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What Grinds My Gears.

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Yeah I know, He now needs to understand that Ill never bother get him and his ungrateful ass any more work. He's just sabotaged me to the tune of well over $60. Selfish prick. Plus the guy who was employing him has decided not to get him back off the back of this shit. The funny thing is he will get paid his full amount and not have an issue, but now he's gone and made his ungrateful bed so have fun laying in it.


He can just go back to struggle street then and starve.

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On a simliar note, I'm starting to get a bit sick of my house mate....


There is just one word to descibe this bloke.....LAZY. 100% LAZY.


too lazy to make food, eats junk food. then proceeds to leave junk food packages everywhere in the house.


Too lazy to get out of bed to do ANYTHING, i arranged to go grab a bite to eat with him last night for dinner, i get home from work and he's in bed, he is too lazy to get out of bed to go get dinner so i just went myself, he eventually dragged his ass out of bed at 10pm to go buy some garbage from maccas like he does every night.


not to mention he has lost his TV remote, but he is too lazy to find it, he keeps stealing mine! (same TV).


though i brought hte TV remote with me to work today, so he can't steal it.


AND he sits in the lounge room and watches big brother all night ON MY TV. damn i hate big brother.


only 3 more weeks and he is out....

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Gee Dave I'm sure there are plenty of names for people like that, that would really GMG,


I brought a house in Alice Springs, and was just me and my brother, so kept him in line, and momma was too far away haha


WGMG - This heat, gives me a headache around 3pm, and ruins the rest of my day, and yes I have tried drinking, so no luck, bah

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