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What Grinds My Gears.

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what about undercover cop cars getting around with P plates on?


its illegal to display p plates on your open license, and there is a nice fine for it, and from what i can tell if you are a p plater and a cop, you don't need to display the p plates while on duty (not confirmed by any official document, but it makes sense)


Few people i know have been booked for displaying P plates on their open license (worst was a friends mum who borrowed the sons car and forgot to remove p plates). or just people not realising the exact date they get their open's and leaving their p plates on by mistake.


But apparently its ok for cop cars to do it if they are undercover?


don't get me wrong I'm all for the concept of "well don't do the wrong thing and you wont get caught", but surely the law enforces can't break the same law they are trying to enforce. rules for some, rules for others?


not to mention the fact that there is a fine for leaving your p plates on is a pure revinue raising fine in my eyes.

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Carbonboy, You're applying what I said to all situations, but it's dependant on what cicumstances were talking about. A mentally unstable man threatening to kill people, or some dude in his commo doing 10 over the speed limit. Laws obviously exist for a reason and I like them the way they are, I have no problem with them. The idiot who initiates a police chase deserves to get caught. But I was only talking about the street racing thing. Anyone who does actually street race is a dumbshit and needs to be off the road but their methods of catching them are wrong. Entrapment is ridiculous. I mean, a cop doing 50 in a 70 zone waiting for people to overtake him and then do them is a joke.

I've heard stories, (don't know if theyre true or not) of police ordering track cars to be taken off their trailers for an inspection only to be defected as soon as the wheels touch the road. That's just stupid. I just don't understand why they would waste their time doing things like these. I don't want police gone, that's just retarded. I just don't agree with them breaking the law to catch someone for something that wouldn't have happened if the police officer wasn't actually there. In these cases, the police officer has actually initiated the crime. They might aswell just tell a cop to do a skid and then do HIM for it.


About the whole man locking himself inside the house thing, that's another ballpark in itself. I know that police are legally allowed to enter any premises they want if they feel that someone's life is in danger. Which is absolutely fine. I don't have a problem with that. Anyone that does is a douche.


You're right, I did kinda take what you said & run with it, I was merely trying to give a wider range of situations where society doesn't hate the police, but relies upon them. I myself have overtaken police cars at 70 in a 70 zone when they're doing 50-ish, never over a solid centreline, never had a problem. The Camry that went past me at about 85-90 in one instance wasn't so lucky. Can I sum up our viewpoints into "the attitudes & behaivours of a percentage of police officers needs some serious readjustment, as do the attitudes & behaivours of a percentage of the general public."? :)


Cops geeing people up is bullshit, but honestly, dumb enough to get caught? you deserve it.


:y: :yes: :y:


what about undercover cop cars getting around with P plates on?


its illegal to display p plates on your open license, and there is a nice fine for it, and from what i can tell if you are a p plater and a cop, you don't need to display the p plates while on duty (not confirmed by any official document, but it makes sense)


Few people i know have been booked for displaying P plates on their open license (worst was a friends mum who borrowed the sons car and forgot to remove p plates). or just people not realising the exact date they get their open's and leaving their p plates on by mistake.


But apparently its ok for cop cars to do it if they are undercover?


Any possibility the officer driving was in fact, a P-plater? I have seen P-plates displayed on ambulances before so to have a P-plate police officer doesn't seem too far fetched. Maybe they don't have to but choose to.

Edited by carbonboy
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You're right, I did kinda take what you said & run with it, I was merely trying to give a wider range of situations where society doesn't hate the police, but relies upon them. I myself have overtaken police cars at 70 in a 70 zone when they're doing 50-ish, never over a solid centreline, never had a problem. The Camry that went past me at about 85-90 in one instance wasn't so lucky. Can I sum up our viewpoints into "the attitudes & behaivours of a percentage of police officers needs some serious readjustment, as do the attitudes & behaivours of a percentage of the general public."? :)




:y: :yes: :y:




Any possibility the officer driving was in fact, a P-plater? I have seen P-plates displayed on ambulances before so to have a P-plate police officer doesn't seem too far fetched. Maybe they don't have to but choose to.



Yes, yes you can.


And Dave, that's exactly how I feel. You laid it out a bit better than i could though..

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Those who remove their track cars from the trailers for the inspection are stupid themselves.


The police can't legally make them ;)


They can search the vehicle, but AFAIK they cannot legally make you remove the car from the trailer.


And if they did ask, people should be smart enough to say "this is a roadway/road related area, I can't legally do that sir"



Also, a "track car" shouldnt be regoed and would therefore not be defectable........



We unfortunately/fortunately (depending on the situation) don't have entrapment laws in Aus (well not like they do in the USA anyway)


Cops geeing people up is bullshit, but honestly, dumb enough to get caught? you deserve it.



You're right but not everyone is as smart as they "should" be.

These are only stories that I've heard. Not factual. I'm not sticking up for anyone. I just think that saying someone "should" be smart enough to do/say something is a little bit bleak.

Anyway, entrapment is bullshit. America's got it bad though and I hope it doesnt end up like that here.

