey....... welcome fellow rolla driver. :| i'm guessing he found us at boostcrusing......???
  21. Xany


    hey teddy.....you also know how to clutch start a car.......:)......thanks to me :laff: and my damn battery...... :|
  22. bloody off topic posts....... :laff: :) :| :laff: :D just a question about my engine.....since i'm going to be putting the weber on it....i'm still thinking of how to make an adapter plate for it???? any ideas
  23. i think it must be a trait with the KE55's.....cause i seem to be having the same problem......i could probably use my handbrake as another foot brake it applies that slow
  24. my brother is a mechanic so i prolly didnt type that right.....he prolly said the same as what you said.....except i typed it all wrong.....whoops
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