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What Grinds My Gears.

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So should we point out to the Americans that their best buddy of late through the Gulf War/Afghanistan etc was England, aka their mortal enemy in the War of Independence? The people who burned down the White House in the War of 1812? The people who persecuted the Pilgrims so much that they up and moved half-way around the world, and gave rise of one of America's most cherished national holidays (Thanksgiving)?



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It would be most amusing to watch the teeny tiny brains of people like this exploding when you ask them why they continue to post on Facebook from their Japanese built phones/computers.


Then send them on the hunt for a 'Muurican built phone/computer :lolcry:


Good call. :lolcry:

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WGMG - RUST!!! (and yes I know it has probably been posted before but there it is....what you going to do......unless your a moderator who can change anyone's posts but bah to that)










Elephants may be blue chairs, but can they sing?


Yep still works, still have the ability.... :D

Edited by Redwarf
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I know its not the majority of Americans who think like this, but the vocal minority always manage to drown them out.


Its still very disappointing that people like that even exist though, regardless of where they live.

True that, so very true.

Read an article on yahoo(au) the other day about the earthquake, tsunami etc and the same thing was coming from some of the aussies as well - Let's not forget the war crimes they committed, they never said sorry for world war 2 and blah blah blah.

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can't find your pics. doesnt say wher the f#%k you are. i got set 5 ma61 wheels with 185/60 14s in adelaide. cleanest set you will ever see. what you mean your wheels arent straigjt? surely your not flogging a grand for gutter f%cked rims? 0421428960 send pics.

ps the only ma61 15s are the wak soarer ones


This kind of reply to a for sale thread that said I wanted local swaps and 1000 was just for mods basicly.

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Forgot that one. I was thinking of having a minor bitch about it in the forum support section. There's one other thing that would ok if its updated for the mobile site but every time i'm on the forum i forget what it is and every time i'm on the mobile i forget about posting it. Like now, i'm buggered if i can remember what it is.

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