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What Grinds My Gears.

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Because petrol is cheaper, more people are buying more of it? Classic "reduce-the-price-and-more-people-will-buy-it" business practice.



Its actually because unleaded is a byproduct at the moment, at least until the north comes out of winter. I'm not sure if this is currently the case but a few weeks ago the price of unleaded was BELOW the cost price of a barrel of oil. You can't make diesel, heating oil or fuel oil etc without making unleaded (among other products) as well. So because of the northern hemispheres demand for heating oil in a particularly cold winter the price of unleaded drops dramatically because of the need to dispose of it. This is also why the price of diesel has stayed high and people winge about it because they don't understand why the price of unleaded has dropped and diesel hasn't.

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Its actually because unleaded is a byproduct at the moment, at least until the north comes out of winter. I'm not sure if this is currently the case but a few weeks ago the price of unleaded was BELOW the cost price of a barrel of oil. You can't make diesel, heating oil or fuel oil etc without making unleaded (among other products) as well. So because of the northern hemispheres demand for heating oil in a particularly cold winter the price of unleaded drops dramatically because of the need to dispose of it. This is also why the price of diesel has stayed high and people winge about it because they don't understand why the price of unleaded has dropped and diesel hasn't.



Thats a intertesting thing to know

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How do you work that out, Petrol isnt something that you buy if you want to, Its a need, People buy it no matter the price.


But if the price is high, people drive less to try and save money. Driving long distances is less attractive with high fuel prices when you can catch the train for instance. But if petrol drops, it makes more financial sense to drive more often (ie people just revert to their old ways). Once you get above a certain price, petrol becomes prohibitively expensive (ie some people can't afford the increased price, so they don't buy it at all and find alternative means). Once the price drops below that prohibitive level, those customers return. So you lose money by dropping price, but make money by increasing patronage. In short, if you double the price of petrol, you won't double your profit, and if you halve the price, you won't halve your profit.


As an example, my g/f's mother would barely drive her car at all (Magna station wagon) when petrol was around $1.70. Now that it's under a dollar for half the week, she drives a lot more. Overall she might be spending the same amount of money on travel in general no matter what the petrol price, but if petrol is cheaper she'll spend a greater proportion on petrol as opposed to bus, train etc)

Edited by Hiro Protagonist
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But if the price is high, people drive less to try and save money. Driving long distances is less attractive with high fuel prices when you can catch the train for instance. But if petrol drops, it makes more financial sense to drive more often (ie people just revert to their old ways). Once you get above a certain price, petrol becomes prohibitively expensive (ie some people can't afford the increased price, so they don't buy it at all and find alternative means). Once the price drops below that prohibitive level, those customers return. So you lose money by dropping price, but make money by increasing patronage. In short, if you double the price of petrol, you won't double your profit, and if you halve the price, you won't halve your profit.


As an example, my g/f's mother would barely drive her car at all (Magna station wagon) when petrol was around $1.70. Now that it's under a dollar for half the week, she drives a lot more. Overall she might be spending the same amount of money on travel in general no matter what the petrol price, but if petrol is cheaper she'll spend a greater proportion on petrol as opposed to bus, train etc)


the people that do this make phuck all difference to the greater scheme of things, id love to see sales figures, but I'm sure theres very few people who stop driving because of high prices, its just not possible for so many people.

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Its actually because unleaded is a byproduct at the moment, at least until the north comes out of winter. I'm not sure if this is currently the case but a few weeks ago the price of unleaded was BELOW the cost price of a barrel of oil. You can't make diesel, heating oil or fuel oil etc without making unleaded (among other products) as well. So because of the northern hemispheres demand for heating oil in a particularly cold winter the price of unleaded drops dramatically because of the need to dispose of it. This is also why the price of diesel has stayed high and people winge about it because they don't understand why the price of unleaded has dropped and diesel hasn't.

And also about 90% or so is already sold under contract to the big corporations - like the mining companies. The rest is sold off to the public

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the people that do this make phuck all difference to the greater scheme of things, id love to see sales figures, but I'm sure theres very few people who stop driving because of high prices, its just not possible for so many people.


People would probably still drive to work and stuff if there was no public transport available, but most people I know wouldn't go out to dinner and stuff, especially on long trips, like camping or whatever, when the price of petrol's high.

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What I wanna know is Where does the fuel come from?? You know those emails that were circulating about boycotting BP?? Well here is Brisbane we have one or two refineries?? We definitely have a Caltex and we might have a BP (or is that now Caltex??). And when you think about all the little independent servos, Shell's, Mobil's, Matilda's, 7-11's etc get their fuel from one of those two. (I strongly doubt their fuel gets trucked from elsewhere)


So when people were boycotting BP and going to 7-11, BP was still getting the money as most 7-11's use to be BP.


I hope I'm making sense at this late hour.

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what grinds my gears today...


1. I got up at 7.30am (early for me) dropped the other car into the crash repairers in town at 8.30am, went to some suppliers (for work), organised new tyres for hubby's car, then dropped him home and got to work at 9.45am worked from 10am to 7.30pm (flat out, we were really busy) then had a birthday dinner to go to then back to work from 11.00pm to 3.00am cause we're so busy....


2. I had some friends over the other week and SOMEONE spilt SOMETHING on my keyboard, which I've had for a couple of years, I bought it for about $300 its a cordless desktop media with lots of cool buttons (a few which I still don't know what they're for!) but my space bar is sticking!!!! I REALLY like my keyboard and my husband wont take it apart and fix it, he wants me to get a new one AND I don't WANT TO!!!!


3. I STILL don't have my car back, so I keep looking at the calendar (which is awesome by the way!) and I feel sad (cause I don't have my car), and then lame (cause I'm looking at the pictures in the calendar).


4. I'm tired but I can't go to sleep!


that's all ... for now....


nope there's a number 5. hubby drank ALL MY DRINKS and didn't tell me and I'm thirsty, and there's nothing to drink and it's 3.30am and nothings open, but even if they were I don't want to go out...


shit I get whiney when I'm tired

Edited by SoulSearcher
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