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WGMG: Uni, I'm over engineering already. Who on here is a civil engineer (or similar) and can fill me in on what it's like to be an engineer in comparison to what it's like to study to be an engineer, because studying to be an engineer sucks butt.

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WGMG: Uni, I'm over engineering already. Who on here is a civil engineer (or similar) and can fill me in on what it's like to be an engineer in comparison to what it's like to study to be an engineer, because studying to be an engineer sucks butt.


I'm a mech, we have a lot of crossover with the civils. I lived and studied with two Civils through uni. The person I alongside the most with at work is a Civil and he's also a good mate of mine, so I've seen both sides, study and work.


I will say, categorically, study in no way represents your day to day life as an engineer. Hands down.


It's a tough one; you need to study and learn the stuff you're learning now, but ironically, 80% of it you may never use again. Engineering is a massive, very diverse industry and uni completely fails to teach students that simple fact.

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If I could go back, I'd study the shit out of it.


But I'll stick to my welding course and one day Rian you can tell me what to do. Or probably tell someone that they need to tell someone else that the guy down there needs to tell that guy over there that he needs to weld that thing.


Then that guy will let me know that I need to weld it and I'll be on smoko, SO FCUK YOU RIAN! can't YOU WAIT 5 FCUKING MINUTES TILL IVE FINISHED MY NOODLES?

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To conclude my stripped foot peg bolt saga, I have a thread guy coming in the morning to repair it. $75 onsite repair, as opposed to $120 for the correct bit and diy kit at the bearing shop. Bit of a no brainer there.


As opposed to having that correct bit in the shed for next time you need it?

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If you had multiple threads of the same size and pitch it could prove to come in handy to buy one of your own.


Then again, If you only have 1 of that size and pitch it would make sense to just get the mobile bloke around.

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WGMG- SUPER wide screen movies.


I buy a 42" plasma tv, 1920x1080 res. all the blls and whistles.


all youtubes and downloaded vids are all in 1920x1080p or whatever, looks great.


yet you get these DVDs from the shop, and they don't show the top 15% of the screen or the bottom 15% of the screen.


is it too much to ask that a proper bought DVD utilises 100% of my 16x9 screen??!?!

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WGMG- SUPER wide screen movies.


I buy a 42" plasma tv, 1920x1080 res. all the blls and whistles.


all youtubes and downloaded vids are all in 1920x1080p or whatever, looks great.


yet you get these DVDs from the shop, and they don't show the top 15% of the screen or the bottom 15% of the screen.


is it too much to ask that a proper bought DVD utilises 100% of my 16x9 screen??!?!


Genuine cinema widescreen is often 2.39:1 (anamorphic widescreen) or 1.85:1, native widescreen TV format is 16:9 (1.77:1), so there will almost always be the black bars top and bottom. Online content and ripped videos are often cropped to 16:9 or 16:10 (a common PC widescreen monitor ratio). Most (if not all) DVD players will have the option to change the viewing aspect ratio to get rid of the letterboxing or convert to pan&scan if it annoys you that much...

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