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Nicks Ke30 V6 Project


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i know in tassie that if you an n12 exa or n12 et (i asume it would be the same for all cars) you can't get insurance for your wheels if they are any bigger than 16's. i think it has to do with the standard size wheels and you can increase them by 3" or something like that, so I'm guessing that its not illegal just no insurance if they get stolen

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No they will not rego this car with 17" Tasmanian regulations only allow 2" above standard, 13" standard

so 15" is the biggest.

Ill have standard 13" wheels on it, i will be using standard 13" with white walls and it will be lowered heaps.


The exahust is standard, when i put the v6 in ill be using bigger but I'm going to modify a standard muffler at the rear. so back on it will look like a 1.5" out. but the bigger exahust will dump out the bottom of the modified muffler

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hmmmmmm my Port-A-Walls arrived today, If you don't know what they are, its a rubber inlay fitted to the rim and is held on by the bead of the tire




Shame the rest of the car looks like crap.

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Modified the Xmember to fit the Commodore engine mounts



Engine now all bolted up, most things fit, but i did this without the bellhousing so i hope it all fits. This is where i wanted the engine to sit. so if the bellhousing doesnt fit ill modify the firewall and tunnel till it does :jamie:

the drivers side exhaust manifold just needs to be hit with a hammer to make a dent and it will clear the steering box easy, the other exhaust needs one quick cut and shut to clear the steering on the other side.


Castlemaine Rod Shop are supplying the bellhousing. It will take the supra clutch slave,fork,thrust bearing and carrier. I use the supra clutch plate and the commodore pressure plate, can't get any easier than that.

Exhaust,rear xmember,tail shaft, wiring and water works are next weekends jobs.

I'm going to miss the drag meet nextweekend but it will be ready for the next

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engine and gearbox are in, got the engine in the rightplace first time and even the tail shaft is standard length and using the supra rear xmember and it bolts to the original mounting holes. The bellhousing was a worry when it turned up as i thought it would never fit, but a few taps with the large hammer and there is no problem


I bought a new pressure plate for ebay for $31.40 delivered to my door.

Only things left is the clutch master cylinder and exhaust, one manifold is fitted, i still have a clearence problem with the drivers side with the steering box that ill fix at the weekend.

then bolt in everything else like the radator and i hope by the end of the weekend it willbe going.


I thought i had got the tail shaft yoke sortedout, but no, was the wrong one, you ask the wreckers for a W5x tail shaft and i got something from a 1980 corona wagon, not sure what the hell that gearbox is.

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thats what i thought they where W boxes, but i do know mine is a w58 and the tail shaft from the corona wagon must have a bigger output shaft as this one is sloppy and wont go very far in.

I'm hoping by tomorrow afternoon ill have something, but on the upside of it, the uni joint was the same as the one in the ke tail shaft, so i hope most models use the same and ill just have to change the yoke as the tailshaft is the right length.

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Things i did today.

header now clears the steering box.


this is how the bellhousing clears the tunnel.


Rear xmember location, still needs a little mod.


Fitted with the new commodore rear spring in the front for standard right height.


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Something i learned today commodores there are two starter motors 1 for manual and 1 for auto, The auto one is like a corolla one but the manual one had a reduction drive and is huge.

Well mine being manual the starter is huge and doesnt fit between the engine mount and the bellhousing and the engine was too low so the xmember was in the way.


ive moved the engine mount on the xmember further forward and lifted the engine.


but it cost me another day.


i should have checked before

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