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I see both sides of the argument and can understand each point.

Loose your licence for 6 months and then all this crap means nothing.

You realise that so what if someone is going 60 in a 70 zone. You want to overtake them? Is it worth a possible fine for that

extra 30 seconds it takes for you to get to your destination? What if you were to cause an accident when you went to overtake?

What if you actually maim or even worse kill someone whilst doing so? Then tell me your excuses and gripes.


These types of scenarios and accidents do happen and cops bait people to root out people that take risks that do not need to be taken.


I always "hear" of these stories of shonky cop stuff but I don't actually "know" anyone that this has happened to.

It's like criminals, just because one person breaks into your house does not mean that EVERYONE is a criminal.

just like cops, not all of them are arse holes.


If you are doing nothing wrong you have nothing to complain about.


Yes I have lost my licence before and I intend never to loose it again.


My last speeding ticket was about 6 months ago, before that one was two years.

Only reason I got one just before was because of god damn speed changes that you aren't aware of.

I usually go fishing at Edithburgh once a year and the roads are 110 all the way down. Well turns out last year they

changed the speed on one section down to 100. There are no big signs indicating speed change apart from the usual normal size sign posts.

So I admit that I should have paid more attention to the signs but going at 110 for more than 50% of the trip and then turning into a 100 zone for no

apparent reason is what I hate.

Edited by Twinky
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Officers are not required to have P plates displayed on duty vehicles (I believe its actually a rule that they can't, and they must be atleast a P2 licence holder to be eligible to drive)


As far as I was aware, it is not against the law to drive while on an open licence while displaying P plates. L plates, yes, P plates, no.

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Officers are not required to have P plates displayed on duty vehicles (I believe its actually a rule that they can't, and they must be atleast a P2 licence holder to be eligible to drive)


As far as I was aware, it is not against the law to drive while on an open licence while displaying P plates. L plates, yes, P plates, no.






The display of P-plates lets other drivers know that you are a novice driver. It also assists enforcement officers identify which drivers are placed on restrictions and what these restrictions are. Failure to display P-plates incurs a A$160 fine and two demerit points.


It is an offence to display P-plates on a vehicle if you are not the holder of a P1 or P2 type provisional or probationary licence. Doing so carries a penalty of A$80.


admitedly i thought it was more than 80bucks. still pure revinue. you would hope that most cops would say "you had better take off the p plates, have a good day"


But I'm sure a few wouldn't mind an extra ticket in their book.


I agree with you twinky in what you said above, that in most cases, doing 60 in a 70 isnt a big deal.


you have to admit its kind of annoying though, if I'm allowed to go 70 why can't i go 70? helps to ensure everyone on the same bit of road is going the same speed, helps keep everything in order, especially when merging is involved. How can you merge into flowing traffic when everyone is potentially going different speeds?

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I see both sides of the argument and can understand each point.

Loose your licence for 6 months and then all this crap means nothing.

You realise that so what if someone is going 60 in a 70 zone. You want to overtake them? Is it worth a possible fine for that

extra 30 seconds it takes for you to get to your destination? What if you were to cause an accident when you went to overtake?

What if you actually maim or even worse kill someone whilst doing so? Then tell me your excuses and gripes.


These types of scenarios and accidents do happen and cops bait people to root out people that take risks that do not need to be taken.


I always "hear" of these stories of shonky cop stuff but I don't actually "know" anyone that this has happened to.

It's like criminals, just because one person breaks into your house does not mean that EVERYONE is a criminal.

just like cops, not all of them are arse holes.


If you are doing nothing wrong you have nothing to complain about.


Yes I have lost my licence before and I intend never to loose it again.


My last speeding ticket was about 6 months ago, before that one was two years.

Only reason I got one just before was because of god damn speed changes that you aren't aware of.

I usually go fishing at Edithburgh once a year and the roads are 110 all the way down. Well turns out last year they

changed the speed on one section down to 100. There are no big signs indicating speed change apart from the usual normal size sign posts.

So I admit that I should have paid more attention to the signs but going at 110 for more than 50% of the trip and then turning into a 100 zone for no

apparent reason is what I hate.


Yes Twinky, losing your license does suck. I lost mine for drink driving. It's definately a pain in the arse. I'll never do that again. I don't even drink anymore so there's no chance of it happening.

I've never been done for speeding, reckless driving or anything like that. I'm doing nothing wrong day to day and none of this has happened to me personally, or anyone I know. They are just stories.

I wouldn't overtake someone in a 70 zone. It seems pretty un necessary to me. But a cop doing 60 in a 70 zone trying to bait people into overtaking him?? Come on man, that's just stupid. Is that what australia pays taxes for? If the cop wasn't there in the first place, dumbasses wouldn't feel the need to overtake. I think they can come up with much better things to do with their time. And you're right too, not all cops are wankers. But I never said any of them were. Just said that stupid shit like that pisses me off.

