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Windows Media Player 9


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After my computer asking me every day for the last month or so if I wanted to update to Windows Media Player 9, I finally did it, thinking "hell, it can't be that bad, it'll just have a few extra features then it originally had...


Windows Media Player has undergone a complete revamp






Do yourself a favour and don't update :)

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I'm running Media Player 11. Why don't you upgrade that that? I see no issues with it.

I'm pretty sure you can change the skins too. Switching to 'Classic Style Menus' is also an option.

Yep, works good for me :)

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Winamp3 was crap, but Winamp 5 fixed most of the problems and I've stuck with that ever since........I really only use WMP for the odd video


Pfft winamp3 was pathetic. It was post AOL buyout so no prizes for guessing who f@$ked it up. But winamp 2 was great. I hate the flexible skinning crap anyway hence I just run 5 in classic mode these days.

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i find winamp dosent play as loud as Media player.

and winamp imo dosent have as many options.


lol! You are mistaken. Winamp has literally thousands of plugins. If you can't find a plugin to do what you need (doubtful), write one. We used winamp in several stage productions when we needed a quick reliable player and Ive NEVER had it let us down :). If its not playing loud enough (sounds more like a PEBKAC error to me) adjust your preamp level, its probably just shit levels in the rip (or set it to auto). From what Ive heard "popular" music is supposed to be clipping like all f@$k anyway so just crank the preamp right up.

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After my computer asking me every day for the last month or so if I wanted to update to Windows Media Player 9, I finally did it, thinking "hell, it can't be that bad, it'll just have a few extra features then it originally had...


Windows Media Player has undergone a complete revamp




Do yourself a favour and don't update :)


I do believe that is the new media player 11. I've just upgraded to it from media player 10.

Edited by philba
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Yep, that's media player 11.


I have it and I don't actually like it, but I'm too lazy to do anything about it. Actually, not lazy, just too busy. It did change album info and it makes it harder to find songs but mewh, as I said too busy.


I much prefer Winamp, I still have that on my puter so if I'm looking for something specific I'l use that.


Lesley :)

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