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What Grinds My Gears.

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Back to paying over the dollar mark ($1.13) for unleaded petrol again for a while.....Filled the tank up at Goondiwindi for about 86cents to the liter.


Having to go through the thing of resetting my body clock of that the time here in wagga is an hour forwards. When i start getting hungry the only place still open is Maccas.

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Back to paying over the dollar mark ($1.13) for unleaded petrol again for a while.....Filled the tank up at Goondiwindi for about 86cents to the liter.


Having to go through the thing of resetting my body clock of that the time here in wagga is an hour forwards. When i start getting hungry the only place still open is Maccas.


Are you in Wagga Wagga for xmas or something?


Poor lad. Wagga is the biggest hole. :lmao:

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Grandparents that don't know who's in charge, neither of them know what the other one is talking about, they both want to show the same things but they want it done differently, One says left the other says right.

And to top it right off a 2 year old screaming from the back seat cause he's getting sick of being in the car and all he wants to do is get out and his great grandmum telling him to have a drink.

Me - "All he wants is to get out of his chair and walk around"

Grandmum - "No, he wants and drink. Here you go Jacob have this drink"

Jacob - "NOOOO." and pushes it away

Grandmum - "Drink this Jacob."

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What Grinds My Gears:


Grip. Ever since NFS:Pro Street came out, all the sick-toons and hektik mob are calling normal track and road racing "grip" to try and differentiate it from "drift". Notice how there was never the need for this distinction before NFS:PS came along, even when drift came around. it was just normal "racing", or even just "driving".


On a similar vein, why the f*ck does everything have to be shortened these days to make it "catchier". I'm referring mainly to TV shows here, which have a full-length title but are always shortened in the ads, like "All new eps of Dance" (So You Can Think You Can Dance), or "Supermodel" (Make Me A Supermodel), "Top Model" (America's Next Top Model), "Deal" (Deal Or No Deal). FFS, how had is it to say the full name of a show? If the producers wanted the show to have a short name, they would have GIVEN it a short name. But everything has to be "edgy" and "hip" these days (notice how most of the shows which suffer this problem are either primetime, reality or soapy dramas). You don't see "uncool" shows getting shortened though, like "All the latest eps of 7:30" (The 7:30 Report).


And another thing, why the hell does "episodes" have to get shortened to "eps" as well? I wince everytime I hear that. Once again, the hip and the cool have taken the English language, bent it over a chair and given it the rogering from hell, without lube. Eps is one of those words you'd hear in a phrase down in South Central LA, like


"Chillin' with da gang speckin' all new eps of da latest g-show", where g-show is a game show, speckin' is watching, and they have the combined culture of a small grain of rice.



And sticking with the TV theme, Oprah. Sooooo many things about Oprah grind my gears, thank heavens I've finished uni and have a full-time job so I no longer need to entertain myself in the middle of the day by attempting to watching drivelling (as opposed to rivetting) day-time telly. In particular, the fact that she has to say at the start of every "ep", "Today....All Noo" (obviously All New, but the accent is important). OF COURSE IT'S NEW, YOU'RE NOT GOING TO GO AROUND REPLAYING BITS FROM OLD EPISODES AND TRYING TO PASS THEM OFF AS CURRENT, ARE YOU? Of course not, you're not Today Tonight. But still, I await the day when Oprah says "Today, some-of-it-new-and-some-of-it-old-repeated-crap", or "Today, repost". The term ALL NEW is stupid in TV, since it automatically devalues the singular term NEW, so when a TV station says "new episodes" you have to wonder "Hey, they didn't say ALL NEW, therefore despite the fact that they claim it's new, chances are there are going to be some repeats or whatever", and then immediately feel cheated.



/incohesive, incoherent rant

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What Grinds My Gears:


Grip. Ever since NFS:Pro Street came out, all the sick-toons and hektik mob are calling normal track and road racing "grip" to try and differentiate it from "drift". Notice how there was never the need for this distinction before NFS:PS came along, even when drift came around. it was just normal "racing", or even just "driving".


It was known as grip racing before Pro street came out, I have known it to be used for about 5 years as circuit racing can be drift or grip.

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Only drifters call circuit racing "Grip". I despise it. Its not like someones going to confuse drifting with circuit racing. And "Drift racing"? There is no racing. It'd be like saying 10 meter platform diving racing or syncronised swimming racing or dressage racing. Motorsport sure, racing no.

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Only drifters call circuit racing "Grip". I despise it. Its not like someones going to confuse drifting with circuit racing. And "Drift racing"? There is no racing. It'd be like saying 10 meter platform diving racing or syncronised swimming racing or dressage racing. Motorsport sure, racing no.

yea haha thats my bigest pet hate.. lol how drifting is called racing.. your not trying to pass each other :bash:

also i hate when some1 says ATM machine? WTF

automatic teller machine machine :y:

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