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What Grinds My Gears.

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I love a girl that gets straight to the point.


wait, we talking bout the same thing?


WHAM! Priceles :thumbsup:


Another thing that grinds my gears are people who are too tight arsed to purchase their own tools/equipment. There are people who I have no probs lending stuff to as it has been looked after & returned promptly in the past. Then there are the others who just can't be stuffed forking out the cash (you think stuff's expensive for you? Try being on an apprentices wage!!!) for things THEY NEED for THEIR project, see that you've got what they want & EXPECT (not ask politely) you to go lending it out or worse, that you'll do the work FOR them.


Sorry to sound like a selfish prick but I"ve got my own stuff to do. Pick a building site, any construction site, go up to the builder & ask to borrow his jackhammer for a coupla days...that'll be a similar response to mine :finger:


Two cases in point: I just get my brand spankin new oxygen/acetylene welding kit, have had it barely two days, not used it & I have a mate ask if his brother who's a boilermaker could borrow it.... If your brother's a boilermaker WTF does he not have his own gear?


Second one: Mate texts me at 1pm one Saturday & asks if he could borrow the mower as he wants to do the lawns that day. I'm not home at this point but I say sure just swing by, I'll meet you there & you can grab it no probs. Turned out that he didnt just want to borrow it, he wanted me to deliver it to him (pretty much ASAP), with the jerry can and the whipper snipper. This I did because he's a mate & has kids so things arent always as easy as they are for a SINK (Single Income No Kids) like me. Not only did I have to go & pick the mower back up (want me to mow them for you?!?!) I discovered that not only was the mower tank & jerry can devoid of any petrol, the fuel cap had not been screwed on properly & had threaded itself, the whipper snipper had zero cutting line left & the mower had 2 broken blades. *PISSED OFF* Guess who's getting told its not running properly next time? :P


While I'm on a rant I may as well throw this in as it's still annoying me: people who don't actually drive a car at all yet go on & on about certain model/manufacturer being the best & blah blah blah. How would they know? They've never owned one, they've never driven one, all they are doing is regurgitating what someone else has told them or someone elses OPINION that they've read somewhere. Having driven the cars they speak of in computer games is great & all, but really counts for squat. Simulators are handy but nothing beats REAL WORLD experience.


Think I'm good for now :)

Edited by carbonboy
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Retarded c**ts on brisbane trains.


I went into the city today for a skate around,perv and just somthing to do. Headed home during peak hours the train was packed,


Men were sitting down as women and elderly citizens were standing right beisde them trying to balance with the train.

standing myself i waited five minutes to see if any of them would stand up and offer their seat to others standing .... but no


What the f@$k happened to Chivalry? people just don't give a f@$k anymore i guess.

I asked a bloke if he wouldnt mind standing so a elderly lady could take his seat. he just looked at me. As if to say "wtf?"


You dirty f@$king c**t. I asked again then he reluctanly moved and stood up.


alos a charlie cheen look alike on the train was leaning and hitting on a school girl... that shit aint right...


end rant

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Retarded c**ts on brisbane trains.


I went into the city today for a skate around,perv and just somthing to do. Headed home during peak hours the train was packed,


Men were sitting down as women and elderly citizens were standing right beisde them trying to balance with the train.

standing myself i waited five minutes to see if any of them would stand up and offer their seat to others standing .... but no


What the f@$k happened to Chivalry? people just don't give a f@$k anymore i guess.

I asked a bloke if he wouldnt mind standing so a elderly lady could take his seat. he just looked at me. As if to say "wtf?"


You dirty f@$king c**t. I asked again then he reluctanly moved and stood up.


alos a charlie cheen look alike on the train was leaning and hitting on a school girl... that shit aint right...


end rant

Don't even start me on chivalry and/or respect. This place is full of the most stuck up, self loathing, inconsiderate bastards on the planet.

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I asked again then he reluctanly moved and stood up. alos a charlie cheen look alike on the train was leaning and hitting on a school girl... that shit aint right... end rant


no that shit aint right. hot school girls should just give it up to older blokes, we shouldn't have to go through the effort of putting the moves on 'em.


wankers, drove past a group of teenagers on scooters today and one of them gave me the finger. i had the shits pretty back so i locked up the breaks hoped out and went off my head.and they took off. haha good fun


you know what, the funny bit is they got exactly what they wanted out of you.

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wgmg - OPTUS!


i broke my phone etc etc had to be sent off for repairs. i asked for a loan for the time being. shes implied theres a $100 deposit, i didn't mind. then she brang me out a $30 samsung POS phone???? i kinda asked is theres another phone with Internet OR face book? she had a look and said this is all we got.


WTF! they wanted a $100 deposit for a $30 phone? when i told her that she became a smart ass and said "why don't you just buy one then?" so i got my paper work and her what a f@$king joke and walked off.



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wgmg - OPTUS!


i broke my phone etc etc had to be sent off for repairs. i asked for a loan for the time being. shes implied theres a $100 deposit, i didn't mind. then she brang me out a $30 samsung POS phone???? i kinda asked is theres another phone with Internet OR face book? she had a look and said this is all we got.


WTF! they wanted a $100 deposit for a $30 phone? when i told her that she became a smart ass and said "why don't you just buy one then?" so i got my paper work and her what a f@$king joke and walked off.




I just got iinet, took them a month to post the modem, speed was slow when i got it, had to sort that over the phone.

Got billed 465 bucks as I was charged for my free modem.

Asked for the first payment to be deferred till invoice sorted, they said Yes.

Took the money out even though it wasnt there.

Then charged me a 15 dollar dis-honor fee.


Sooooo modem a month late, charged for shit I get free, 6 calls in 6 days to help centre.

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