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What Makes You Happy Thread

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WMMH - Random acts of kindness from strangers.


Stupid me forgot that my fuel light isn't working, ran outta juice. Pushing car to servo in heavy traffic, 30 something degrees, sweating a river, a guy jumps out of a car a few cars in front & just starts helping. Got car to servo, got fuel, saw the guy grabbing a slurpee so told the cashier that it was on me. Should've gotten myself one too :laff:

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WMMH: finally found a house to move into! Bond is going to kill my bank account though.


By the way does anyone on here work for centerlink or know anyone that works for centerlink? I really need help with something.

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WMMH: finally found a house to move into! Bond is going to kill my bank account though.


By the way does anyone on here work for centerlink or know anyone that works for centerlink? I really need help with something.


I don't work there, I do know a woman that works there but not well enough to ask. I've dealt with centrelink for an extended period of time though, I might be able to help. So. What you need?

Congrats on the house too

Edited by willis
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I don't work there, I do know a woman that works there but not well enough to ask. I've dealt with centrelink for an extended period of time though, I might be able to help. So. What you need?

Congrats on the house too

Thanks man.


The centrelink problem is quite complicated, I think you'd definitely have to work there to know the answer. Even the people I've spoken to at centrelink didn't really know how to go about it. Thanks anyway.

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