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Murd's 55

Murd 55

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Or you could go majour hill billy spec... they used to get an arm fabricated out of rod with a hand on it, ant it had a hinge on it so you could lift it up when you needed to signal or put it down when you weren't LOL funny as, but yeah its a little green box either hidden up behind the dash or behind the right hand side kick panel.

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flasher cans are normally located under the dash or drivers side kick panel.it make that tick noise when you use your indicators.its a cylindrical type shape out of plastic canister either made of shinny alloy,clear hard plastic and its got 2,3 or 4 prongs similar to a relay but relays are made into a cube form?

Edited by drc_ke20
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flasher cans are normally located under the dash or drivers side kick panel.it make that tick noise when you use your indicators.its a cylindrical type shape out of plastic canister either made of shinny alloy,clear hard plastic and its got 2,3 or 4 prongs similar to a relay but relays are made into a cube form?


They're made all different ways.


The one in my 36 was a rectangle box.


I just fixed the dry solder joints and all was sweet.

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alll issues fixed, thank god, found my passenger door central locking died too, wires had like cut in half where the door closes on them! but that was an easy one to fix.


the car is hopefuly gettin some goodies on the way, lets say, it is turning into geek central :y:

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