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What Grinds My Gears.

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WGMG - Lack of self motivation to work on ones car.....so many idea's....too much cbf factor.


I can relate to this


Was 50 degrees in my shed this morning, now its pissing down rain and ludicrously humid.


Sitting on my arse in the aircon now... c...b...f.

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Pot holes and 4wd's... just sayin


pot holes yes, 4wd's no I disagree.....


WGMG - Being told to get a job done that doesn't end up needing to be finished so soon.....unneeded stress :bash:


Also WGMG - Adelaide drivers...peak hour traffic "oh it's a green light hmmm what to do now, I know I'll just sit here, no that's not right hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm oh lets accelerate really slowly and not give a f@$k about 7 million people behind me wanting to get through dodgely timed traffic lights (there probably timed right but not right for me!) then stop accelerating at 50km/h"


Also WGMG - People that turn right from a left hand lane overpass turnoff with their left hand indicator on, I mean come on people the indicator stalk is 1 f@$king inch from your left/right hand. (and yes this has been in a movie but I can still use it)


Also WGMG - People that have their foot on the brake almost all the time, even while accelerating and no it's not a broken brake light switch it's morons driving behing the wheel.

Edited by jono1986
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Pot holes and 4wd's... just sayin

should reword that...


wgmg: the minority 4wd's driven by f@$k whits.


around the corner is a street of seven or so '4wders'who have jacked up their 4wd's, chucked 10000x spotlights on then and put on excesivily loud exhausts.

this would be fine if they didnt:

-put their foot down driving past my house down a hill to hear thier exhaust's pop and splatter at and 3am

-turn on their spotlights in a residential (aka my windows) at 3am. that shits like daylight

and if they didnt tailgat me when I'm coming down my hill, and like every other 4wd get right up on my arse at traffic lights.


also wgmg: 4wd's who leave their lights on in maccas drive through.

lol and i don't just hate 4wd's... my dads got a patrol , they go alright. its just some people that drive them GRRRRr :bash:

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Many a fine point made in this thread.


Shits me off to see my money paid for fines and red light camera tickets put into the 'General Revenue' basket (not actual name, rather un-sober) and not towards driver education and training schemes that are taken from countries with lower death tolls on the roads.


I also hate the majority of modern womens clothing, current fashion can go die in a rather large hole currently.


Not being able to drive :glare:


The stereotype given to car modifiers that because it's not prettier you must be a hoon, coz you've made it go faster and corner better... Nah, I just don't like dieing when I can't swerve out the way of an accident.


More to come.


I will like this thread :cool:

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Flashback here.


Trev, you really should be careful what you wish for. :)


Jesus Christ, what have I done.


I can see that mother nature wears the pants around here, I just hated how we got flooded and then had to work in scorching heat to clean everything up, I am peeling like a motherf@$king banana in the hands of a chimp.

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Personally, I hate people saying that 'my daddy' gives me whatever I ask for, yeah he gave me a car when I got my license (a ke70 thank god) but it doesnt mean that I respect it any less.


Also p platers that give the rest of us a bad rep, I happen to be 17, and a p plater, and I do drive like a dick sometimes, but when you first get in a car, theres no feeling like it, yot just want to drive fast, and show off


So yeah, I'm glad I didnt get a powerful car to start off with, cos id just be another statistic and a headline on page 3 :/

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WGMG - Lack of self motivation to work on ones car.....so many idea's....too much cbf factor.


Amen brother, it's not even been that hot but I've not got stuck into the 911 over my holiday. Although busting an ankle and working round the house were reasonable distractions.


Having said that, put new bilsteins in the rear the other night and gave myself a good shot of inspiration to do more.

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Jesus Christ, what have I done.


I can see that mother nature wears the pants around here, I just hated how we got flooded and then had to work in scorching heat to clean everything up, I am peeling like a motherf@$king banana in the hands of a chimp.

Trev wish that the petrol prices come down or something!!!

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Dear Noah,

Writing to you in the request for booking a berth on your ark for 4 persons (2 adults, 2 children), 2 cats and unfiltered internet connection.


Down payment will be in the form of an olive branch a white dove and i'm sure we can come an arrangement whilst on the cruise :wink:





:hmm: thats something i want a refund on my down payment.


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