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Black Corolla??? Yes Or No


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Hi everyone,


well I'm here to get your suggestions on a new paint job for my car. i have a 1991 corolla hatch. at the moment it is white, with a little fading, so i thought why not get a new paint job. i really like black, because that is very unique colour for my car, to be honest i havent even seen one black corolla hatch like mine in brisbane. i did a quick "crappy" photoshop of what it would look in black, and would like to hear what you people think about it. if you don't like it, thats alright, maybe you have a different colour suggestion, if so just let me know. thanks


link to black corolla pic below



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Hey aazaad, you haven't uploaded any images. Also it's good to note that while black would look good on your car it takes alot of work for a black paintjob (and other dark colours) to turn out good. You'd best go for white again as it is the easiest to paint and doesn't show up the imperfections as much as black does. Have a good think about it before you do it.




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Lol nice photo shop mate. You should ask the chicks that go on myspace a lot. I'm sure they will do a perfect photo shop job for you.


Also. You will have to think about the sun.. Black will absorb the sun. Making the car very hot. You will most likely be able to see scratches easy as well as it being dirty.


Though black will be unique. Though I feel that the paint tells the car in a way.




Yellow with two Black stripes down the middle of the car. To me that wouldn't really sound.. Say an Tuner car. (Aka Ricer)


Though Silver with two Blue stripes down the middle of the car. To me that does sound like a Tuner car.

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black is the hardest colour to paint a car, it makes mountains out of mole hills and grand caynons out of scratches.

on the other hand white does the reverse and hides dents and scratches like there werent ever there.


painting a car is easy, prepping the body is 90% of the work.

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Just as a side note re: black cars are hotter in the sun... 70-80% of the heat entering your car's interior via sunlight comes from the glass area, not the paint. The real world difference between a black and white car's interior temp is actually bugger all.

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Yeah mate Black would good i reckon but do it right as far as preparation goes.

You will like the end result and it will turn heads :jamie: if you put in the hours & hours of prep work.


Good Luck with it and be sure to share the progress with us.

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Yess do it!!!

use large blocks to get yr panel work as straight as ya can!!

i was going to do mine that colour when i had one..

but this happened to it



also i might suggest to put an overtone to it??

to do this put a smidge of another colour in the clear coat..

so when the sun hits it it lights up a slighty different colour

and at night it'll be just black!!

you could use colour like red... green... gold.... etc.

would look really good!!

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i work as a car detailer and the amount of people that come in re-gretting buying a black car because of the unkeep is just insane..


have dozens that come in that look as if they have been washed with a sanding block because most people have no idea how to do a job properly.. if your going to buy or spray a car black make sure your going to take care of it aswell because they just look shocking if they arent cared for properly.. swirls will be your worst nightmare.. same goes with many dark colours but black being the worst..


white for the win but it does oxidise aswell as red.. as the sun drys the paint out if its not waxed and or garaged..


if your only problem is with your current paint that it is faded (oxidised) go have it buffed and it should come up like new.. if your in NSW i could offer a cheap job myself for a weekend




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^^^^^^^ Aggreed.


I used to wash the my old bosses black V8 gold edition Landcruiser.......we had a mostly concrete/dirt driveway into work (about 200m long). So after i had washed it and made it look all nice, he would then drive it out the driveway.....much to my disgust cause the car would look like it had been entered into a rally.

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thanks for all the input people. yeh i agree with all of you, black paint needs the most care, my dad has a black aurion, the swirls marks and crap really piss us off, always has to be cleaned and properly. so what colours do you all think would look good on my corolla. I'm just not too keen on white and red, simply because everywhere i look, thats the only 2 colours i see around here for my car. it could be great if you could help me out with the 2 questions below:


1. What colour would suit my corolla other than "red or white"


2. If i was to get it painted black, is there something i could possible spray on top of paint job to minimize swirl marks and light scratches.


please keep in mind I'm not trying to make a show car or anything like that, everyting will stay the same as the top pic. just might get lowered a little and add some clear side indicators. the mags will also stay the same as in the pic. thanks

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With the black, dumping several niteclub sluts worth of glitter (mica fleck) into the clear coat can assist in hiding imperfections and swirls.


But yeah that BMW blue is a damn sexy colour... especially on an equally sexy E39 M5..... mmmmm.......

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BMW Cobalt Blue is my choice, but you'll need a bodykit with it and a set of rims.


yeh that blue does look good, i actually was looking at something like that, but as you said, looks good with bodykit - which i don't want. if my rolla was bodykited that would definately be worth getting. thanks for reply

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Just as a side note re: black cars are hotter in the sun... 70-80% of the heat entering your car's interior via sunlight comes from the glass area, not the paint. The real world difference between a black and white car's interior temp is actually bugger all.


Accually, black makes a car heaps hotter, i have a ke70 that was a flat old darkish blue, i painted it flat black and i went from bearably hot to waaaay f@$k off stupid hot.


and mythbusters did a test between a white and black car and the black car was like 8-10 degrees hotter inside than the white 1 :hmm:

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Flat black, yes. gloss black. notsomuch. Also the mythbusters thing is in Fahrenheit...


I owned two GTi swifts, one black, one white (it was the 90's, they were cool ok?) and I didn't notice much difference.


Mind you, up here any car's interior will hit 50 deg and you're hard pressed to tell the difference of a few degrees.

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