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Got pulled over on the 5 hour drive back to my home town... Bald tyres, suspended licence, out of rego vehicle, doing 80 in a 60 zone and didn't indicate...


got a $100 fine for 8 above the limit. They gave me a bit of a talking to, and then let my brother drive our out of rego vehicle the rest of the way...

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I recon your to lucky mate.


i think with the amount of times youv been picked up, your doing it in stupid places with people around to watch you(cop walking his dog) etc.


i recon you need to take it a bit easier and think about what you doing, running from the cops with ur lights off is a bit silly..


there is a time and place for everything..

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yeh i no the place the cop saw me was pretty stupid spot. but usually don't do it near where anyone can see me. I only ran because i didnt think they were undercovers i just thoguht they were just people on st that were going to chase me haha

Edited by rundell
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I'm at a loss for words.....



Actually, I'm not....



I can't believe how stupid you've been...you're very lucky you haven't lost your licence...have you learnt any lessons at all??? Have you modified your behaviour at all?


Sorry for this to sound like a lecture, but that's what it is...if you lose your licence, you have to go back to a bike or the bus, or rely on mates, you lose your independence.


Running from the cops is just stupid, they will always catch you.


Now that you're "known" you should take it easy, keep your licence clean and pray to god you don't get caught doing anything stupid. You obviously are still learning, 1st week of your P's and all, take it easy, you don't want to die on the roads.

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Well first week of my p's i got caught doin 120 in a 60 zone by an undercover :) and had no lights on and forgot to indicate when they flashed me. Long story short i worked my way out of it with only 14k's over limit and 1 demirit and then cautions for rest. Then monday this week i had cops at my door ;) lucky i wasnt home but they told mum someone had reported my number plate for "burnouts" and "drifting handbrakeys" they said they would come back to speak to me. so i changed all my tyres made sure they were right. HTne monday night i slid around a roundabout and saw two undercfovers so turned off my lights and tried to get away but just as i thought i was free one undercover blocked me off then the other from behind. then one cop went threw all the stuff and ended up saying we were all young and stupid once and just gave me a caution for failure to indicate haha and said if i was an arsehole cop i could of taken your car for 7 days for improper use of a motor vehicle, and take your liceense and fine you for evading police haha. And then yesterday leaving my home cops flashed me and said do you know your tail lights are out and i was like nah there brand new. Then he went on about how he was at my door blah blah blah. and i was like yeh i was knowhere near that area of the report and he was like thats funny cos i was the one who saw ure exaact vehicle and you sliding around me when i was walking my dog :lolcry: He got a bit pissed off when i was like my car can't do burnouts you can even try yourselff? but he ended up letting me off and gave me a lecture about don't be stupid in my car and he could of taken my license and car haha


anyone else got lucky lately?



Honestly, this is shameful. You're very lucky. Ease up. No-one on here condones that sort of stuff and you really shouldn't boast about it. You are a typical overconfident driver who's yet to bleed in an accident and realize the risks involved in your behavior. I just hope you don't kill anyone innocent, like a person walking their dog for instance, while you are learning your life lessons.


To have had 2 speeding fines on your Ps and still have a license is almost unheard of. Quit while you are ahead.

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Went to a party with some mates one night when i was younger. The guys folks were away so they decided to chuck a party. We pulled up at the front and called them to see what was going on to find out from some of the other guys that they'd gone for a drive. About 10 minutes later we get a phone call to say the kid had a head on with a taxi. The kid was 17, drunk, stoned, no l plates up, no licensed driver and open alcohol in car which was full of under aged kids. He ended up going to court and getting off, no record nothing. Turns out its not what you know its who you know.

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i feel sorry for cops when they do the right thing by trying to teach you better and then end up at your house telling your mum how

you were doing 120km in a 60km zone at night, had the lights turned off, failed to indicate then tried to drift around a roundabout,

lost control and killed a group of kids on the pavement walking home from a party, so wake up and don't be stupid.

Edited by styler
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Cops are getting smarter, they can actually legally write you a ticket on just reading this thread. You clearly admit to doing 120 in a 60 zone. Written in clear English for the world to see, not a wise move. The problem you'll have now is they'll be looking out for you, pull your head in and get involved in some legal motor sport, driving like an idiot is best left to controlled circumstances.

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Wow ...Dude...what are you thinking ...

I hope for a start that there are no club stickers on your car

Secondly .... I nurse as a job.....i have to clean up and look after guys like you or the people you mess up when you get it wrong..... Your on your ps for trucks sake.

;) :)


As for lucky streak s... i was driving home at night after work a couple of years ago around 11 pm and some guy who thought it would becool to 'race' his mate through some red lights took me out Wrote my car and me off...The fire service had to cut me out ..... His estimated speed in a 50 zone was 115-130km......

Do you want to be the person who apologizes to someones family......

Edited by Misled
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The post wasnt meant to come out as boasting and i ahve learnty my lesson. when i got caught speeding no one was on the road. I'm jsut saying i have learnt my lesson and have been driving sensibly lately cos ive realised how stupid it was. I was just asking if anyone else has had luck with there license's

P.s please delte this thread as i have gotton the wrong feedback.

Edited by rundell
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mate the people above me have all summarised it pretty well. we were all young and silly once, but there is silly and then there is plain stupid dangerous.


can i suggest you find a local motorsport club in your area where you can go and do some motor khanas and things like that.


it wont be the fastest way around the course, but you will be free to spin your wheels and do handbrake turns to your hearts content. you will probably learn a bit about car control and certainly be off the streets away from my loved ones, which can be no bad thing!

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