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Supercharged 5k


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As you may have guessed from the title and description, I ruined some poor Commodore drivers night tonight, as we lined up next to each other at the lights, he had his little blonde gf in the car, all ready to impress her with how hard his VX S Commodore goes....Light goes green.....


And BOOM the race is on, as I pull further and further ahead of this fella, I can almost hear his heart breaking, as his pride and joy gets eaten up and spat out by a "dirty old corolla". hehe


I was a good 2 car lengths ahead of him by the form one lane, and all this on an untuned thrown together SC'd 5K running a mere 4psi!!!


He lines me up at the next lights, keen to show the world what he's got, the light goes green, and I am a little eager on my dropping of the clutch and my untuned beast bogs down and misfires and backfires out the carby...I sit and wait for what seems an eternity for the little beast to clear it's throat, then I'm off!! Hunting this Commodore down like prey. As I catch him and pull up along side of him I hear the whistle roar of his exhaust on full noise, and as I edge in front of him AGAIN he realises he is just wasting petrol and backs down hehe, I look across and see the anguish on his face, give him a nice smile and cruise off, one very happy camper!


Now this was only a V6 Commodore, but my car is only 1500cc's of boosted goodness. So I am still happy with it's efforts this evening.


Now the imagination ticks over as to what it will produce for me once it's on 10psi and has been dyno tuned :jamie:

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hahaha :lol: excellent :jamie:


dude, even if you had a naturally aspirated 4ag, even a "lowly" 86kw engine, it would have been all over for him. doug has chopped a VY SS in his naturally aspirated 4k ke10, falcodores are is no competition for inducted corollas


look for a bigger fish :paw:

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Awesome story man! i love commo drivers, all reclined back in their seats :jamie: damn funny! As for those skyline drivers............whoops, that would be me. Oh well, no shame in getting smoked by a rola, id be cheerin you on! :paw:


Why only 4 pound?? are ya gonna re-pully it?

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I sit upright thank you very much! (Well, i have to ... otherwise I imitate an unhappy cd player very well! I throw out my discs in my back) It's a good reason for me to get racing seats, because technically.. I need them.

But I will agree with the majority of commo drivers... actually.. ford drivers are worse around this area... :paw: You see their heads on the side in the rear passenger window :jamie:

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I sit upright thank you very much! (Well, i have to ... otherwise I imitate an unhappy cd player very well! I throw out my discs in my back) It's a good reason for me to get racing seats, because technically.. I need them.


:paw: lol, i guess that was stereotyping


I guess this means that because i drive a skyline I'm one of those rice racer boys with a massive bodykit,and a bov. and every time i pass a car i feel compelled to back off the throttle just so everyone can hear my bov go 'ptssss'. :jamie:

Edited by Tiger
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Cmon, commodores aren't that bad.. although u are entitled to your own opinions. You gotta remember that commo would have been stock. Still, I find it funny to see the look on someones face when they see u just blew them away in a 'grannies' car.

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