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What Grinds My Gears.

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Well its been half a year, or 50 pages since I last posted. And I still haven't lost my lead :jamie:


Just one thing to complain about.

My heart is well out of warranty and found out today I might have to send it back for more repairs. It all makes sense now. Why I sleep all night and sleep all day, then still want to sleep more. I can't do anything without being tired. Kissed the gym goodbye, might as well kiss the 6 pack goodbye too. :) It explains why I'm out of breath all the time, the constant chest pains, why I can't stop coughing, the dizziness or the fact I feel faint if I go for a jog. So no more jogging too ;) Now I have to go see my specialist to find out whats next. I really don't want my chest opened again. I hope that technology in the past 23 years has improved.

And it looks like the P&O Cruise may be off for me as I've read P&O might not let me on and I can't get insurance :D Anyone want to go on a cruise ship with my two sisters?? lOl


I really would like to be done with all the defects I was born with and live a normal life!!


What were you saying.


Hope that they sort you out, Just don't let any of the past get into your head.

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Anyone want to go on a cruise ship with my two sisters?? lOl

We'll stick our hands up :cool:

Just have to figure out where to dump the kids :P


Couldn't help but notice on saturday how you was starting to look tired and worn down.

Hope they get it all figured out and you make a strong bounce back



This "Go Via" Tollway bullshut won't except payment cause i don't have a credit card....

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Well its been half a year, or 50 pages since I last posted. And I still haven't lost my lead :P


Just one thing to complain about.

My heart is well out of warranty and found out today I might have to send it back for more repairs. It all makes sense now. Why I sleep all night and sleep all day, then still want to sleep more. I can't do anything without being tired. Kissed the gym goodbye, might as well kiss the 6 pack goodbye too. :cool: It explains why I'm out of breath all the time, the constant chest pains, why I can't stop coughing, the dizziness or the fact I feel faint if I go for a jog. So no more jogging too :) Now I have to go see my specialist to find out whats next. I really don't want my chest opened again. I hope that technology in the past 23 years has improved.

And it looks like the P&O Cruise may be off for me as I've read P&O might not let me on and I can't get insurance ;) Anyone want to go on a cruise ship with my two sisters?? lOl


I really would like to be done with all the defects I was born with and live a normal life!!


:( sorry to hear your health has declined.


technology these days is amazing, you just need to stay positive Jon, this is just temporary and at least now you know,


my thoughts and best wishes are with you



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thanks guys. Its all hit me pretty hard tonight. Assuming I need to get operated on (which I'm sure they will), they will have to cut my chest open and rip apart my ribcage. I'm not looking forward to the pain, I'm not looking forward to the fresh scar that will stand out like dogs balls. Right now my current scar blends in and is hardly visible, unless I'm sunburnt, then its pink.


I've never been able to live a normal life...


Anyone care to trade with me?? Please??

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WGMG - Being awake for 3 hrs, loosing all strength and energy and only wanting to sleep. And those 3 hrs where spend sitting at a PC :P I'd be farked if I had to go to work... if there was any work.

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WGMG is after replacing the whole rear brake system in my ke35 iut appears there is a gremlin hiding i nthe diff and I need to swap all my new brake gear onto another axle and then bleed everything again :P


While its apart this time the whole back end is getting polyurethane bushes though :cool:

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Trying to get rid of a hilux 4x4 that i bought on impulse when I was 15, paying way to much for it and it hasn't even moved since I've had it. Not even wreckers are interested in it because it's 'too old'. Might end up going down to scrap metal.

Oh and I'm lookin for a cheap runabout that will get me from Ato B for a couple of months while I do some work on my ke30. Went down to a local car yard where I know they have shitboxes around the back. Saw a ke70, rusted to hell and interior was shotty but mechanically sound. I thought 'yea this would do just fine' considering I only needed it for a couple of months. Then they said that they wanted $650 for it. WTF!! Whatever happened to being able to buy half decent runabout cars for under $500?


Edited by Jason KE30
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