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Nancy 5K Ke36 Pano


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also tryied clutch starting it, but if just wasnt working. i would pop the clutch and the car would just stop. Like I was not moving fast enough


Edit: tryed the plugs that didnt help. It doesnt seem to be a electrical problem. more mechanical. I'm going to have to pull it apart and see why its f@$ked haha

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and who said just putting a motor in without checking anything out was a cheaper option :P


my offer still stands, though theres a tad more work to be done now...`


it was working perfect, yeah i think ill be needing the gasket kit now, cause i have to pull it apart to see whats blocking the crank from turning

wont know whats wrong with it untill its pulled apart

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I bet the rotator splint is holding the denso drive back. All yo need to do is pull out the oil rectification unit off (the 2 bolts under the FG). Then drag it out. Don't pull on the leading lead lines though. :y:


Serious time haha.

What was the oil like when you first got it?


Also, my nancy is better!

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oil was old but not to bad, haha is that a legitiment reason it might not be working baker? or are you just stiring? :P


and its not the dipstick tube, because thats still in the spot it snapped

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4k is back in just getting me around for the moment.


found the problem with the 5k as soon as the head came, a random nut made its way into the piston chamber thingo. (diagram will explain)


which was stopping the number 1 piston going all the way to the top and sparking. (which is why the crank wouldnt turn)


everything thing else is fine and not chipped/broken/cracked so the 5k should be getting dropped back in this weekend :)


that drag race is still on reed

post-11088-042535500 1301729759_thumb.png

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