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Everything posted by BUZ440

  1. BUZ440

    Jed's Ae82

    What kind of beer? Haha
  2. BUZ440

    Spotted Qld

    What no 720's reppin?
  3. 1100 new police, the academy has had an upgrade tho
  4. I have those demisters too, use to shut the car off when I turned them on, for rego of course, Looks good mate, winning
  5. BUZ440

    Spotted Qld

    KILRKE runs a 3RZ with the old 88mm turbo off OKE 020
  6. Has taken me 6 hours to fabricate and mount the engine and gear box into the Cortina, All on my own, costs are $300 in materials, and a 6 pack of beers, Getting better I must say, off to get the cage put in next week, fist pumps
  7. I was all for strongbow, then bulmers on tap, I don't mind the ease, then 5 seeds when I came back, Now rekorderlig has various flavors, strawberry and lime, WTH
  8. Cider is considered an alcopop, has ruined it for me now, haha
  9. WGMG - took me 6 hours to make the gearbox crossmember, stupid chassis rails go narrow towards the front, Dang British cars
  10. You don't need an excuse to cruise, I went everywhere and anywhere, just not to a track, no pubs there haha
  11. Did not see the thread till now guttered mate, BLOWME 4ORST, I know who has the 40 configure
  12. Haha, first thing I got told when I brought mine back was to see you, Triggered allot of memories from school etc haha
  13. Gee Dave I'm sure there are plenty of names for people like that, that would really GMG, I brought a house in Alice Springs, and was just me and my brother, so kept him in line, and momma was too far away haha WGMG - This heat, gives me a headache around 3pm, and ruins the rest of my day, and yes I have tried drinking, so no luck, bah
  14. Delivery..... haha Round the house hey.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ibaYHTPE0uY
  15. BUZ440

    Spotted Qld

    Looks to need alot of work, As much as those things hammer, the transfer case, like most Front AWD gives up Turn the engine around and make it RWD
  16. ok guys, although I'm a fan of CC dry, even on tap I found out at the Regatta, $7 a schooner Me and my techinical mind did some numbers, A carton of CC Dry stubbies about $75 a carton of 24 x 375 Bottles = 9l of the smooth brew, works out to be about $8.33 a litre This keggage of Dry, $55 for 5l = $11 a litre Still a good concept the keg, Id check Dan Murphys see if they have it for cheaper at least
  17. I cut the master off the 180SX firewall and intergrated it onto the Corolla, It does recesss into the firewall, as i used the same pedal box to ensure pedal travel, spacing and strength
  18. This car is a slut alright haha, Id chop it into a Ute and change the colour, so no one would recognise it again
  19. transfer everything from the 70 into this me says
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