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What Grinds My Gears.

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I hope thats not aimed at anyone in paticular, ay Lexxi?


What grinds my gears is my HR guy at work refering to my car as a Piece of shit. i know the bonnet and 1/4 don't match, but man don't rub it in.


I'm sure if i called his wife a dog or his daughter S**T id get a punch in the face and be out the door on my ass. Using their power to be able to say what they want, god it shits me off :wink:


Who would it be aimed at??


And that sucks. Just coz he cruises around a shiny new Merc.


Spray the panels with $2 yellow spray paint like Trav did ;)

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What grinds my gears today is when you work a all day in the sun delivering booze then come back to the depot and fill in the run+time sheet, then come to work the next day do it all again and miss abit of info for one day or a couple of things on that one day once in like two weeks, then when it comes pay day(today) the F$&kn supervisor doesnt validate it coz he is "sick" of having to write in the hours worked, in the hours worked part of the time sheet and sends it to payroll not validated and i miss out on getting payd all coz he was having a bad day :wink:


So then you have to get another department involved and they have to email my work and find out the details and yada yada yada, then i eventually get told F U or ok we have finally sorted this out and your pay should be in there friday when it could have been done on wednesday, if the supervisor had've hardend the f%#k up lazy prick should actually do half a days work doing what i do and he would be a mess, all he does is answer phones and walk around talking on the phone slack ass mofo


and i need cash to pay for rolla parts and loans and rent GRRRRRR ;)

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What grinds my gears today is when you work a all day in the sun delivering booze then come back to the depot and fill in the run+time sheet, then come to work the next day do it all again and miss abit of info for one day or a couple of things on that one day once in like two weeks, then when it comes pay day(today) the F$&kn supervisor doesnt validate it coz he is "sick" of having to write in the hours worked, in the hours worked part of the time sheet and sends it to payroll not validated and i miss out on getting payd all coz he was having a bad day :bash:


So then you have to get another department involved and they have to email my work and find out the details and yada yada yada, then i eventually get told F U or ok we have finally sorted this out and your pay should be in there friday when it could have been done on wednesday, if the supervisor had've hardend the f%#k up lazy prick should actually do half a days work doing what i do and he would be a mess, all he does is answer phones and walk around talking on the phone slack ass mofo


and i need cash to pay for rolla parts and loans and rent GRRRRRR :y:


No, the moral of the story is to fill out your paper work properly.

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What grinds my gears today is when you work a all day in the sun delivering booze then come back to the depot and fill in the run+time sheet, then come to work the next day do it all again and miss abit of info for one day or a couple of things on that one day once in like two weeks, then when it comes pay day(today) the F$&kn supervisor doesnt validate it coz he is "sick" of having to write in the hours worked, in the hours worked part of the time sheet and sends it to payroll not validated and i miss out on getting payd all coz he was having a bad day :bash:


So then you have to get another department involved and they have to email my work and find out the details and yada yada yada, then i eventually get told F U or ok we have finally sorted this out and your pay should be in there friday when it could have been done on wednesday, if the supervisor had've hardend the f%#k up lazy prick should actually do half a days work doing what i do and he would be a mess, all he does is answer phones and walk around talking on the phone slack ass mofo


and i need cash to pay for rolla parts and loans and rent GRRRRRR :y:

You know that is one thing that gives me the shuts so i can understand your supervisor and where he's coming from with your phuck ups. So yeah i'd do the same thing in the vain hope that it'd teach you to fill in the paper work correctly. Its basically called time wasting for you and quite possibly others around you in fixing the pointless problem.


So yeah i'm with Red - fill out the paper work properly and it won't happen again

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Is halfway to work thismorning realising that no matter how much I was convinced it was Friday in my mind and wondering why the radio didnt have the usual friday topics on the morning show, it is actually Thursday and the stuff I had planned for Saturday that I got all excited about is actually still another day away.



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Is halfway to work thismorning realising that no matter how much I was convinced it was Friday in my mind and wondering why the radio didnt have the usual friday topics on the morning show, it is actually Thursday and the stuff I had planned for Saturday that I got all excited about is actually still another day away.




I hate it when Thursdays feel like Fridays....you get halfway through the day and then the realisation hits. The rest of the day then really sucks major hairy donkey balls.

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I hate it when Thursdays feel like Fridays....you get halfway through the day and then the realisation hits. The rest of the day then really sucks major hairy donkey balls.


I slept in last friday because i thought it was saturday. partner kept stealing the blankets and was yelling at me to get up, but i just kept turning away and saying "it's saturday today, no work day"


she got quite angry lol

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I slept in last friday because i thought it was saturday. partner kept stealing the blankets and was yelling at me to get up, but i just kept turning away and saying "it's saturday today, no work day"


she got quite angry lol


lol i did that last week on thursday because i thought it was saturday aswell lol

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WGMG is ford territory's. All 4wd's in suburbia actually.




Being on my L's, I'm still at the absolute basic control level of a car, and people in 4x4's think that brake-checking me down built up roads is just a bit of fun.. It's not. I'm genuinely crapping myself as my skills aren't as honed as theirs and i have enough on my mind reacting to others around me.


Another thing that Grinds My Gears is when i leave a safe braking distance between me and the car ahead, people think I'm giving them space to pull in and leave 2 feet either end of their car.. I'm doing it for a reason... To ensure i stop safely whilst building my confidence on the road..


Please, give learners a break, I'm still shaky from having some idiot who missed his turn jamming on his brakes and making me lock mine to avoid his bum.


Oh and also WGMG are people who come to your door trying to sell you something, you say 'not interested, thankyou' and they abuse you for it..


I was at my girlfriends house, her mum has MS and was having an off day so she was on the couch, she politely apologized for not getting up and said no thankyou, he then had a go at her for not listening to his sales pitch, so i intervened and the guy didn't get off the front step until i told him i'd ring the police and pretended to dial on my phone..


Hmm.. At least school holidays are coming up next week :bash:


Year 12 is a pain..

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suck it up learner cry baby. your gonna spend your life surrounded by dickheads on the roads, and 4wds are a fact of life.

i drive a 4wd, its my only car. its a really f@$king big, really f@$king loud, really f@$king high 4wd, and yes i drive it in the city when i have to. i avoid it usually, because its such a dog on tight streets. ford territories and things like that arnt really an issue, those new softwheelers are built to handle like cars. not really all that much bigger than a falcon wagon or something...don't see peoples big issue with them...its the cocks that drive them,buut cocks drive all sorts :bash:



oh and btw, 2 feet either end, i don't think so, as you said, your a learner and your scared, I'm betting the better part of a car length is what your calling two feet :y:

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^^^^ what he said....


I also drive a 4WD as a daily....its cheaper to run than my corolla (it's lpg). $20 - $25 gets me to work and back each week.....whereas it would be $40 in the rolla. Accept the fact that there are bigger things on the road than your corolla and you'll come to the realisation that you'll eventually have to drive behind one no matter how much you dislike it.


What about trucks and B-doubles in suburbia.....i don't see anyone complaining about an 8 foot blind spot in front of them while driving behind one....and thats because its easier to pick on the 4wd's and theres more (not by much) 4wd's on the roads driven by complete wankers that think its funny to intimidate the little guys.



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