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Everything posted by Xany

  1. we all sound like spelling nazi's...... hahaha......but as nick has said to me and everyone. its not just us that look at the forum, the general public also view this board. which is a good reason to keep the slang and FULLY SICK wog interepretations out of here....unless of course it just needs to be said :) we are educated people.....hehehe.....lets show the public that we can spell....
  2. couldnt agree more jamie... sometimes i have to read the post 2 or 3 times just to understand what they are trying to say...... its not like it takes a lot longer to type the whole word anyway...
  3. apparently the road collapsed underneath it because of excess water.....i think.... still looks really funny i thought..... imagine coming back to your car and thinking...hang on a minute...i didnt park it like that
  4. damn that tire exploded with a bang......???
  5. i shall be coming if it is on a saturday or sunday.....can't come on friday nights....i work.... either day or arvo/night is good......i don't mind... any weekend should be good as well......hopefully
  6. hahaha....that photo i find funny....cause you can tell so much about how that photo was taken.. 1. at least one door is ajar because the warning light is on.... 2. the driver does not have his seatblet on, warning light again....(naughty naughty). 3. the handbrake is still on (exclimation mark....on the dash) so with those 3 points......the car has not moved and there is noone sitting in the drivers seat, the photo was taken from outside the car because the door is open..... so much for modern cars.....redline 8200....bah.....jamies car does that without valve boucing....and so does mine....so whats improved....hahahaha.....nothing....zip....except for more bloody warning lights on the dash.... i find that funny......and if noone knows what i'm going on about....don't worry, i don't think i do as well..... you know whats even funnier......the fact that my car could still drag one of these and win......BWAHAHAHA......OLD COROLLA'S RULE!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. if you can make those calculations.....i'm guessing that you are going to be fine....prolly just a test shot as you said.... keep a close eye on the mail though
  8. clicky BTW.....these arent my photos recognise anyones car in those photos.....and the brothers standing in the background....hehehehe i just wish that the number plates were blanked out.... the old rollas do get attention.... :)
  9. very good fook.....i was going to see if anyone noticed.....yes the domed (boobies my brother called them) stock lenses are gone and i replaced them with flat plastic, the plastic is very clear to see through.....you need bendable stuff though so you can get them in and out.....
  10. it's all thanks to you jamie.....thanks mate... :D i found out tonight when i turned my parkers and headlights on that because my gauges are white and my bulbs in the dash are coloured blue my guages are now green......hehehehe.....it looks so trick....however i may have to do something about the oil preesure gauge because its so bright..... also my tacho seems to be not working as well as my old one did...but i think i've figured it out now.... :)
  11. using jamies techinque, as he told me and teddy at the all toyota day painting the white is easy.....but then by using cigarette filters and black paint dabbing the paint onto the raised numbers.....EASY! only took me about half a day to do..
  12. i decided that i REALLY liked jamies idea of the white dash in his corolla, so i hope he doesnt mind me using his technique....also changed my tacho and took the old vacumn gauge out and replaced it with an oil pressure gauge..... but check this out...... old...... new.....hehehe mmmm dials.. anyone like?
  13. BWAHAHAHAAHA....teddy you crack me up....hehehehee..... anyone feel like helping someone rewire their car?.....hehehe
  14. GOOD ON YA BOYS!!!!......top stuff slaters try was absolutely gobsmacking....... that ball was going everywhere....hehehehe.....
  15. yeah i saw the phone in the hand.....the only 2 calls i got during the day and i had to be captured in a photo for one of them.... next time jamie just tell me to get the F**K outta the way.....hehehe.....trust me i wont hurt you.... :D also......have a look at the guy in the reflection of the red celica's bonnet......i burst out laughing when i saw that......BWAHAHAHAHAHA.....good photos jamie...
  16. my brother (works for brake and clutch specialists) said ferodo's = no disc in 6 months.... hes seen rotors that have a 2mm lip after ferodo's had been installed and the pad was only 3/4's worn out....
  17. hahahahaha.....hey nick, don't forget me doing the "wanker" sign as well.....he thought his car was cool and loud.....until he came past me....i think i made his ears bleed....thats why he pissed off so fast.... if you guys hadnt been in the road i would have givin him what for....:D
  18. did you recongnise mine.....even though i wasnt there half the time....hehehe.....i also had the bonnet up showing the orginal burnt blue paint underneath from the last engine bay fire..... :D
  19. WTF was that.....it looked like a kid on a scooter...????
  20. s**t where did i leave my spare keys?? ahhh here they are *picks up a set of boltcutters*
  21. hey guys.....just found this while i was browsing the net... got some good info on there gOt?! DRIFT!!!! enjoy
  22. ummm......i think he missed.... actually he may have been aiming for that.....practice i think they call it...
  23. Bwahahahahahahaha........ whoops sry peoples...... gees i hope hes ok..... Bwahahahahahahaha.........
  24. might try and make it.....to spectate
  25. teddy....you could do it yourself.....don't be afraid to rev your engine....as long you don't go stupid it should be fine.....set a mental rev limit for yourself and don't go past it.....simple......my mental rev limit (remember, fully worked 5K) is about 7500rpm....after 8000rpm my tacho starts going around the clock again....so make yours around 5500 - (maybe 6000).....simple...... (no offence to nick or justin intented)
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