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What Grinds My Gears.

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Completely agree, don't rely on anyone but yourself/ close family.

ditto but even then with family members, eg one's outside of my household type of family member's

Id hate to be that p plater ahhah, serves him right though speeding in a tiny car park, if he hadnt of hit the car next to me he would have hit me right in the drivers side front door.....

That would have to be one of my pet hates of car parks. People that race through car parks, don't stop at the crossings etc etc. Adults, kids and cars in close quarters just doesn't mix. No-one knows what the other idiot is going to do and more so the helpless parent with the barely controlled little Johnny and barely controlled trolley.

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lol u didnt get angry and put your fist through the window did ya ? that hurts ya kno lol



wgmg, people who pull out in front of you at 100mph just so they can sit in front of you and drive at 20 friign k's under the limit

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wgmg is old houses with non tempered glass, i cut myself pretty bad, was gonna need 3 stitches but begged the dr for the glue insted. my left arm is currently out of action.



thats not worth doing, super glue and sticky tape woulda fixed that one

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ditto but even then with family members, eg one's outside of my household type of family member's


Yea definately, when i said close i meant family members i live with/ see frequently.


That would have to be one of my pet hates of car parks. People that race through car parks, don't stop at the crossings etc etc. Adults, kids and cars in close quarters just doesn't mix. No-one knows what the other idiot is going to do and more so the helpless parent with the barely controlled little Johnny and barely controlled trolley.


Exactly, people can be unpredictable, even if its an actual accident, its such a confined space anything can happen, its like entering a confined space for work, the actual confined space makes it dangerous, as well as the dangerous things inside it.


And yes i have an up to date confined spaces ticket.



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+1 for the crossings thing.

Where we regularly walk the dog there are 3 crossings that absolutely no-one stops for and it's not like they're easily missed:

1. They're at a X intersection on both sides, right at the give way signs.

2. They've got zig zag lines leading up to them on both sides

3. There are signs everywhere

4. It's well lit

5. It's a suburban housing area, where most of the driver's would be locals to that part of town


Yet no-one stops for you and my partner said he was about 5cm away from being skittled the other night. He stopped, saw the car giving way on the other side and decided that the car was going to stop got halfway out onto the crossing and the car decides to go. It's like that pinky ad.


I was telling Robert quite loudly what a dickhead this other driver was that also almost run us over on that same crossing and the driver and his passengers had the audacity to yell and scream abuse at us.

There may as well not be any crossings there at all.


Oh, and apparently traffic lights are way too hard for Orange residents. They've recently put up another set on our already congested main road and it caused absolute chaos.

Seriously, how hard is it? Red means stop, Green means go, Amber means get ready to stop. If there's no room on the other side of the intersection, don't queue across it and if traffic is queued and stopped the way you are going, you will run into their ass.

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Being sick and taking time off work when I really need the money. Plus having a public holiday on Monday will just be another day without pay. Bugger!



I love full time work :bash:


WGMG is other drivers full stop! why does it always seem like the days you want it to be a nice free flowing run to work there is always the maximum amount of dickheads who sit in the right lane on the freeway doing right on or just under the limit and think that they need to be there because of it (when trucks in the far left lane are freaking overtaking them!)

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when trucks are undertaking thats when shit gets dangerous,


my pet hate is people who envision themselves as safe drivers by driving under the speed limit and accelerate slowly even though they cause so many dangerous situations with merging and people trying to overtake on highways and stuff, and they always look like they don't even know where they are.

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I don't want to keep start this topic up again but I couldn't get on here yesterday.


Thank you Felix for apologising, its accepted and I understand how other things in life could've effected the way you approached me.


Thank you Orange LJ for being on side in every single little fight I seem to get in on here haha


I apologise for starting this whole thing, but I don't see how me saying my life was busy and it makes me angry could have been asking for sympathy and all that, but like I said, I'm sorry and I'll watch what I say in here from now on.



anyways WGMG is huge vans that drive about 60 in a 100 zone and don't pull over to let the ten cars banked behind them pass when the fog is so thick you can't even see headlights coming the other way till they're about 10 metres away. [so you can't overtake]

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anyways WGMG is huge vans that drive about 60 in a 100 zone and don't pull over to let the ten cars banked behind them pass when the fog is so thick you can't even see headlights coming the other way till they're about 10 metres away. [so you can't overtake]


Might that fog be the reason why the truck is going 60 instead of 100 in the first place? If you can't see oncoming cars until they are 10m away, even with headlights on, then there's no way in hell I'd be barrelling along at 100km/h, blissfully unaware of any road obstacles until it's way too late?



Or maybe you're just exaggerating, the truck is really doing 85 and visibility is 50m instead of 10.

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Might that fog be the reason why the truck is going 60 instead of 100 in the first place? If you can't see oncoming cars until they are 10m away, even with headlights on, then there's no way in hell I'd be barrelling along at 100km/h, blissfully unaware of any road obstacles until it's way too late?



Or maybe you're just exaggerating, the truck is really doing 85 and visibility is 50m instead of 10.


Come on guys play nice..... :bash:


WGMG: Radio Censorship - it has to be either all or nothing imo.


Why is it ok to have an ad about a film that describes things such as "going down" and "sucking" (and believe me it is about that) and it is not censored yet a song where the lyrics are "god damn" the word god is censored out.


I'd much rather explain "God Damn" to my kids rather than "what does going down mean daddy?" when young kids are in the car.


I don't even have kids yet but damn it grinds my gears :P

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