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Everything posted by RedKE30

  1. You must live very close to me, yet I've never seen your car! How is this so?!
  2. Good to see this thread is still going. Respect to everyone who has posted in here, keep the support going! For anyone in Melbourne, I think this would be well worth checking out! http://www.thehifi.com.au/gig/war-of-the-worlds-part-2-2011-07-30/ I'm gonna go with some mates, anyone else down? Cheers, Sian
  3. One of the guys at my work has a Ksev and he said he'll probably come down aswell.
  4. Fair enough. Doubt he'd let me drive it. Wish I had my XR6T already :glare:. Good to meet you and Jake the other day aswell.
  5. Why a wednesday? :(. This is about 1 and a half minutes from my house. I might come down with a couple of mates, but I'll have to be reppin the falcons. Probably wont come for the mountain run though. Keen to see some rollas.
  6. Does it smell like sulfur? Like a rotten egg? I don't know why it would be coming through your A/C vents but these cars are known to produce a bad smell on occassion, especially if you have a heavy foot.
  7. I believe there's a broad heading of "Any modification designed to increase performance". Cheers, Sian
  8. Borgies are a salisbury type diff, they have a cover plate on the back of the housing. Jap diffs are a banjo type diff, the centre bolts in from the front.
  9. Is your falcon white? If so go the black SSR's, will look awesome. Falcons FTW!!
  10. Well this thread has been dead for a while, lets see if we can get a revival going. Anyone been to any gigs recently? Whose got Drapht's new ablum? Pegz? Anyone else? Me and some mates caught 360, Maya Jupiter and Pez at the Hi-Fi bar last night. Words can't describe how good the show from Pez was. Didn't catch Maya Jupiter, went out for a smoke and got caught up watching a guy in a bunny suit play guitar. 360 was really good aswell, he played a lot of songs from his mixtapes, PBS and PBSII. 60 Definitely shouldn't have played "Do you have a dollar" though as he copped quite a few coins. I'd say this is probably the best show I've ever been to. Did anyone else catch it? The tour is heading to Ballarat and Warrnambool so if you're in those areas head down and see it, you wont be disapointed. Anyone else been going to shows recently? Let me know all about it. I dunno if anyone knows that Pez has been sick, but he f@#ckin killed it so I guess he must be O.K. Check out Pez's rappertag here http://www.rappertag.com/, he raps a bit about whats wrong with him. Best rappertag yet! Cheers, Sian
  11. Perhaps you would care to enlighten us all then Trev? Instead of making these shirty little comments that you seem to enjoy so much. Haven't you ever heard the saying "if you don't have anything positive to say, don't say anything"?
  12. No they won't, and hilux's are 5 stud anyway.
  13. Whats wrong with people posting his videos? He's got shitloads of talent at a young age and his car is freakin awesome. No one is forcing you to watch his videos.
  14. Did what wrong exactly? Removed it and didn't match mark it? I never match mark tailshafts and I've NEVER had a problem.
  15. Shite that seems expensive. I have estimates of about $1000 to shorten the housing, shorten and respline the axle and change the mounts. But the $1000 includes rebuilding my LSD centre.
  16. I find it amazing that every time someone is accused of doing stupid things on public roads they always seem to have a friend with a farm or know someone wealthy with a large tarmac road. I'm not calling you a liar, just making an observation. I couldn't possibly "stress less" over the fate of your car, I just hope you don't seriously injure or kill an innocent bystander (or yourself.) Cheers, Sian
  17. There should be a law where if you fail your test twice you have to wait a year or something before trying again. Good to know you've already been out sliding your car on public roads. Please note: Locking your diff doesn't make you a fully sick drifter, it makes you cop bait. It probably also contributes to you wrapping your car around a power pole. I'm waiting for the "I wrote off my car" thread and I'm dying to see your excuses as to why it wasn't your fault. There was a good one around a while back... Cheers, Sian
  18. Didn't see it in any of the vids on fullboost, so disapointed! Looks awesome in that photo.
  19. Your reply is appreciated mate. I'm in the oakleigh area.
  20. Just use blank pieces of paper, you can write whatever you like on them. Then just place parts on top. Thats what we do at work.
  21. Is the box behind a 3k or 4k motor? Being a KE30 it will most likely be a K50. If you have an owners manual have a quick look in there, it might just tell you how much oil it takes.
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