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Everything posted by Xany

  1. yep......exactly the same excuse they used on me...."we've got 14 of these brand new speakers.....but we only have an order for 12....how bout we sell you the other 2 for half price".........hahaha....no thanks....catch ya round
  2. tomsGPturbo: i've had the same fellas jump out of their white van and stop me in the middle of chermside rooftop carpark. they were selling entertainment unit speakers and shit.....i knew then and there that it was a scam of some sort....
  3. yeah man i'm still interested......make sure its on a weekend
  4. covergirl: you could get us to pay you.....but what if i told you i'd post up a not so good picture..... :).....blackmail......i love it !!! MD0086: passenger mirrors are GOOD......stops you nearly sideswiping somone cause you can't see around the person in the back seat.... :dance:
  5. offtopic: nick......i have one on the drivers side.....but never been able to get up enough courage to drill holes into the passenger side door....hahahaha.....i do have a passenger one somewhere... ontopic: yeah i have to "get the foot into it" when the choke doesnt engage properly.....personally i don't mind....i like control though...hehehe
  6. done.....was 180...now 181.....hehehe
  7. or get an auto choke like mine that only works half the time....hehehehe
  8. whats this chasing thing.....i've never heard of that..... now racing.....i've heard of that....hehehehehe :)
  9. go bendix standards on the front if you can get them.....anything other that standards and they will chew on your rotor, ferodos are known for it....noone likes paying for new rotors.....DO NOT go with the bendix adavance
  10. grrr.......i mean damn.....they were looting timber.....not really a reason to crush their toyota..... just watch the damn video...that really pisses me off.... http://www.compfused.com/directlink/93/ oh and :) to you U S of A
  11. how low?..... i turned 20 in may.......yup i hit the double decade
  12. i'm on vodafone prepaid......not sure how much it is to browse the net.....but thats cool.....i can keep in touch with the club while i'm away...:)
  13. Hey guys. Atm I'm lying in bed typing this on my nokia 3100. I really want to see if this works. :) Anyway. I think its time for me to get some shuteye. I love my phone. Bye.
  14. thats what i call filling out your guards!!!!! :)
  15. yeah i'd prolly bring my puter over.......pats case.... there there little one
  16. ok i'm THERE!!!......hopefully......on which day though? we should make a cruise out of it and everyone go out together
  17. AWESOME!!!......(evil grin).... ok.... its a KE55 sedan - chassis/VIN number : KE55E920691 its a 1979 model with the older round headlight front end... as seen down there...
  18. sorry i've had a sheltered life.......BWHAHAHAHAHAA...... AWESOME!!!!! 300 POSTS
  19. welcome aboard mr revhead....glad to have you here hmmm......could you price me up a genuine speedo cable and speedo dial (if thats possible) for a KE55 sedan. that would be great.....and do you have access to TRD parts?
  20. OH OH OH!!!! i think i got it man..... 13: Hitchhikers guide to the galaxy is it all good :)
  21. we need more piccys..... ;) :) i had to use it
  22. 13) i don't care if you eat that spaghetti or sleep in it, you still gotta pay for it i know that one......i just can't for the life of me put my finger on it.... DAMMIT!!!!
  23. does "The Lap" include the moloolaba spit and esplande...???
  24. check it out...... you know you want some....
  25. keep it up man.....you're doing well......:)
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