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always found that "attitude" makes all the difference with the police. Most of the times I have been at fault and pulled over, I have never given the police any lip, like you see on the telly sometimes. If I was in the wrong, that was the reason I was pulled over, so why deny or piss off the guy doing his job. 90% of the time I was told to piss off and go home.


The only time I was booked by an actual police officer, I deserved it. Doing 130+ in a hundred zone (the wife and babies were in a car accident). I was doing the speed, copped the fine - even though some copper mates reckoned it was bullshit.

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The bird thing is usually a mating or a dominance thing, the bird is trying to assert itself over any competitors.


unfortunately for you, the only competitors are in your cars mirrors lol.


Not a whole lot you can do really, it will probably stop once winter rolls around


WINTER!. I live in Darwin, there's no such bloody thing... :lolcry:

Oh well, just have to deal.



always found that "attitude" makes all the difference with the police. Most of the times I have been at fault and pulled over, I have never given the police any lip, like you see on the telly sometimes. If I was in the wrong, that was the reason I was pulled over, so why deny or piss off the guy doing his job. 90% of the time I was told to piss off and go home.


The only time I was booked by an actual police officer, I deserved it. Doing 130+ in a hundred zone (the wife and babies were in a car accident). I was doing the speed, copped the fine - even though some copper mates reckoned it was bullshit.


Your right, attitude makes all the difference. I've been let off a couple of speeding tickets by saying "your right sir, I was speeding, terribly sorry".

Although, I have fond memories of overtaking a cop car at 180km/h, and getting a smile and a wave from him as I flew past. Those days are sadly long gone, with the introduction of speed limits in the NT. Sigh...

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NT is getting too strict nowadays. WGMG though is seeing the amount of people entering and leaving Fishermans Wharf with tyres spinning and music pumping.


I mean cruises go down there quite literally every night almost and most of the people are sensible about everything. Until someone always decides to attempt ripping a skid or almost crashing into someone and then cops start coming down and about more often.

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The metal runner that holds the glass in the passanger side door on my 82 has rusted and split. So when I wind down the window it pops put and falls into the door. Went to a couple of wreckers in Darwin, they either didn't have any 82's or the part was in worse shape than mine.


Went to Darwin City Wreckers and the guy behind the counter is one of the rudest little peasants you'll ever encounter. I listened to the way he spoke to customers before me and the temptation to jump the counter and...

I told him what I wanted and his response was "I'm not selling you that", "you'll buy the regulator and the glass as well, take it or leave it". I responded with an equally sharp "leave it" and walked out. I went to Toyota.


In a 2 part "what makes me happy".

Went to Toyota, they had the part in stock, cost $32. Chuffed.

On the way home, stopping out front of Darwin City Wreckers, seeing this little A hole & hanging out the window waving the part yelling, "GENUINE PART $32 BUCKS FA@#$T (to my gay friends, I apoligise for using that word in anger).


Customer service is a dead art in Darwin and to be honest I wouldn't expect much in the way of good service at a wreckers. If this pole jockey had sold me the part and charged me $40, I probably would have paid it (expensive, but the option was more nagging, so, worth it). Instead, his loss and a big win for me.

Wonder if his employer knows how much money this guy is loosing him?.

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The metal runner that holds the glass in the passanger side door on my 82 has rusted and split. So when I wind down the window it pops put and falls into the door. Went to a couple of wreckers in Darwin, they either didn't have any 82's or the part was in worse shape than mine.


Went to Darwin City Wreckers and the guy behind the counter is one of the rudest little peasants you'll ever encounter. I listened to the way he spoke to customers before me and the temptation to jump the counter and...

I told him what I wanted and his response was "I'm not selling you that", "you'll buy the regulator and the glass as well, take it or leave it". I responded with an equally sharp "leave it" and walked out. I went to Toyota.


In a 2 part "what makes me happy".

Went to Toyota, they had the part in stock, cost $32. Chuffed.

On the way home, stopping out front of Darwin City Wreckers, seeing this little A hole & hanging out the window waving the part yelling, "GENUINE PART $32 BUCKS FA@#$T (to my gay friends, I apoligise for using that word in anger).


Customer service is a dead art in Darwin and to be honest I wouldn't expect much in the way of good service at a wreckers. If this pole jockey had sold me the part and charged me $40, I probably would have paid it (expensive, but the option was more nagging, so, worth it). Instead, his loss and a big win for me.

Wonder if his employer knows how much money this guy is loosing him?.


Some of them are just lazy. Can't be bothered looking for a part. "Sorry mate we don't have one" Bullshit C**T, there's 6 xE7x's down there and one of them has what I'm looking for.

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Some of them are just lazy. Can't be bothered looking for a part. "Sorry mate we don't have one" Bullshit C**T, there's 6 xE7x's down there and one of them has what I'm looking for.

Your not wrong some are lazy. Your not allowed to walk around in most wreckers in Darwin, so you have to rely on them getting the part for you. This little weasel just didn't want to. The guy before me wanted a part for a BA Falcon and he told the customer, "don't have any of those in stock". There was 5 or 6 BAs along the front fence that you could see from the road. It's not the first time I've delt with this fool. But it will be the last.

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