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Herbert The Panel Van


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oh my old wheels :( best wheels hey! stand out like a mo fo


Also wouldnt bother cutting tires off, just get them done properly, chance u will screw the rims up, plus you will never get the bead off, trust me ive tried!

Edited by Tally
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Yea I'm gettin the tire shop to do it, I can't be bothered spending the weekend trying to get tires off with out damaging rims. But will polishe them right up and give them a really good clean. Might even take them in and get the gutter rash machined off. Cheers tally for letting me pay them off and letting me take them I'll put couple 100 in tomorrow.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wouldn't bother fixing your guards if it's only cop shop and if the defects only for tyres poking out.. My old lancer was defected for bald tyres so I put 14" r31 steelies on the front with barely legal tread, had the stock 13" on the rear. Fronts and rears had massive size differences and the cop didn't give a shit. So bigger guards shouldn't matter too much, they probably won't even know the difference.

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