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What Grinds My Gears.

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I drove 2 hours to look at a car, they didn't wash the exterior or clean the inside.

If it was clean I probably would of bought it.


I spent 4 hours hand polishing and detailing the last car I sold. First person who viewed it bought it no haggling.

So 4 hours of my time, a few friendly phone calls, probably netted me a few extra hundred bucks and a quick sale.


Its not brain surgery.



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my house wife who is unable to do house work because she is also a stat at home mum to our 5 month daughter. yet our daughter is always in her play pen. so i only just mowed the lawn from a month ago be cause wen i come home i have to do the house work for her. explains why no project work gets done

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I don't mind merchants making a few bucks, but the trend in Australia for primary production is that the workers, the makers make 10% of the retailer, who says the price is high because when you buy an QLD mango they freight it to Melbourne to a depot and back to Brisbane for sale.


lol beerhead, bit worked up mate?


merchants make the product available to you to buy, its not parasitic, they provide a service and that is to deliver the goods to the market.


all the rest, well yeah, while i don't think i have the same amount of passion as you, it is a gear grind the way the corporations and governments work

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WGMG : People (usually women) who have all the time in the world to get their EFTPOS/Credit cards/Cash ready while the operator is scanning their groceries but wait until they hear the total, then spend ages digging away in some over sized wallet or bag.

Thank god someone mentioned this! I work at a supermarket (and it doesn't really matter which one, because they're all shit) and have been there for many years as a part time high school and now part time uni job. In my time I have seen some of THE most clusterf@$k excuses for wallets/bags. Granted its not always women, but yes most often is. "I can't find my card....someone must have stolen it....maybe my husband took it...shit.....oh no there it is!" Yes ..its under the shit tonne of receipts, newspaper clippings, shopping lists, unknown and unused loyalty cards. Clean your shit up people. It's not really the time wasting that annoys me, but when the line of people waiting is really long, I get the blame for the whole process taking so long. And end rant. Feels good man :)


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I don't mind merchants making a few bucks, but the trend in Australia for primary production is that the workers, the makers make 10% of the retailer, who says the price is high because when you buy an QLD mango they freight it to Melbourne to a depot and back to Brisbane for sale.

I know what you mean by that. When i was at my old job i found it amusing at time when i had to pack something up for shipping to a brisbane address and the manufacturer of said item was just around the corner from the company that bought the item.

It was more laughable when the item was a one-off and the buyer couldn't wait for us to make a big purchase order. So the buyer had to pay for the freight to us and then the freight to them the buyer...


Edit - added beerheads quote

Edited by towe001
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